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Q Which management guru with a background in medicine wrote a book called 
the "Mechanism of Mind"? 
A Edward De Bono 
Q Top Gear, launched recently by Worldwide Media Ltd., is a joint venture 
between Bennett Coleman & Co Ltd. and which organization / company? 
A BBC Worldwide (Since its inception in 1993, Top Gear is one of UK's leading 
auto magazines) 
Q Which famous publication devised the Big Mac Index? 
A The Economist 
Q Retail giant Wal-Mart is known for its worldwide strategy of EDLP. Expand 
A Every Day Lower Prices 
Q Which management guru became known for his pioneering research on 
national and organisational cultures? 
A Gert Hofstede 
Q Which clothing brand was the first to introduce the concept of fashion store by 
day and bar by night in India? 
A Provogue 
Q Which Indian company has a customer relationship programme called Passport 
A Hero Honda 
Q Which company employees hundreds of thousands of American teenagers to 
popularise a new launch?
A P&G 
Q Which company organises a Challenge Bibendum car show? 
A Michelin 
Q Project Tejasvani is an initiative by which company to empower its women 
A Tata Steel 
Q Which tech (net) company organises a Codejam Competiton to find the best 
programming talent? 
A Google 
Q Which billionaire is associated with the Open Society Institute which donates 
large sums to various organisations the world? 
A George Soros 
Q Which new advertising methodology was used by Sony to promote its show 
Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahin at Mumbai in November 2003? 
A 'Flash mob' where a few dozen people converged at Apna Bazar and chanted 
Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahin. 
Q In 2003, which brand had created an advertisement character called Terry Tate? 
A Reebok 
Q As the net gathered momentum, Jack Welch asserted that there should be a new 
G.E. way. He named it dyb.com. What does it stand for? 
A destroy your business i.e. blow the damn thing up before the competition 
Q Nuts  Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success (by Keven and 
Jackie Freiberg) is about which company ? 
A Southwest Airlines 
1. What psychological methodology does NLP 
stand for? Neuro-Linguistic Programming 
2. David McLelland's motivational theory 
identified three principal motivational needs 
which he said each of us possesses to varying 
degrees, and which characterise our 
motivational behaviour; what are these three 
motivational needs? Achievement (n-ach), the 
need to achieve things; Authority/Power (n-pow), 
the need to have impact, influence and 
authority; and Affiliation (n-affil), the need for 
relationships, interaction and acceptance 
among other people (or words to similar effect 
as these definitions) 
3. Which organisation produces the UK's 
ABC1C2 (etc) Social Grade Classifications 
Statistics? NRS Ltd (National Readership 
4. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand 
for? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action 
5. Who developed the 'Equity Theory' of job 
motivation in the 1960's? J Stacey Adams 
6. What does the financial abbreviation P&L 
stand for? Profit and Loss (fully, Profit and 
Loss Account) 
7. Who developed the ten stages of corporate life 
cycle, starting with Courtship and Infancy and 
ending in Bureaucracy and Death? Dr Ichak 
8. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two aspects 
of business development from the 'new' and 
'existing' perspectives? Products and Markets 
9. In selling and communications, what do 'open 
questions' generally achieve? Open questions 
gather information, improve understanding, 
and build rapport by encouraging the other 
person to talk and explain things, including 
how they feel about things 
10. Albert Mehrabian researched and published a 
now widely referenced set of statistics for the 
effectiveness of spoken communications 
relating to feelings and attitudes; what three 
types of communication did he identify and
what percentages for each did he attach to each 
type in terms of the percentage of meaning (or 
understanding) that each communication type 
conveyed from person to person in his study? 
Mehrabian's research stated that: in relation to 
feelings and attitudes, 7% of meaning 
conveyed is in the words that are spoken; 
38% of meaning conveyed is in the way that 
the words are said (paralinguistic); and 
55% of meaning conveyed is in facial 
expression - importantly these findings 
relate to feelings and attitudes, and not to 
communications of more simple and obvious 
11. In business accounts and financial reporting, 
expenses which change according to scale of 
performance or usage or demand are known as 
what? Variable Costs 
12. What is the name of Ingham and Luft's model 
and theory which deals with hidden and open 
areas of knowledge about a person? The 
Johari Window 
13. The '360 degree' appraisal method collects 
feedback from whom, about whom? A '360 
Degree' feedback appraisal collects the 
views from people who work with the 
appraisee, about the appraisee, including 
subordinates, peers, upline managers; 
effectively anyone who comes into contact 
with the appraisee and who is happy to 
provide constructive feedback about the 
appraisee's strengths and areas for 
14. What are the four levels of learning evaluation 
defined in Donald Kirkpatrick's original four-stage 
model? 1. Enjoyment; 2. Transfer of 
learning; 3. Application of learning; 4. 
