The document discusses the causes, symptoms, prevention, medication, and non-medicinal treatment of seasickness. Causes include mixed signals from the inner ear and other motion sensors, which can be worsened by odors, alcohol, fatty or spicy foods, and overheating. Symptoms range from drowsiness and nausea to vomiting and pale, clammy skin. Prevention focuses on avoiding triggers like alcohol, greasy foods, and excessive time below deck, while medication includes antihistamines and scopolamine patches that may cause side effects like drowsiness. Non-medicinal treatments involve staying hydrated, eating crackers, focusing on the horizon, and lying still if incapacitated.
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Seasickness causes
1. Seasickness Causes
Mixed messages
Inner ear
Other motion sensors
Worsened by
Fatty foods
Spicy foods
3. Seasickness Prevention
Avoid alcohol and coffee
Avoid greasy food
Get plenty of rest
Avoid excessive time below
Avoid discussions and thoughts of mal
de mer
4. Seasickness Medication
Meclizine (Bonine)
Dimenhydrinate (Gravol)
Transderm-Scopolamine Patch
Cinnarizine (Sturgeron) not available in Canada
Side effects
Drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision
Idiosyncratic varies from person to person
Take it before
Trip (side effects)
5. Seasickness Non-medicinal
Ginger ale (rehydrate)
Dry crackers
Focus on horizon
If incapacitated
Lie on centre line of cabin sole
Close eyes