Elena Valdés Chavarría started a summer camp called "Del Tingo al Tango" in Álamos, Sonora, Mexico to provide educational opportunities for the children. The camp uses hands-on learning and field trips to spark the children's interest in various subjects. Jasmine McBeath, the camp coordinator, hopes the experiences will help the children find their passions and empower them to achieve their dreams. While the camp has relied on community support, supplies and funding remain challenges as the organizers work to expand opportunities for the children in the region.
Bio Millie Lawhon M.A.ED Millie LawhonMillie Lawhon is a bilingual educator and author of a children's book series called Curious Quique, which tells science, math, and life skills stories in both English and Spanish with illustrations. She has extensive experience as a bilingual teacher in Texas and Puerto Rico, receiving awards for her work. Most recently, she published her first bilingual children's book and performs educational puppet shows combining Spanish and English for children.
Presentation #2 (mvp1)Paramveer SinghThis document describes a gift recommendation app called EZGift. It discusses the problem of finding gifts for others when you don't know their preferences well and have limited time. It introduces Tom, a busy manager who needs a gift for a new employee, Joe, who he doesn't know well. The document outlines EZGift's minimum viable product which would include Facebook login, gift recommendations based on interests and links to Amazon, with the goal of making it easy for users to find gifts for others with little effort. It hypothesizes that people will use the app due to its low friction interface and that the recommendations will contain gifts the recipients will enjoy.
Ensayo economia de variaciones en actividades de produccioncarlos javier franco mendozaLa producción requiere inversión inicial para obtener ganancias en el futuro. Existen funciones de producción que relacionan los recursos (capital e inversión en educación) y el trabajo con la cantidad máxima producida. La eficiencia se mide comparando la producción obtenida con la utilizada. Los costos incluyen materias primas, mano de obra y mantenimiento, y deben considerarse para fijar precios atractivos. Con un buen producto, personal y estrategia de ventas, es posible tener éxito en la producción y comercialización
Nadeem CURRICULUM VITAENadeem AkramNadeem Akram has over 15 years of experience in procurement and purchasing roles in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He currently works as a Senior Procurement & Purchasing Coordinator for Al Zamil Metal Works in Saudi Arabia, where he is responsible for sourcing a variety of materials and equipment. Previously, he worked as an Accountant and Assistant Accountant in Pakistan. Nadeem holds a Bachelor's Degree in Commerce from Punjab University and a Diploma in Commerce. He is proficient in Microsoft Office, accounting software, and ERP systems.
Social Media explained by Henrik Meisel - Bravo Tours!Henrik MeiselHvordan løfter vi det sociale medie univers til rejsebranchens førende? Vores sociale medie platforme skal afspejle vores markedsposition... derudover er det stedet hvor vi er first movers, og tør stikke ud blandt flokken!
Social Media explained by Henrik Meisel - Bravo Tours!
7 simple rules to totally rock as a new lomLaw Office ManagerManaging a law firm takes skill, knowledge, and strategic thinking. But don't forget the basics. Here are 7 simple rules new managers should keep in mind if they're to succeed in their new role.
Stephanie Taunton | How to Train Your Dog To Roll Over Stephanie Taunton - Bow Wow ProductionsStephanie Taunton says teaching your dog to roll over is a practical trick, but it is also an advanced command. Before going to rollover your dog will be trained to sit, stay and lie down command. Roll over is a fun trick to teach your dog with a little patience. Stephanie Taunton shared some tips how to train your dog to roll over.
Iris and Mitch Interview CAMDEN INVESTIGATIONSStarta GaryThe document summarizes an interview between Tim Cage and two paranormal investigators - Iris Camden, who believes in ghosts, and Mitchell, who believes in aliens. During the interview, they debate whether reported paranormal phenomena are ghosts or could potentially be aliens. The interview is cut short by unexplained technical difficulties. Later, strange lights and a crop circle are reported in the area. Three months later, Iris and Mitchell claim to have had contact with something during an investigation but refuse to provide details, leaving questions about what they encountered.
silla de trabajo desplazable para un estudiante con movilidad reducidaWilmer MarcanoFase de Definición.
a. Búsqueda de Información y Documentaron.
b. Generación de ideas y Creatividad
2011-09-19-01-coordcom-futurecomMaria LindströmThe document describes CoordCom, a system from Ericsson that speeds up emergency response times by streamlining call taking and dispatch processes. It integrates communication functions and provides tools to efficiently classify incidents, locate them on maps, dispatch the appropriate emergency resources, and coordinate response efforts in real-time. CoordCom aims to save the most lives by getting emergency services to situations as quickly as possible.
