The document appears to be an English worksheet from the Hernando Velez Marulanda School. It contains various math, English, and scheduling exercises for a student to complete including: matching numbers to words, writing numbers as words, basic math problems, identifying fractions, matching shapes to their names, answering questions about class schedules and holidays, telling time using a non-digital method, matching pictures to occupations, and solving a crossword puzzle about occupations.
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1. HERNANDO VELEZ MARULANDA SCHOOL<br />ENGLISH WORKSHOP<br />NAME: ________________________________________ COURSE: ________<br />MATCH THE NUMBERS:<br />2.519.874<br />476<br />10.548<br />3.129<br />640<br />3.975<br />1.048.766<br />1.075<br />854<br />864.320<br />__One million forty eight thousand seven hundred sixty six.<br />__ Four hundred seventy six.<br />__ One thousand seventy eight.<br />__ Six hundred forty.<br />__ Eight hundred sixty four thousand three hundred twenty.<br />__ Ten thousand five hundred forty eight.<br />__ Two millions five hundred nineteen thousand eight hundred seventy four.<br />__ Eight hundred fifty four.<br />__ Three thousand one hundred twenty nine.<br />__ Three thousand nine hundred seventy five<br />WRITE THESE NUMBERS IN ENGLISH:<br />45: _______________________________________<br />61: _______________________________________<br />83: _______________________________________<br />174: ______________________________________<br />719: ______________________________________<br />920: ______________________________________<br />9643: _____________________________________<br />7510:______________________________________<br />739174: ____________________________________<br />520749: ____________________________________<br />PRACTICE MATHEMATICS<br />THREE PLUS TEN IS: _______________<br />FIVE TIMES SIX EQUALS: _____________<br />TWENTY FOUR DIVIDE BY TWELVE IS: ____________<br />ONE HUNDRED MINUS SEVENTY SIX EQUALS : _________________<br />THREE THOUSAND TIMES FOUR IS : ______________________________<br />SIXTY NINE PLUS FOURTEEN IS :____________________________<br />FORTY DIVIDED BY TEN EQUALS : __________________________<br />EIGTHY TWO MINUS THIRTY FIVE IS: _______________________<br />FIFTY TIMES FIVE IS: ___________________________________<br />SEVENTY TWO DIVIDED BY EIGHT EQUALS : _______________________ <br /> WRITE THE FRACTIONS: <br /> 4/6 <br />__________ ___________ ___________<br />__________ ____________ ___________<br />MATCH THE GEOMETRIC SHAPE WITH ITS NAME IN ENGLISH<br /> CYLENDER RECTANGLE SQUARE CONE CUBE CIRCLE PYRAMID TRIANGLE <br />ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR SCHEDULE AND THE CALENDAR<br />When do you have English class? ____________________<br />When do you have Science class? ____________________<br />When do you have P.E class? _______________________<br />When do you have Socials class? _____________________<br />When do you have Spanish class? ____________________<br />When do you have Computer class? ___________________<br />When do you have Ethics class? ______________________<br />When do you have Math class? _______________________<br />When is the Mother’s Day?___________________________<br />When is the Father’s Day? ____________________________<br />When is Christmas? _________________________________<br />What month is it? ___________________________________<br />What is the seventh month? ___________________________<br />What is the first month? ______________________________<br />What is the fourth month? ____________________________<br />When is your birthday? _______________________________<br />When is the school’s birthday? _________________________<br />WHAT’S THE TIME? (Do not use the easiest way)<br />MATCH THE PICTURES WITH ITS NAME IN ENGLISH<br />DELIVERMAN<br />FIREFIGHTER<br />BAKER<br />CONSTRUCTION WORKER<br />BRICKLAYER<br />CASHIER<br />FOREMAN<br />COMPUTER PROGRAMMER<br />CUSTODIAN<br />FARMER<br />ELECTRICIAN<br />DATA PROCESSOR<br />BOOKKEEPER<br />ARCHITECT<br />HOUSEKEEPER<br />ASSAMBLER<br />HAIRDRESSER<br />BUS DRIVER<br />BUTHCER<br />GARDENER<br />CHEF<br />MESSENGER<br />CARPENTER<br />BARBER<br />FISHERMAN<br />ACCOUNTANT<br />ACTOR<br />ACTRESS<br />ARTIST<br />SOLVE THIS CROSSWORD PUZZLE ABOUT OCCUPATIONSII<br />Across<br />1.Speaks different languages to make people understand each other.<br />6.Seams dresses<br />7.Takes photos<br />9.Flies an airplane<br />11.Models in a show fashion.<br />14.Works in a laboratory.<br />16.Drives a truck.<br />17.Works in a courthouse.<br />18.Drives a taxi.<br />Down<br />2.Reports news on TV.<br />3.Serves food in a restaurant.<br />4.Answers the phone in an office.<br />5.Repairs things at home.<br />8.Catches thieves.<br />9.Repairs the pipe.<br />10.Teaches to students in a classroom.<br />12.Works in an office.<br />13.Heal the animals.<br />14.Sells in a store.<br />15.Sells you a plan for your vacation.<br />CIRCLE THE CORRECT WORD<br />PLUMER<br />NEWCASTER<br />POLICE OFICER<br />REAL STATE AGENT<br />SEAMSTRES<br />STOC CLERK<br />TAYLOR<br />TRUCK DRIVER<br />FOTOGRAPHER<br />RECEPTIONIST<br />PUMBER<br />NEWSCASTLE<br />POLICE OFFICER<br />REAL STATE AGEN<br />SEAMSTRESS<br />STOCK CLER<br />TAILOR<br />TRUC DRIVER<br />PHOTOGRAFER<br />RECEPCIONIST<br />PLUMBER<br />NEWSCASTER<br />POLICE OFICE<br />REAL AGENT<br />SEMSTRESS<br />STOCK CLERK<br />TAILORE<br />TRUK DRIVER<br />PHOTOGRAPHER<br />RECEPTIONIS<br />