Effect of application (or words to the same 
effect as these four definitions) 
15. What is the correct ascending order of these 
human needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy 
of Needs: Esteem, Safety, Belongingness and 
Love, Self-Actualisation, Biological and 
Physiological? Biological and Physiological 
Needs (basic life needs - shelter, food, drink, 
sleep, etc); Safety Needs (security, 
protection, law, etc); Belongingness and 
Love Needs (family, affection, relationships, 
etc); Esteem Needs (achievement, status, 
responsibility, reputation, etc); Self-
Actualisation (personal growth, self-fulfilment, 
16. What part of our brains typically handles 
process-type functions, according to brain 
theorists such as Katherine Benziger? Left 
Basal (left rear) 
17. What does the accounting acronym FIFO 
mean? First In First Out (a convention for 
writing down the balance sheet value of assets 
of the same type - oldest are written-off first) 
18. One of the most effective and efficient forms 
of marketing is abbreviated to the initials 
WOM; what is it? Word Of Mouth 
19. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains 
divides learning development into three main 
aspects: Cognitive, Affective and 
Psychomotor; what might these three aspects 
of personal development more commonly be 
called? Knowledge, Attitude, Skills 
20. Who wrote the Seven Habits of Highly 
Effective People? Dr Stephen Covey 
21. The 'Big Five' personality dimensions, by 
which modern day psychologists believe every 
person's personality and behaviour tendencies 
can be measured are commonly abbreviated to 
the OCEAN acronym; what does OCEAN 
stand for? Openness to experience, 
Extraversion/introversion, Agreeableness, 
22. What are the four metaphorical terms used to 
describe products/services in Boston Matrix 
model according to market share and market 
maturity? Dog, Cash Cow, Problem Child 
and Star (or Rising Star) 
23. The financial ratio which divides a company's 
'liquid assets' by 'current liabilities' is known 
by what popular term? Acid Test (or 'Quick 
24. What three important things should be 
confirmed and understood before conducting a 
brainstorming ideas session? The purpose or 
aim of the exercise; a time limit; the fact 
that all ideas are welcome and to be 
respected (ie., sometimes the craziest-sounding 
ideas are the best ones). 
25. What does the SWOT stand for in SWOT 
analysis? Strengths, Weaknesses, 
Opportunities, Threats
26. What are the 'Four Functional Types' within 
Carl Jung's theory? Thinking, Feeling, 
Sensation, Intuition 
27. With what was the Kyoto Summit concerned? 
Global climate change (in other words, 
greenhouse gas emissions) 
28. What are the four sequential stages of the 
'conscious competence' learning model? 1. 
Unconscious Incompetence, 2. Conscious 
Incompetence, 3. Conscious Competence, 4. 
Unconscious Competence 
29. What is the '1st Law of Cybernetics' (aka the 
'Law of Requisite Variety')? "The unit within 
the system with the most behavioural 
responses available to it controls the 
system." (or words to that effect) 
30. What are the four main 'Temperament' types 
called within David Keirsey's Temperaments 
personality theory? Artisan, Idealist, 
Guardian, Rational/Rationalist 
31. According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt 
Continuum theory relating to leadership, 
delegation and team development, what must 
be reduced in order for the team's area of 
freedom (and growth) to increase? The 
manager's use of authority 
32. What does the financial term ROI stand for? 
Return On Investment 
33. Whose experiential learning theory comprises 
the learning styles named: Concrete 
Experience (feeling); Abstract 
Conceptualization (thinking); Active 
Experimentation (doing); and Reflective 
Observation (watching)? David Kolb 
34. Daniel Goleman was responsible for 
popularising and defining what management 
and behavioural concept in his eponymously 
titled (ie., the title is also the subject) 1995 
book? Emotional Intelligence 
35. What is psychometrics? The science of 
measuring (or testing) human personality 
type (or mental abilities) 
36. What is the management technique that is 
commonly and informally abbreviated to 
MBWA? Management By Walking About 
(or Wandering Around) - the term is generally 
attributed to Tom Peters (In Search Of 
Excellence, 1982) although it was probably 
part of a new management ideology first
pioneered by a few bright American 
companies as far back as the 1940's 
37. Large size hand-writing generally indicates 
what characteristics in the personality of the 
writer? Extraverted or out-going nature 
38. Since October 2004, UK employers must 
follow a minimum process of three-stages for 
handling disputes with employees, including 
disciplinary and grievance matters; what are 
the basic minimum three stages required? 1. 