Videojuegos primeras tres generaciones.I.E.S Virgen del RemedioEste documento resume la evolución de los videojuegos a través de sus principales generaciones. La primera generación incluyó consolas como el Magnavox Oddysey y el Fairchild Channel F, mientras que la segunda generación estuvo dominada por Atari 2600. La tercera generación vio el auge de Nintendo Entertainment System y Sega Master System, dando lugar a populares franquicias de videojuegos.
International clearing union.pptx 2Freddie NorthKeynes proposed the Bancor system at Bretton Woods in 1944 to solve balance of payments issues and recycle trade surpluses. It would have worked like a central bank, giving each country a checking account to keep trade balances close to neutral. The world now faces major trade imbalances like debt in southern Europe and China's economic slowdown, showing the need for a new global mechanism to finance deficits. The Bancor system was rejected due to U.S. hegemony and desire to maintain surpluses. A modern version could help address issues like underdevelopment in Africa by utilizing foreign reserves held by institutions to lend for development.
Particion disco duropamela roseroEste documento describe los pasos y herramientas utilizadas para crear un video sobre la partición de un disco duro. La autora investigó el tema y los programas de grabación de video, preparó un guión, descargó el programa "ACTION!" para grabar la pantalla con sonido, aprendió a usar el programa, grabó el video y lo editó con Movie Maker. Una dificultad fue que el micrófono no funcionaba bien al principio.
Spiritual lifeSam RankenSpiritual retreats and tours with Outer Travels Inner Journeys is a necessary thing to do once before leaving this place. They create some unusual retreats to some astounding places, which simply calms the inner you while giving you an experience of a lifetime. So, if you believe you are a spiritually aware person, there is a chance to meet new like-minded people from different corners of the world and visit new places with them. Go ahead, take the chance, and be ready to make your life better with spiritual retreats of Outer Travels and inner Journeys.
Final SHOT planDanielle GertnerThe Final "S.H.O.T." Plan aims to motivate at least 40% of teams in the One Team One Child campaign to reach their fundraising goal of $250 in the last two weeks through restructuring the leadership and focus of the campaign, assigning teams to individual Y leaders who will directly communicate with and support participants and their families to boost awareness, participation and donations. The plan outlines new roles and responsibilities for Y leaders and individual staff to revamp communication strategies and relationships with teams to reignite momentum for the campaign.
Design presentation #1Paramveer SinghEZGift is an iOS app that aims to make gift giving easier by recommending gifts based on a recipient's Facebook likes and interests. It allows users to sync with Facebook, set a budget for recommendations, and provides a ranked list of gift ideas based on price. While similar to features on Amazon, EZGift focuses solely on recommendations through Facebook data rather than actual product ordering. The vision is for EZGift to become the go-to solution for finding the perfect gift by allowing users to customize recommendations based on preferences and budget.
CaseStudiesFrank RudolphThe document provides a detailed chronological account of Franklin J. Rudolph's career, describing his roles and accomplishments in designing control systems and software for energy storage, programmable logic controllers, data recorders, pressure controllers, and involvement in robotics competitions while teaching high school science. The document outlines Rudolph's extensive experience across various industries developing real-time embedded systems, communications protocols, operating systems, databases, and user interfaces using a variety of programming languages, tools, and methodologies.
AguaymantoalejandrinaiparraguirrelavadoEste documento describe las propiedades y usos del aguaymanto. Explica que el aguaymanto es una fruta nativa de América con un alto contenido de vitaminas A y C. Tiene propiedades medicinales que pueden ayudar a combatir el estreñimiento, la diabetes y problemas de próstata. También puede usarse para limpiar el acné, prevenir las cataratas y aliviar el dolor de oídos. El documento incluye una receta para ensalada de aguaymanto.
