★ Strong knowledge in microprocessor and microcontroller programming.
★ In-depth understanding in relating assembly language, C language, compilers with microprocessor and microcontroller architectures.
★ Working towards becoming an expert in the area of firmware development ,Linux kernel and device drivers.
✔ Killer instinct to make things work
✔ Excellent troubleshooter
✔ Guaranteed zero training cost to company
✔ Transfers knowledge and skills to others
Microcontrollers & Dev. boards
⇒PIC12F683 , PIC16F877A
⇒ ATmega328P (Arduino Uno) , SAM3X8E (Arduino Due)
⇒MSP430G2553,MSP430F5529 Launchpad
⇒Raspberry Pi's ARM1176JZF-S ( BCM2835 SoC )
⇒ARM Cortex M0 ,M3 ,M...