Write a letter to the employee explaining the 
issue; 2. Have a meeting with the employee 
to discuss the issue; 3. Hold or offer an 
appeal meeting with the employee if 
39. Douglas McGregor defined two main styles of 
management; what did he call them and how 
are each of the two styles typified? X-Theory 
(or Theory-X - is authoritarian, autocratic and 
repressive) and Y-Theory (or Theory-Y - 
participative, delegating, and developmental - 
or words to similar effect as these two 
40. Bruce Tuckman's theory about team 
development uses what four sequential 
rhyming words to describe the four stages of a 
group's progression? Forming, Storming, 
Norming, Performing 
41. What are Howard Gardner's seven (original) 
Multiple Intelligences? Linguistic (words and 
language), Logical-Mathematical (logic and 
numbers), Musical (music, sound, rhythm), 
Bodily-Kinesthetic (body movement control), 
Spatial-Visual (images and space), 
Interpersonal (other people's feelings), 
Intrapersonal (self-awareness) 
42. According to Herzberg's motivational theory, 
which of these are 'hygiene needs' (also called 
'maintenance factors') and which are true 
'motivators': work conditions, salary, 
achievement, advancement, work itself, 
responsibility, company car, status, 
recognition, and personal growth? Of the 
examples listed, hygiene needs are: work 
conditions, salary, company car, status (true 
motivators in the list are achievement, 
recognition, work itself, responsibility, 
advancement, and personal growth) 
43. What does VAK stand for in the learning 
styles theory? Visual, Auditory,
Kinesthetic/Kinaesthetic (three different 
learning styles or methods - seeing, listening, 
44. What does the business acronym IPO stand 
for? Initial Public Offering (meaning the 
initial sale of privately owned equity, i.e., 
stock or shares, in a company, via the issue of 
shares to the public and other investing 
45. What does the PEST stand for in PEST 
analysis? Political, Economical, Social, 
46. What do 'open questions' typically begin with? 
Open questions typically begin with Who, 
What, How, When, Where, and Why, (or for 
particularly capable or intelligent respondents, 
'Tell me about...') 
47. What visionary management thinker wrote The 
Age Of Unreason and The Empty Raincoat? 
Charles Handy 
48. What are the names of the (nine) Belbin 'team 
roles'? Coordinator (was called 'Chairman'), 
Shaper, Plant, Monitor-Evaluator, 
Implementer (was called 'Company 
Worker'), Resource Investigator, Team 
Worker, Completer-Finisher, Specialist 
49. In marketing, what are the The Four P's? 
Product, Price, Promotion, Place 
50. A lot of the traditional 20th century sales 
theory and training was influenced by the 1937 
book 'How to Win Friends and Influence 
People'; who wrote it? Dale Carnegie 
How did you do? (Scores and grading have absolutely no scientific basis whatsoever - it's for 
0-10 - you've made an excellent start and you have some exciting and fascinating learning 
ahead of you 
11-20 - pretty good - you could run a small team or department and fair sized general store at 
21-30 - very good - you could run a small company or a biggish department and do a bit of 
part-time consultancy 
31-40 - seriously impressive - you could run a biggish company or a small country and 
perhaps both 
41-45 - outstandingly brilliant - you are probably a professor of management at Harvard
46-50 - unbelievable - you should be running the businessballs website 
1. Which of these is a 'soft' skill? Analysing, 
Monitoring, Budgeting, Counselling? 
Counselling. ('Soft' skills typically involve 
people and communications). 
2. Integrity is essential in all functions, but is 
it most crucial in supervision, 
management, or leadership? Leadership. 
(Leadership which lacks integrity can bring 
down an entire corporation). 
3. Staff performance appraisals work best if 
they are strictly an annual event - true or 
false? False. (A person's performance and 
progress and project work, etc., benefit 
enormously from more frequent appraisal 
discussions than once a year. Informal 
appraisals can be conducted as frequently 
as is helpful. Obviously the more frequent, 
the less formal, which is another benefit.) 
4. Which tends to produce the highest 
percentage gross profit: mature high-volume 
products or new low-volume 
specialised services? New low-volume 
specialised services. (Mature markets tend 
to be more competitive which compresses 
pricing and margins. Mature products also 
have to be priced competitively to enable 
volume distribution, and to resist threats 
from newer better solutions. High-volume 
production requires competitive pricing in 
order to the maintain volumes necessary 
to support related large scale investment. 
Additionally customers and buyers are 
more informed and price-sensitive in 
mature markets.) 
5. For effective time management what's the 
best frequency for checking your email 
inbox: constantly, every hour, two or three 
times a day? Two or three times a day. 
(Constant interruptions and distractions 
are extremely unhelpful for all proactive 
work, especially thinking, communicating, 
creating, planning, project managing, etc. 
Many organisations have developed the 
weird practice of continuous email 
checking or alerting, but that doesn't 
make it right. It's a question of managing
your environment rather than let it 
manage you.) 
6. It is said that "If you can't measure it then 
you can't..." what? Manage it. 
7. Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy 
of what? Needs. 
8. What does MBO or MBO's stand for? 
Management By Objectives. 
9. A subordinate has raised a personal issue 
with you by email which is causing 
him/her obvious distress - what's the best 
means of communicating from this point: 
email, phone, face-to-face, text, letter? 