Presentación Vamos al Museo InglesNick OpinskyThis document summarizes the accomplishments of Vamos al Museo, a nonprofit that brings children from marginalized areas of El Salvador to visit art museums. In 2015, with support from donors, Vamos al Museo was able to bring over 1,000 children to museums who otherwise may never have had the opportunity. The document highlights several workshops and events held with local artists that helped bring art to life for the children. It expresses gratitude for supporters in helping expose children to culture and creativity.
Elmer's Learning ProgrammeSt Oswald's HospiceSchools and not-for-profit youth groups in Tyne and Wear are invited to be inspired, get imaginative and join the herd by being part of the biggest art event ever to take place across the region.
Glazebury visit to Malaga 2012glazeburyGlazebury Primary school has an ongoing partnership with a school in Malaga, Spain called CEIP Clara Campoamor to share ideas about education, culture, dance, and sports. As part of this partnership, teachers from Glazebury visited CEIP Clara Campoamor on Peace Day and saw students perform dramas about Nobel Peace Prize winners. The two schools share similar libraries and resources. In this Olympic year, the schools look forward to celebrating their partnership and collaborating more, such as teachers from Spain visiting Glazebury in May.
Project Favela NewsletterRebecca WilsonThis newsletter provides updates on Project Favela, an educational NGO serving children and adults in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro. It highlights volunteer contributions, a typical day for volunteers, a field trip taken by students, improvements to the preschool program including a new engineering center, and plans for a STEM-focused after school program. It also features an article by the founder discussing the challenges of running a nonprofit but feeling it is worthwhile for improving lives in the community. The newsletter serves to inform supporters about the project's ongoing work and successes.
PF_Newsletter_FinalKaty FretwellThis newsletter provides updates on Project Favela, an educational NGO serving children and adults in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro. It highlights volunteer contributions, a typical day for volunteers, a field trip taken by students, improvements to the preschool program including a new engineering center, and plans for a STEM-focused after school program. It also features an article by the founder discussing the challenges of running a nonprofit but feeling it is worthwhile for improving lives in the community. The newsletter serves to inform supporters about the project's ongoing work and successes.
Stephanie Taunton | How to Train Your Dog To Roll Over Stephanie Taunton - Bow Wow ProductionsStephanie Taunton says teaching your dog to roll over is a practical trick, but it is also an advanced command. Before going to rollover your dog will be trained to sit, stay and lie down command. Roll over is a fun trick to teach your dog with a little patience. Stephanie Taunton shared some tips how to train your dog to roll over.
Iris and Mitch Interview CAMDEN INVESTIGATIONSStarta GaryThe document summarizes an interview between Tim Cage and two paranormal investigators - Iris Camden, who believes in ghosts, and Mitchell, who believes in aliens. During the interview, they debate whether reported paranormal phenomena are ghosts or could potentially be aliens. The interview is cut short by unexplained technical difficulties. Later, strange lights and a crop circle are reported in the area. Three months later, Iris and Mitchell claim to have had contact with something during an investigation but refuse to provide details, leaving questions about what they encountered.
silla de trabajo desplazable para un estudiante con movilidad reducidaWilmer MarcanoFase de Definición.
a. Búsqueda de Información y Documentaron.
b. Generación de ideas y Creatividad
2011-09-19-01-coordcom-futurecomMaria LindströmThe document describes CoordCom, a system from Ericsson that speeds up emergency response times by streamlining call taking and dispatch processes. It integrates communication functions and provides tools to efficiently classify incidents, locate them on maps, dispatch the appropriate emergency resources, and coordinate response efforts in real-time. CoordCom aims to save the most lives by getting emergency services to situations as quickly as possible.
Videojuegos primeras tres generaciones.I.E.S Virgen del RemedioEste documento resume la evolución de los videojuegos a través de sus principales generaciones. La primera generación incluyó consolas como el Magnavox Oddysey y el Fairchild Channel F, mientras que la segunda generación estuvo dominada por Atari 2600. La tercera generación vio el auge de Nintendo Entertainment System y Sega Master System, dando lugar a populares franquicias de videojuegos.
