This presentation will help you develop and define a successful strategy when it comes to a job search. The presentation is designed for a more mature job seeker that is transitioning in their career, and is made available by the Jobing Foundation.
How to Build and Market to Your Email List- Kerwin McKenzie & Corey TaratutaTBEX
This document provides guidance on how to build and market to an email list. It discusses what email marketing is, how an email list can support various online endeavors, and key steps for getting started with email marketing such as determining goals, choosing an email service, designing opt-in forms and emails, and evaluating campaign performance based on metrics like opens, clicks, and unsubscribes. The overall process is broken down into actionable steps over multiple pages.
Using technology to aid global collaboration
Jacky King & Zsuzsanna Ujhelyi
Learning & Development at VSO International
VSOs mission is to bring people together to fight poverty: but bringing people together within VSO is a challenge. The organisation is dispersed across 22 countries, mainly in Africa and Asia; diverse in their professional and cultural backgrounds and their client bases; and strangers in that they must build strong, trusting relationships with colleagues we may never meet face-to face. To meet these challenges, Jacky and Zsuzsanna set themselves three goals in late 2013: to provide the necessary technology for everyone to do their jobs well; to experiment with using this technology innovatively; and to access and share information about programmes effectively.
This presentation will take you through some of the ways they achieved these goals in 2014.
The document discusses various digital marketing channels and how consumers perceive and value communication through those channels. It covers email marketing and how consumer behavior and preferences have changed with increased options for managing emails. It also discusses social media channels like Facebook and how marketers have moved to those platforms, as well as how consumers want brands to engage with them on social media. The document examines different channels through the framework of the "value equation" from the consumer perspective, considering factors like content, immediacy, accessibility, privacy, formality and initiation. It provides examples of how Scotts and Miracle-Gro have approached various digital channels in their marketing strategies.
SeHF 2013 | Umsetzungsm旦glichkeiten mit Hilfe von technischen und organisator...Swiss eHealth Forum
Swiss eHealth Forum | 7. M辰rz 2013 | Referat Dr. Sang-Il Kim
Die Pr辰sentation behandelt die wichtigsten Punkte des Leitfadens 束Aufbau einer Gemeinschaft損. Es zeigt auf welche Kernelemente der Empfehlungen I-IV des Koordinationsorgans 束eHealth Suisse損 zu ber端cksichtigen sind bei einer strategiekonformen Umsetzung einer Gemeinschaft von Behandelnden, die am elektronischen Patientendossier-System Schweiz teilnehmen wollen. Wichtige Anwendungsf辰lle und Migrationsszenarien f端r das elektronische Patientendossier werden ebenso beleuchtet.
Nehmen Sie sich eine Auszeit vom Alltagsstress, ob beim Nordic Walking, beim Radfahren,
beim Golfen oder Wandern. Verw旦hnen Sie sich im Feldhof mit erholsamen
Saunag辰ngen, Schwimmrunden, Massageeinheiten, Wellness- und Beautybehandlungen.
Replicating PostgreSQL Databases Using Slony-Ielliando dias
This document discusses Slony-I replication for asynchronous PostgreSQL databases. It provides an overview of Slony-I, how it was ported to Windows, its flexible topology, object types replicated, and the porting team. It also discusses using pgAdmin for graphical management of Slony-I clusters, including installation, configuration of paths and listens, viewing cluster status, managing replication sets and subscriptions, replicating DDL scripts, and performing switchovers and failovers.
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis de la novela "Diario de un Osti坦n". En primer lugar, resume la secuencia narrativa, incluyendo el planteamiento, personajes principales como Isabel, y el nudo de la trama. Luego describe elementos como el ambiente, el tiempo de la historia, y el tipo de narrador. Finalmente, incluye un comentario personal sobre la novela y una breve biograf鱈a del autor.
Become a Kleeneze Distributor
Become a Kleeneze Distributor Simple home based business Earn 贈50 to 贈200 per week plus potential for higher incomes Flexible hours spend more time with your family change your lifestyle get.. - Price: 贈50 to 贈200 per week
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strain ATCC 13367 is one of 43 microbial strains listed on Canada's Domestic Substances List that requires a screening-level risk assessment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The screening-level risk assessment involves integrating potential exposure from the strain's intended and potential uses with potential adverse environmental and human health effects. The poster outlines the initial screening-level risk assessment of Bt strain ATCC 13367 from an environmental perspective. Data collection on the strain is ongoing as further studies are being conducted to better understand potential long-term effects from current and potential uses.
AIESEC Indonesia |1314| Talent Management December AnalysisChristina Kelman
The document provides an analysis of talent management across AIESEC Indonesia local committees in the second quarter. Key highlights include:
- The individual capacity of GIP is generally higher than GCDP.