Face-to-face (in private). (It's extremely 
difficult to understand people - and to be 
understood - without face-to-face spoken 
communications. This is because tone of 
voice and body language, especially facial 
expressions, carry more meaning than 
words in all but obvious unemotional 
10. Putting interviewees under a lot of 
pressure at job interviews is generally 
helpful to the process of finding out about 
the person - true or false? False. (The 
purpose of interviews is to discover as 
much as possible about the person. When 
people are under pressure they clam up 
and/or mask their true characteristics. 
Interviews are artificial and pressurising 
enough without deliberately making them 
any more so.) 
11. Experiential learning is most beneficial to 
people who have a visual, auditory, or 
kinesthetic learning style preference? 
Kinesthetic (Also spelled Kinaesthetic. A 
person who prefers this style favours 
'hands-on' learning. For effective teaching, 
training, development, etc., using an 
appropriate style of learning for the 
learner is as important as the learning 
content itself.) 
12. Which is likely to motivate an enthusiastic 
capable team member most: doubling 
their target, agreeing additional 
responsibility, a bonus payment, a new 
car? Agreeing additional responsibility. 
(None of the others actually changes
anything sustainably and purposefully in 
terms of what the person does, which 
crucially is linked to true achievement and 
13. What's a simple way to find out the causes 
if staff turnover (number of people 
leaving) has gone through the roof in the 
last two months? Carry out exit interviews 
with the people leaving and ask them. 
(People are at their most revealing when 
the ties have been cut. Added to which 
you are not dealing with rumour or 
opinions as might surface in staff surveys. 
Instead, exit interviews deal in facts, and 
enable very useful analysis if conducted 
with a reasonable number of leavers. 
Incidentally, staff turnover is normally 
shown as a percentage arrived at by 
dividing total leavers by total workforce. 
As a very broad guide, anything over 20% 
staff turnover in a year suggests serious 
problems. Anything less than 10% per 
year suggests stagnation.) 
14. A company has a turnover of 贈11m. Its 
'cost of sales' or 'cost of goods sold' 
(COGS) is 贈6.3m. Its overheads including 
fixed costs, depreciation (write-down of 
capital items) and any interest charges (on 
borrowings) are 贈3.5m. What is the 
company's percentage gross profit and 
percentage net profit before tax, and is 
this profit % for a company very high, 
very low or somewhat typical? 42.7% and 
10.9%, and it's somewhat typical. 
Explanation: Gross profit is Turnover less 
COGS (贈11m less 贈6.3m) = 贈4.7m. 
Percentage Gross Profit (or 'gross margin') 
is 贈Gross Profit divided by Turnover 
(贈4.7m 歎 贈11m) = 42.7% . Net Profit 
before tax is Gross Profit less Overheads 
(贈4.7m less 贈3.5m) = 贈1.2m. Percentage 
Net Profit is 贈Net Profit divided by 
贈Turnover (贈1.2m 歎 贈11m) = 10.9%. 
Anything around 10% is a typical sort of 
net profit percentage achieved by 
businesses and corporations, although this 
perspective is just a simple hypothetical 
'P&L' (profit and loss account) and takes
no account of balance sheet or cash 
aspects, which together with the P&L 
provide the three main measures of 
business performance. 
15. What acronym is useful when delegating a 
task to someone or agreeing an objective? 
SMART (Specific, Measurable, 
Agreed/Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, 
Timebound) - or extended to SMARTER 
(Specific, Measurable, Agreed/Achievable, 
Realistic/Relevant, Timebound, 
Ethical/Enjoyable, Recorded. It is 
important that 'agreed' is part of 
delegation process.) 
16. If you assume responsibility for a mature, 
high-achieving confident team, which of 
the following is generally the best 
approach to take: stamp your authority on 
the group; introduce some new ideas of 
your own; give them space and make 
yourself available if needed; or look for 
ways to cut costs? Give them space and 
make yourself available if needed. (A 
mature, high-achieving confident team can 
virtually run itself - which is every team-manager's 
aim. Why go backwards? If you 
start micro-managing or interfering you 
will waste your time that you could have 
otherwise used on strategic creative 
developments and opportunities, and you 
will upset the team members. Your priority 
is to understand the team so as to help 
them develop, ideally including the 
development of a successor for yourself. 
This will enable you to move on to your 
next opportunity.) 
17. What's the relevance of hobbies on a 
person's CV? A person's hobbies often 
indicate their strengths, potential and 
character, aside from and beyond what 
might be suggested by their work 
experience and qualifications. A person's 
hobbies also give you the chance to get 
them talking about things they feel 
passionate about, by which you can often 
discover more about someone than 
discussing their work or qualifications.
18. What can 'closed' questions be used for? 
Getting yes/no answers; getting 
commitment (or 'closing' in selling); 
clarifying, qualifying and filtering. Ask a 
closed question if you need a short quick 
answer. If you want information and to 
listen and learn then ask 'open' questions 
(who, how, what, where, etc). 
