Jean-Marie Gandois has extensive experience as a senior consultant in risk, fraud, and revenue assurance in the telecom industry. He has scientific training in statistics and economics from ENSAE Paris and Université de Lyon. He has worked for telecom operators and regulators in countries including Algeria, Comoros, Benin, Morocco, Côte d'Ivoire, and Senegal. His skills include economics, statistics, analytics, modeling, auditing, and telecom domains like billing, pricing, and fraud prevention. He also has experience as a trainer, translator, and published author.
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1. Curriculum Vitae
Jean‐Marie Gandois
21, Clos des Cascades
Tél : + 33 6 16 37 09 12
Scientific training
• Statistician Engeneer, ENSAE
• General Economy Diploma,
Université de Lyon
• Math‐Physics‐Chemistry,
Université de Lyon
• 1st price Violin, 1st price in
Chamber music, Conservatoire
National Supérieur de
Musique de Lyon
• Services companies
• Caisse Dépôts & Consignations
• Single company
• Canton Consulting
Jean‐Marie Gandois
Senior Consultant expert Risk, Fraud & Revenue Assurance in Telecom
Scientific and economic education:
Lyon’s University: Sciences College / Law & Economic Sciences college
ENSAE: Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration
Economique Paris
General skills:
Economics, statistics, data analysis, analytics, modeling
Risks analysis (Method MEHARI)
Audits, Quality, Methodology, reporting, decisional, data
warehouse, customer experience, process management
Telecom Domain: billing, pricing, Risk, Fraud & Revenue
Assurance, CRM
New EU regulations on Payment Services (Payment Services
Directive, SEPA, SCT, SDD, Anti Money Laundering)
Significant recent experiences
2018: Revenue Assurance training for an Algerian telecom
2018: ISO 27000 set up for a small company
2017: COMOROS : supplementary audit report for the regulator
2016: Prepaid Debit Cards domain: process enhancement
2015: BENIN: audit of the 5 telecom operators for the regulator
ARCEP. Flows analysis, fraud detection, final report.
2014 – 2015: COMOROS: Organizational Audit of the regulator
ANRTIC and the ‘Direction des TIC’ of the Ministry – under
World Bank control
2014: MOROCCO: Training the regulator’s team ANRT on Fraud
& RA
2014: Audit of the 5 operators of Bénin on behalf of ARCEP in
partnership with Laurasia Associates (UK) and Sodexca (Bénin)
2014: Partnership with Canton Consulting for an accreditation by
ACPR of the Cy BD Multimedia as Payment Institution
team in 2013: Trainer Fraud & Revenue Assurance of the MTN
Côte d’Ivoire.
Fraud for SONATEL Sénégal 2013: Workshop
2013: Presentation of methods and business cases of fraud &
Revenue Assurance to the international conference FRR2012
2012: Partnership with Canton Consulting for an accreditation by
ACPR of the Cy FDI.
2. Curriculum Vitae
2011: Transverse steering of an experiment to fight
documentary fraud with a dematerialized solution in Orange
stores. Modeling and validation of wins assumptions (>15 M€)
2010: APEC: Projects coordination and use of ARIS for
cartography of the business processes.
2009: Bouygues Telecom: State of the Art in new payment
means (m‐payment, NFC, e‐payment…).
2009: Congo Kinshasa (Ministère des Télécommunications):
technical and financial audit Director of the 4 operators.
(Supervision of 8 auditors).
France Telecom Wholesale: Development of methodology for
evaluating potential losses of income in the frame of an
Excellence center Fraud & Revenue Assurance.
Experiences as a trainer
Training Fraud & Revenue Assurance
Training adults in mathematics & physics for GRETA Créteil
Training the students of ENSAE in descriptive statistic
Violin teacher at Conservatoire de Poissy
Violin teacher at école PIMAC de Chelles
Experiences as a translator English ‐> French
Translations of litterature for Kosmos Traduzioni
Experiences as a writer (publications)
« Le Monde sucré de Kersti », 2006, Ed. Yvelinédition
« Adagio Affettuoso », 2009, Ed. Yvelinédition
« Métro Cadet », 2013, Ed. Les Editions du Net
Short stories on Amazon Kindle Store, 2013 :
« Sur les ailes du papillon », 2014, Ed. du Net
Many short stories published as ebooks on Amazon