- GCDP performance is inconsistent, even among stronger LCs.
- Finance/Governance, Talent Management, and OD/Expansion produce the highest percentages of "Stars" and talent pool members, likely due to lower member numbers.
- UA shows low development and performance across most functions, with only 3% Stars. Immediate action is needed to boost training and identify members' needs.
- UNDIP also has very low development and performance in many areas, especially iGCD
This document summarizes the current state of the global design profession. It outlines some of the top design companies internationally and discusses their approaches, philosophies, job opportunities, qualifications required, market sectors served, and services offered. It also examines where else design can be found, looking at government and institutional roles in design in regions like the Americas, Europe, and Africa. The document takes a high-level qualitative look at trends in the profession through interviews and research.
The document provides information about the Asian Financial Forum (AFF), which brings together influential figures from global finance and business communities to discuss developments in Asian markets. It will be held on January 18-19, 2016 in Hong Kong. The AFF features discussions on topics related to finance and business, and allows participants to network and explore opportunities. It is considered an important platform for encouraging regional economic development.
The document is an invitation to a Sony Music workshop on August 9th, 2011 from 2:00PM to 6:00PM at their East Sydney office to present their final quarter product lineup and discuss Christmas opportunities, with dinner following, and RSVPs are requested to be sent to the provided email address by a certain date.
Nehmen Sie sich eine Auszeit vom Alltagsstress, ob beim Nordic Walking, beim Radfahren,
beim Golfen oder Wandern. Verw旦hnen Sie sich im Feldhof mit erholsamen
Saunag辰ngen, Schwimmrunden, Massageeinheiten, Wellness- und Beautybehandlungen.
Replicating PostgreSQL Databases Using Slony-Ielliando dias
This document discusses Slony-I replication for asynchronous PostgreSQL databases. It provides an overview of Slony-I, how it was ported to Windows, its flexible topology, object types replicated, and the porting team. It also discusses using pgAdmin for graphical management of Slony-I clusters, including installation, configuration of paths and listens, viewing cluster status, managing replication sets and subscriptions, replicating DDL scripts, and performing switchovers and failovers.
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis de la novela "Diario de un Osti坦n". En primer lugar, resume la secuencia narrativa, incluyendo el planteamiento, personajes principales como Isabel, y el nudo de la trama. Luego describe elementos como el ambiente, el tiempo de la historia, y el tipo de narrador. Finalmente, incluye un comentario personal sobre la novela y una breve biograf鱈a del autor.
Become a Kleeneze Distributor
Become a Kleeneze Distributor Simple home based business Earn 贈50 to 贈200 per week plus potential for higher incomes Flexible hours spend more time with your family change your lifestyle get.. - Price: 贈50 to 贈200 per week
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strain ATCC 13367 is one of 43 microbial strains listed on Canada's Domestic Substances List that requires a screening-level risk assessment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The screening-level risk assessment involves integrating potential exposure from the strain's intended and potential uses with potential adverse environmental and human health effects. The poster outlines the initial screening-level risk assessment of Bt strain ATCC 13367 from an environmental perspective. Data collection on the strain is ongoing as further studies are being conducted to better understand potential long-term effects from current and potential uses.
AIESEC Indonesia |1314| Talent Management December AnalysisChristina Kelman
The document provides an analysis of talent management across AIESEC Indonesia local committees in the second quarter. Key highlights include:
- The individual capacity of GIP is generally higher than GCDP.
- GCDP performance is inconsistent, even among stronger LCs.
- Finance/Governance, Talent Management, and OD/Expansion produce the highest percentages of "Stars" and talent pool members, likely due to lower member numbers.
- UA shows low development and performance across most functions, with only 3% Stars. Immediate action is needed to boost training and identify members' needs.
- UNDIP also has very low development and performance in many areas, especially iGCD
This document summarizes the current state of the global design profession. It outlines some of the top design companies internationally and discusses their approaches, philosophies, job opportunities, qualifications required, market sectors served, and services offered. It also examines where else design can be found, looking at government and institutional roles in design in regions like the Americas, Europe, and Africa. The document takes a high-level qualitative look at trends in the profession through interviews and research.
The document provides information about the Asian Financial Forum (AFF), which brings together influential figures from global finance and business communities to discuss developments in Asian markets. It will be held on January 18-19, 2016 in Hong Kong. The AFF features discussions on topics related to finance and business, and allows participants to network and explore opportunities. It is considered an important platform for encouraging regional economic development.
The document is an invitation to a Sony Music workshop on August 9th, 2011 from 2:00PM to 6:00PM at their East Sydney office to present their final quarter product lineup and discuss Christmas opportunities, with dinner following, and RSVPs are requested to be sent to the provided email address by a certain date.