19. When planning the running order for a 
meeting is it generally best to put the big 
important items first or last or in the 
middle between smaller things? Big 
important agenda items should always go 
last - if you put them first you risk not 
having time left for all the small things, 
which could otherwise have been polished 
off quite quickly and easily, especially 
because people will be keen to get to the 
juicier items afterwards. Also people tend 
to do more posturing early in meetings - 
to 'have their say' even if they have 
nothing to say - which causes more 
problems for the big issues than the small 
ones. Later on in meetings, the dynamics 
and the emotions will typically have 
settled down a bit, which makes it easier 
to deal with the bigger issues. If there are 
other factors (guests with limited time 
availability for example) you'll need to 
schedule accordingly, but generally it's 
best to cover the small things first. Ensure 
you leave adequate time for the big items 
later, which means strictly managing the 
time used for the early small things. 
20. When conducting appraisals or counselling 
sessions it's best to sit at your desk with 
the other person facing you on the other 
side, so as to reinforce your authority - 
true or false? False. (Similar to job 
interviews - you want the other person to 
be relaxed and comfortable, not 
threatened. Desks create barriers; so sit 
around a low coffee table instead. Sitting 
directly opposite facing each other is a 
confrontational arrangement; it's best to 
sit at an angle of between 90-120 
degrees; or think of 12:15 or 12:20 on the 
clockface. Using any method to reinforce
or impose authority will increase emotions, 
which undermines the value of the 

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  • 1. Q Which management guru with a background in medicine wrote a book called the "Mechanism of Mind"? A Edward De Bono Q Top Gear, launched recently by Worldwide Media Ltd., is a joint venture between Bennett Coleman & Co Ltd. and which organization / company? A BBC Worldwide (Since its inception in 1993, Top Gear is one of UK's leading auto magazines) Q Which famous publication devised the Big Mac Index? A The Economist Q Retail giant Wal-Mart is known for its worldwide strategy of EDLP. Expand EDLP. A Every Day Lower Prices Q Which management guru became known for his pioneering research on national and organisational cultures? A Gert Hofstede Q Which clothing brand was the first to introduce the concept of fashion store by day and bar by night in India? A Provogue Q Which Indian company has a customer relationship programme called Passport Programme? A Hero Honda Q Which company employees hundreds of thousands of American teenagers to popularise a new launch?
  • 2. A P&G Q Which company organises a Challenge Bibendum car show? A Michelin Q Project Tejasvani is an initiative by which company to empower its women employees? A Tata Steel Q Which tech (net) company organises a Codejam Competiton to find the best programming talent? A Google Q Which billionaire is associated with the Open Society Institute which donates large sums to various organisations the world? A George Soros Q Which new advertising methodology was used by Sony to promote its show Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahin at Mumbai in November 2003? A 'Flash mob' where a few dozen people converged at Apna Bazar and chanted Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahin. Q In 2003, which brand had created an advertisement character called Terry Tate? A Reebok Q As the net gathered momentum, Jack Welch asserted that there should be a new G.E. way. He named it dyb.com. What does it stand for? A destroy your business i.e. blow the damn thing up before the competition does.
  • 3. Q Nuts Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success (by Keven and Jackie Freiberg) is about which company ? A Southwest Airlines 1. What psychological methodology does NLP stand for? Neuro-Linguistic Programming 2. David McLelland's motivational theory identified three principal motivational needs which he said each of us possesses to varying degrees, and which characterise our motivational behaviour; what are these three motivational needs? Achievement (n-ach), the need to achieve things; Authority/Power (n-pow), the need to have impact, influence and authority; and Affiliation (n-affil), the need for relationships, interaction and acceptance among other people (or words to similar effect as these definitions) 3. Which organisation produces the UK's ABC1C2 (etc) Social Grade Classifications Statistics? NRS Ltd (National Readership Survey) 4. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand for? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action 5. Who developed the 'Equity Theory' of job motivation in the 1960's? J Stacey Adams 6. What does the financial abbreviation P&L stand for? Profit and Loss (fully, Profit and Loss Account) 7. Who developed the ten stages of corporate life cycle, starting with Courtship and Infancy and ending in Bureaucracy and Death? Dr Ichak Adizes 8. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two aspects of business development from the 'new' and 'existing' perspectives? Products and Markets 9. In selling and communications, what do 'open questions' generally achieve? Open questions gather information, improve understanding, and build rapport by encouraging the other person to talk and explain things, including how they feel about things 10. Albert Mehrabian researched and published a now widely referenced set of statistics for the effectiveness of spoken communications relating to feelings and attitudes; what three types of communication did he identify and