International clearing union.pptx 2Freddie NorthKeynes proposed the Bancor system at Bretton Woods in 1944 to solve balance of payments issues and recycle trade surpluses. It would have worked like a central bank, giving each country a checking account to keep trade balances close to neutral. The world now faces major trade imbalances like debt in southern Europe and China's economic slowdown, showing the need for a new global mechanism to finance deficits. The Bancor system was rejected due to U.S. hegemony and desire to maintain surpluses. A modern version could help address issues like underdevelopment in Africa by utilizing foreign reserves held by institutions to lend for development.
Particion disco duropamela roseroEste documento describe los pasos y herramientas utilizadas para crear un video sobre la partición de un disco duro. La autora investigó el tema y los programas de grabación de video, preparó un guión, descargó el programa "ACTION!" para grabar la pantalla con sonido, aprendió a usar el programa, grabó el video y lo editó con Movie Maker. Una dificultad fue que el micrófono no funcionaba bien al principio.
Spiritual lifeSam RankenSpiritual retreats and tours with Outer Travels Inner Journeys is a necessary thing to do once before leaving this place. They create some unusual retreats to some astounding places, which simply calms the inner you while giving you an experience of a lifetime. So, if you believe you are a spiritually aware person, there is a chance to meet new like-minded people from different corners of the world and visit new places with them. Go ahead, take the chance, and be ready to make your life better with spiritual retreats of Outer Travels and inner Journeys.
Final SHOT planDanielle GertnerThe Final "S.H.O.T." Plan aims to motivate at least 40% of teams in the One Team One Child campaign to reach their fundraising goal of $250 in the last two weeks through restructuring the leadership and focus of the campaign, assigning teams to individual Y leaders who will directly communicate with and support participants and their families to boost awareness, participation and donations. The plan outlines new roles and responsibilities for Y leaders and individual staff to revamp communication strategies and relationships with teams to reignite momentum for the campaign.
Design presentation #1Paramveer SinghEZGift is an iOS app that aims to make gift giving easier by recommending gifts based on a recipient's Facebook likes and interests. It allows users to sync with Facebook, set a budget for recommendations, and provides a ranked list of gift ideas based on price. While similar to features on Amazon, EZGift focuses solely on recommendations through Facebook data rather than actual product ordering. The vision is for EZGift to become the go-to solution for finding the perfect gift by allowing users to customize recommendations based on preferences and budget.
CaseStudiesFrank RudolphThe document provides a detailed chronological account of Franklin J. Rudolph's career, describing his roles and accomplishments in designing control systems and software for energy storage, programmable logic controllers, data recorders, pressure controllers, and involvement in robotics competitions while teaching high school science. The document outlines Rudolph's extensive experience across various industries developing real-time embedded systems, communications protocols, operating systems, databases, and user interfaces using a variety of programming languages, tools, and methodologies.
AguaymantoalejandrinaiparraguirrelavadoEste documento describe las propiedades y usos del aguaymanto. Explica que el aguaymanto es una fruta nativa de América con un alto contenido de vitaminas A y C. Tiene propiedades medicinales que pueden ayudar a combatir el estreñimiento, la diabetes y problemas de próstata. También puede usarse para limpiar el acné, prevenir las cataratas y aliviar el dolor de oídos. El documento incluye una receta para ensalada de aguaymanto.
Presentación Vamos al Museo InglesNick OpinskyThis document summarizes the accomplishments of Vamos al Museo, a nonprofit that brings children from marginalized areas of El Salvador to visit art museums. In 2015, with support from donors, Vamos al Museo was able to bring over 1,000 children to museums who otherwise may never have had the opportunity. The document highlights several workshops and events held with local artists that helped bring art to life for the children. It expresses gratitude for supporters in helping expose children to culture and creativity.
Elmer's Learning ProgrammeSt Oswald's HospiceSchools and not-for-profit youth groups in Tyne and Wear are invited to be inspired, get imaginative and join the herd by being part of the biggest art event ever to take place across the region.
Glazebury visit to Malaga 2012glazeburyGlazebury Primary school has an ongoing partnership with a school in Malaga, Spain called CEIP Clara Campoamor to share ideas about education, culture, dance, and sports. As part of this partnership, teachers from Glazebury visited CEIP Clara Campoamor on Peace Day and saw students perform dramas about Nobel Peace Prize winners. The two schools share similar libraries and resources. In this Olympic year, the schools look forward to celebrating their partnership and collaborating more, such as teachers from Spain visiting Glazebury in May.
