The document outlines two units in a Natural Science course. Unit 1 discusses the main parts of the body, including the head, torso, limbs, joints, and the five senses. It also covers basic feelings. Unit 2 focuses on food, including the main food groups, foods from plants and animals, how different foods are made, the three main meals, snacks, healthy habits like eating well and hygiene, and good behavior at school.
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Naturales 1&2
1. Natural Science
1-The 3 sections of the body (head, torso, limbs).
2-Parts of the body (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, tummy, legs, arms, hands)
3-Joints (neck, wrist, shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle, knee)
4- Feelings (sad, happy, angry, worried)
5- The five senses (touch, see, hear, smell, taste)
1- Food groups (vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat & fish ...)
2- Food from plants and from animals (healthy food)
3- We make different food (milk-cheese, fruit-jam or juices, wheat-bread)
4- Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch & dinner)
5- Break time (comidas del recreo)
6- Look after yourself (eat healthy, keep yourself clean, drink water,)
7- Take care at school (comportamiento para estar sano y saber estar)