This newsletter provides information about upcoming events for the families of soldiers in the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade at Fort Drum, including a family fun run, trick-or-treating in the brigade headquarters, an FRG meeting with free childcare, a Thanksgiving lunch, a holiday celebration, and a special event in February. It also includes information about the brigade's Facebook page, winter driving tips, the severe weather call process, the ACS calendar and tour, and how to provide feedback through the ICE system. Contact information is provided for brigade leadership and family readiness group leaders.
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October 5th FRSA FLASH
1. HHC, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade
10th Combat Aviation Brigade Facebook Page
Friday, October 5, 2012
Inside this issue:
Winter Driving & Snow 3
Thrower Course Dates
Severe Weather Call 3
Process 10th Combat Aviation Brigade
BOSS Events 4&5 3,492 likes 揃 Help us hit our goal of 10,000 LIKES!
ACS Calendar 6
Event Flyers 7/11
2. Page 2 Newsletter Title
RENEGADE FRG Events to watch for!
October -
Friday, 19 Oct - Renegade Family Fun Run
More info on the Family Fun Run to come out soon - Who wants to run with
CPT Samantha Jones again?
Wednesday, 31 Oct - Office Trick or Treat
Lets get ready to Trick or Treat! On Wednesday, 31 October at 10:00
AM bring the little people dressed up for a practice run at Trick or
Treating All the offices in the Brigade HQ building and in the HHC
HQ building will be stocked with candy and goodies for all the little Renegade Family
Members! This is a chance for those little ones to fill their bags!!
Thursday, 08 Nov - Renegade FRG Meeting
FREE Child Care is available at the Memorial CDC for our FRG Meeting on the
8th at 6:00 PM in the BDE Classroom. If youre interested in Child Care call Jackie
Sharpe, BDE FRSA 315-774-1104.
Friday, 16 Nov - Renegade Thanksgiving Lunch
FRG Thanksgiving Lunch in the BDE Classroom - more to follow!
Saturday, 08 Dec - Renegade Holiday Celebration
Look for information on our Renegade Holiday Celebration at the Hillside Lodge on
Saturday, December 8th complete with Hot Chocolate and goodies to eat! Well be col-
lecting unwrapped toy donations for the Mountain of Toys drive . And there just
may be a visit from the jolly man himself!!
** And be on the lookout for a
very special event in February!
6. Page 6 FRSA FLASH
Did you know ACS schedules a tour of the area every Tuesday morning?
It is open to all soldiers and dependants! Call (315) 772-6556 to schedule
your spot.
Think ACS First!
Want to know more about Army life or FRGs?
Call ACS to re-serve a seat.
7. Tell Fort Drum how they are doing!
Let your voice be heard through
ICE Comments!
ICE is Interactive Customer Evaluation
This is where you can provide all types of feedback on vari-
ous services offered throughout Fort Drum.
Visit Enter Drum in the search box
Event Flyers!
12. Contact I nformation for the
CPT Jones
SFC Grady
Kelly Wright BDE FRSA Jackie Sharpe
O/315-774-1104 or C/315-778-6107
Thank you to all the Volun
th at have stepped up
Contents of this newsletter are compiled from multiple Military Family news sources. Material presented does
not represent the views or endorsement of the 10th CAB or the Army. This material is for personal use of the
readers. All readers are encouraged to do further research for all applicable restrictions and guidelines.