Project Favela NewsletterRebecca WilsonThis newsletter provides updates on Project Favela, an educational NGO serving children and adults in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro. It highlights volunteer contributions, a typical day for volunteers, a field trip taken by students, improvements to the preschool program including a new engineering center, and plans for a STEM-focused after school program. It also features an article by the founder discussing the challenges of running a nonprofit but feeling it is worthwhile for improving lives in the community. The newsletter serves to inform supporters about the project's ongoing work and successes.
PF_Newsletter_FinalKaty FretwellThis newsletter provides updates on Project Favela, an educational NGO serving children and adults in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro. It highlights volunteer contributions, a typical day for volunteers, a field trip taken by students, improvements to the preschool program including a new engineering center, and plans for a STEM-focused after school program. It also features an article by the founder discussing the challenges of running a nonprofit but feeling it is worthwhile for improving lives in the community. The newsletter serves to inform supporters about the project's ongoing work and successes.
Sok Sabay May 2015Kate RobertsMarie Cammal has dedicated her life to helping vulnerable children in Southeast Asia through education. She established an organization called Sok Sabay in Cambodia that provides shelter, education, healthcare and rehabilitation for abused and neglected children. She has since expanded her efforts to help ethnic minority girls in remote areas of Laos complete their secondary education through scholarship programs. Her goal is to empower girls and young women through education to improve their lives and break the cycle of poverty in their communities.
NIEAngola1-5Gay Weintz, M.Ed.This document provides background on the "Looking for Angola" project, which aims to uncover the history of the historic Angola community that existed in Florida in the early 19th century. It discusses how various experts and historians became involved in the project, including Dr. Canter Brown Jr. who first discovered references to Angola while researching another topic. The project is led by Vickie Oldham who was inspired to tell the story of Angola after learning about it years ago. A team of experts from different backgrounds have collaborated on the project, including historians, archaeologists, and educators. The team works to engage the local community and educate students about Angola through publications, documentaries, and field work to further uncover the site
TLG Newsletter--Spring 2015 James BurtThis document is the Spring 2015 issue of the TLG Times newsletter. It discusses spring celebrations around the world based on student responses. It also provides updates on activities at different TLG language school locations, including photography workshops, Christmas parties, and museum trips. The issue highlights International Women's Day and the role of women in Colombia.
Schools of Sanctuary .pptxlynchsThis document summarizes the efforts of St. Joseph's Primary School to become a School of Sanctuary. It discusses how the school has worked to learn about, embed, and share the values of welcoming refugees and those seeking sanctuary. The school has engaged in numerous projects, workshops, and discussions to educate students and the community about refugees. It has also taken steps to make refugees and those seeking sanctuary feel included by employing staff from refugee backgrounds and providing volunteer opportunities. The school shares its work through various exhibitions and showcases to spread awareness about welcoming those in need of sanctuary.
Growing Scientists: Community Engagement for Preschoolers and Families throug...NCIL - STAR_NetSan Rafael Public Library started offering STEM programs for preschoolers on Saturdays after finding weekday programs were poorly attended due to parents' work schedules. The programs were very popular, filling to capacity with repeat participants. Families commented that the programs helped spark their children's interest in science. Moving forward, the library plans to allow more freedom of movement in programs to keep children engaged and incorporate different activity stations related to topics. The goal is to nurture curiosity and a love of learning in children.
BATCH NIZO '96Bryan ArreoThe Batch Nizo is a group of alumni from their alma mater organized to hold class reunions and give back to their community. They have held several successful outreach events since 2009, including providing snacks to students during exams, distributing school supplies, and bringing together batch mates in need for food, laughter and gifts. As an epitome of "true men and women for others", the Batch Nizo continues their momentum of community service in line with their advocacy of giving back.
NIEAngola3pg12Gay Weintz, M.Ed.This document provides information about an educational project called "Looking For Angola" that is creating a newspaper supplement to teach students about the history of the Angola settlement in Florida. It lists the credits for the educational team that created the project. It also describes plans to have students in Florida who learned about Angola communicate through a writing program with students in the Bahamas who are believed to be descendants of the original inhabitants of Angola.