Fuels are materials that store potential energy, originally only those that release energy through combustion but now also nuclear. The document provides 7 tips to save fuel like carpooling and using public transport. It also lists 5 driving tips to save fuel like driving smoothly and using overdrive. While believing fuel costs will remain high, it suggests getting efficient cars, biking, or working from home but also driving economically. It acknowledges some cars' engines are inefficient regardless of driving style.
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Be fuelish or be smart
1. Made by- Asmi Manhas, Jasleen Kaur,
Jasleen Kaur Palne and Simar Aulakh
4. Fuels are any materials that store potential
energy in forms that can be practicably released
and used for work or as heat energy. The
concept originally applied solely to those
materials storing energy in the form
of chemical energy that could be released
through combustion, but the concept has since
been also applied to other sources of heat
energy such as nuclear energy.
7. 1. Visit a petrol pump only if
your car has little or no fuel.
2. Turn off your car in slow
traffic and at traffic signals.
3. Minimize the use of brakes.
4. Encourage car-pooling.
5. Use electric-powered car.
6. Use public transport systems.
7. Spread awareness.
1. Drive at the speed limit.
2. Accelerate slowly.
3. Drive smoothly and stick to one
4. Use overdrive and cruise
on the highway.
5. Use gears wisely
We believe the days of
cheap fuel are over. We
could all get economical
cars, ride bicycles to work
or even just work from home
to reduce the fuel expense.
But if necessary we would be
driving in such a way as to save
9. However, what if your
car’s engine is just not
efficient and
regardless on your
driving style, there is
no way of improving
your fuel consumption