  • 4. what percentages for each did he attach to each type in terms of the percentage of meaning (or understanding) that each communication type conveyed from person to person in his study? Mehrabian's research stated that: in relation to feelings and attitudes, 7% of meaning conveyed is in the words that are spoken; 38% of meaning conveyed is in the way that the words are said (paralinguistic); and 55% of meaning conveyed is in facial expression - importantly these findings relate to feelings and attitudes, and not to communications of more simple and obvious nature 11. In business accounts and financial reporting, expenses which change according to scale of performance or usage or demand are known as what? Variable Costs 12. What is the name of Ingham and Luft's model and theory which deals with hidden and open areas of knowledge about a person? The Johari Window 13. The '360 degree' appraisal method collects feedback from whom, about whom? A '360 Degree' feedback appraisal collects the views from people who work with the appraisee, about the appraisee, including subordinates, peers, upline managers; effectively anyone who comes into contact with the appraisee and who is happy to provide constructive feedback about the appraisee's strengths and areas for improvement 14. What are the four levels of learning evaluation defined in Donald Kirkpatrick's original four-stage model? 1. Enjoyment; 2. Transfer of learning; 3. Application of learning; 4. Effect of application (or words to the same effect as these four definitions) 15. What is the correct ascending order of these human needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Self-Actualisation, Biological and Physiological? Biological and Physiological Needs (basic life needs - shelter, food, drink, sleep, etc); Safety Needs (security, protection, law, etc); Belongingness and Love Needs (family, affection, relationships, etc); Esteem Needs (achievement, status, responsibility, reputation, etc); Self-
  • 5. Actualisation (personal growth, self-fulfilment, etc) 16. What part of our brains typically handles process-type functions, according to brain theorists such as Katherine Benziger? Left Basal (left rear) 17. What does the accounting acronym FIFO mean? First In First Out (a convention for writing down the balance sheet value of assets of the same type - oldest are written-off first) 18. One of the most effective and efficient forms of marketing is abbreviated to the initials WOM; what is it? Word Of Mouth 19. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains divides learning development into three main aspects: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor; what might these three aspects of personal development more commonly be called? Knowledge, Attitude, Skills 20. Who wrote the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Dr Stephen Covey 21. The 'Big Five' personality dimensions, by which modern day psychologists believe every person's personality and behaviour tendencies can be measured are commonly abbreviated to the OCEAN acronym; what does OCEAN stand for? Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion/introversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism 22. What are the four metaphorical terms used to describe products/services in Boston Matrix model according to market share and market maturity? Dog, Cash Cow, Problem Child and Star (or Rising Star) 23. The financial ratio which divides a company's 'liquid assets' by 'current liabilities' is known by what popular term? Acid Test (or 'Quick Ratio') 24. What three important things should be confirmed and understood before conducting a brainstorming ideas session? The purpose or aim of the exercise; a time limit; the fact that all ideas are welcome and to be respected (ie., sometimes the craziest-sounding ideas are the best ones). 25. What does the SWOT stand for in SWOT analysis? Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
  • 6. 26. What are the 'Four Functional Types' within Carl Jung's theory? Thinking, Feeling, Sensation, Intuition 27. With what was the Kyoto Summit concerned? Global climate change (in other words, greenhouse gas emissions) 28. What are the four sequential stages of the 'conscious competence' learning model? 1. Unconscious Incompetence, 2. Conscious Incompetence, 3. Conscious Competence, 4. Unconscious Competence 29. What is the '1st Law of Cybernetics' (aka the 'Law of Requisite Variety')? "The unit within the system with the most behavioural responses available to it controls the system." (or words to that effect) 30. What are the four main 'Temperament' types called within David Keirsey's Temperaments personality theory? Artisan, Idealist, Guardian, Rational/Rationalist 31. According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum theory relating to leadership, delegation and team development, what must be reduced in order for the team's area of freedom (and growth) to increase? The manager's use of authority 32. What does the financial term ROI stand for? Return On Investment 33. Whose experiential learning theory comprises the learning styles named: Concrete Experience (feeling); Abstract Conceptualization (thinking); Active Experimentation (doing); and Reflective Observation (watching)? David Kolb 34. Daniel Goleman was responsible for popularising and defining what management and behavioural concept in his eponymously titled (ie., the title is also the subject) 1995 book? Emotional Intelligence 35. What is psychometrics? The science of measuring (or testing) human personality type (or mental abilities) 36. What is the management technique that is commonly and informally abbreviated to MBWA? Management By Walking About (or Wandering Around) - the term is generally attributed to Tom Peters (In Search Of Excellence, 1982) although it was probably part of a new management ideology first
  • 7. pioneered by a few bright American companies as far back as the 1940's 37. Large size hand-writing generally indicates what characteristics in the personality of the writer? Extraverted or out-going nature 38. Since October 2004, UK employers must follow a minimum process of three-stages for handling disputes with employees, including disciplinary and grievance matters; what are the basic minimum three stages required? 1. Write a letter to the employee explaining the issue; 2. Have a meeting with the employee to discuss the issue; 3. Hold or offer an appeal meeting with the employee if required. 39. Douglas McGregor defined two main styles of management; what did he call them and how are each of the two styles typified? X-Theory (or Theory-X - is authoritarian, autocratic and repressive) and Y-Theory (or Theory-Y - participative, delegating, and developmental - or words to similar effect as these two descriptions) 40. Bruce Tuckman's theory about team development uses what four sequential rhyming words to describe the four stages of a group's progression? Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing 41. What are Howard Gardner's seven (original) Multiple Intelligences? Linguistic (words and language), Logical-Mathematical (logic and numbers), Musical (music, sound, rhythm), Bodily-Kinesthetic (body movement control), Spatial-Visual (images and space), Interpersonal (other people's feelings), Intrapersonal (self-awareness) 42. According to Herzberg's motivational theory, which of these are 'hygiene needs' (also called 'maintenance factors') and which are true 'motivators': work conditions, salary, achievement, advancement, work itself, responsibility, company car, status, recognition, and personal growth? Of the examples listed, hygiene needs are: work conditions, salary, company car, status (true motivators in the list are achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement, and personal growth) 43. What does VAK stand for in the learning styles theory? Visual, Auditory,
  • 8. Kinesthetic/Kinaesthetic (three different learning styles or methods - seeing, listening, doing) 44. What does the business acronym IPO stand for? Initial Public Offering (meaning the initial sale of privately owned equity, i.e., stock or shares, in a company, via the issue of shares to the public and other investing institutions) 45. What does the PEST stand for in PEST analysis? Political, Economical, Social, Technological 46. What do 'open questions' typically begin with? Open questions typically begin with Who, What, How, When, Where, and Why, (or for particularly capable or intelligent respondents, 'Tell me about...') 47. What visionary management thinker wrote The Age Of Unreason and The Empty Raincoat? Charles Handy 48. What are the names of the (nine) Belbin 'team roles'? Coordinator (was called 'Chairman'), Shaper, Plant, Monitor-Evaluator, Implementer (was called 'Company Worker'), Resource Investigator, Team Worker, Completer-Finisher, Specialist 49. In marketing, what are the The Four P's? Product, Price, Promotion, Place 50. A lot of the traditional 20th century sales theory and training was influenced by the 1937 book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'; who wrote it? Dale Carnegie How did you do? (Scores and grading have absolutely no scientific basis whatsoever - it's for fun.) 0-10 - you've made an excellent start and you have some exciting and fascinating learning ahead of you 11-20 - pretty good - you could run a small team or department and fair sized general store at weekends 21-30 - very good - you could run a small company or a biggish department and do a bit of part-time consultancy 31-40 - seriously impressive - you could run a biggish company or a small country and perhaps both 41-45 - outstandingly brilliant - you are probably a professor of management at Harvard
  • 9. 46-50 - unbelievable - you should be running the businessballs website 1. Which of these is a 'soft' skill? Analysing, Monitoring, Budgeting, Counselling? Counselling. ('Soft' skills typically involve people and communications). 2. Integrity is essential in all functions, but is it most crucial in supervision, management, or leadership? Leadership. (Leadership which lacks integrity can bring down an entire corporation). 3. Staff performance appraisals work best if they are strictly an annual event - true or false? False. (A person's performance and progress and project work, etc., benefit enormously from more frequent appraisal discussions than once a year. Informal appraisals can be conducted as frequently as is helpful. Obviously the more frequent, the less formal, which is another benefit.) 4. Which tends to produce the highest percentage gross profit: mature high-volume products or new low-volume specialised services? New low-volume specialised services. (Mature markets tend to be more competitive which compresses pricing and margins. Mature products also have to be priced competitively to enable volume distribution, and to resist threats from newer better solutions. High-volume production requires competitive pricing in order to the maintain volumes necessary to support related large scale investment. Additionally customers and buyers are more informed and price-sensitive in mature markets.) 5. For effective time management what's the best frequency for checking your email inbox: constantly, every hour, two or three times a day? Two or three times a day. (Constant interruptions and distractions are extremely unhelpful for all proactive work, especially thinking, communicating, creating, planning, project managing, etc. Many organisations have developed the weird practice of continuous email checking or alerting, but that doesn't make it right. It's a question of managing
  • 10. your environment rather than let it manage you.) 6. It is said that "If you can't measure it then you can't..." what? Manage it. 7. Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of what? Needs. 8. What does MBO or MBO's stand for? Management By Objectives. 9. A subordinate has raised a personal issue with you by email which is causing him/her obvious distress - what's the best means of communicating from this point: email, phone, face-to-face, text, letter? Face-to-face (in private). (It's extremely difficult to understand people - and to be understood - without face-to-face spoken communications. This is because tone of voice and body language, especially facial expressions, carry more meaning than words in all but obvious unemotional communications. 10. Putting interviewees under a lot of pressure at job interviews is generally helpful to the process of finding out about the person - true or false? False. (The purpose of interviews is to discover as much as possible about the person. When people are under pressure they clam up and/or mask their true characteristics. Interviews are artificial and pressurising enough without deliberately making them any more so.) 11. Experiential learning is most beneficial to people who have a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning style preference? Kinesthetic (Also spelled Kinaesthetic. A person who prefers this style favours 'hands-on' learning. For effective teaching, training, development, etc., using an appropriate style of learning for the learner is as important as the learning content itself.) 12. Which is likely to motivate an enthusiastic capable team member most: doubling their target, agreeing additional responsibility, a bonus payment, a new car? Agreeing additional responsibility. (None of the others actually changes
  • 11. anything sustainably and purposefully in terms of what the person does, which crucially is linked to true achievement and growth.) 13. What's a simple way to find out the causes if staff turnover (number of people leaving) has gone through the roof in the last two months? Carry out exit interviews with the people leaving and ask them. (People are at their most revealing when the ties have been cut. Added to which you are not dealing with rumour or opinions as might surface in staff surveys. Instead, exit interviews deal in facts, and enable very useful analysis if conducted with a reasonable number of leavers. Incidentally, staff turnover is normally shown as a percentage arrived at by dividing total leavers by total workforce. As a very broad guide, anything over 20% staff turnover in a year suggests serious problems. Anything less than 10% per year suggests stagnation.) 14. A company has a turnover of 贈11m. Its 'cost of sales' or 'cost of goods sold' (COGS) is 贈6.3m. Its overheads including fixed costs, depreciation (write-down of capital items) and any interest charges (on borrowings) are 贈3.5m. What is the company's percentage gross profit and percentage net profit before tax, and is this profit % for a company very high, very low or somewhat typical? 42.7% and 10.9%, and it's somewhat typical. Explanation: Gross profit is Turnover less COGS (贈11m less 贈6.3m) = 贈4.7m. Percentage Gross Profit (or 'gross margin') is 贈Gross Profit divided by Turnover (贈4.7m 歎 贈11m) = 42.7% . Net Profit before tax is Gross Profit less Overheads (贈4.7m less 贈3.5m) = 贈1.2m. Percentage Net Profit is 贈Net Profit divided by 贈Turnover (贈1.2m 歎 贈11m) = 10.9%. Anything around 10% is a typical sort of net profit percentage achieved by businesses and corporations, although this perspective is just a simple hypothetical 'P&L' (profit and loss account) and takes
  • 12. no account of balance sheet or cash aspects, which together with the P&L provide the three main measures of business performance. 15. What acronym is useful when delegating a task to someone or agreeing an objective? SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed/Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Timebound) - or extended to SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Agreed/Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Timebound, Ethical/Enjoyable, Recorded. It is important that 'agreed' is part of delegation process.) 16. If you assume responsibility for a mature, high-achieving confident team, which of the following is generally the best approach to take: stamp your authority on the group; introduce some new ideas of your own; give them space and make yourself available if needed; or look for ways to cut costs? Give them space and make yourself available if needed. (A mature, high-achieving confident team can virtually run itself - which is every team-manager's aim. Why go backwards? If you start micro-managing or interfering you will waste your time that you could have otherwise used on strategic creative developments and opportunities, and you will upset the team members. Your priority is to understand the team so as to help them develop, ideally including the development of a successor for yourself. This will enable you to move on to your next opportunity.) 17. What's the relevance of hobbies on a person's CV? A person's hobbies often indicate their strengths, potential and character, aside from and beyond what might be suggested by their work experience and qualifications. A person's hobbies also give you the chance to get them talking about things they feel passionate about, by which you can often discover more about someone than discussing their work or qualifications.
  • 13. 18. What can 'closed' questions be used for? Getting yes/no answers; getting commitment (or 'closing' in selling); clarifying, qualifying and filtering. Ask a closed question if you need a short quick answer. If you want information and to listen and learn then ask 'open' questions (who, how, what, where, etc). 19. When planning the running order for a meeting is it generally best to put the big important items first or last or in the middle between smaller things? Big important agenda items should always go last - if you put them first you risk not having time left for all the small things, which could otherwise have been polished off quite quickly and easily, especially because people will be keen to get to the juicier items afterwards. Also people tend to do more posturing early in meetings - to 'have their say' even if they have nothing to say - which causes more problems for the big issues than the small ones. Later on in meetings, the dynamics and the emotions will typically have settled down a bit, which makes it easier to deal with the bigger issues. If there are other factors (guests with limited time availability for example) you'll need to schedule accordingly, but generally it's best to cover the small things first. Ensure you leave adequate time for the big items later, which means strictly managing the time used for the early small things. 20. When conducting appraisals or counselling sessions it's best to sit at your desk with the other person facing you on the other side, so as to reinforce your authority - true or false? False. (Similar to job interviews - you want the other person to be relaxed and comfortable, not threatened. Desks create barriers; so sit around a low coffee table instead. Sitting directly opposite facing each other is a confrontational arrangement; it's best to sit at an angle of between 90-120 degrees; or think of 12:15 or 12:20 on the clockface. Using any method to reinforce
  • 14. or impose authority will increase emotions, which undermines the value of the communications.)