I am very simple
I'm A vErY qUiTe pErsOn. i basICally tHink A
loT befOre dOig aNy thIng, shOw mUch conCern t0
othErs fellIngs, N maKe suRe thAt i dn't
offEnd aNy oNe... bUt wiTh friEnDs i'm
comPletEly opEn. i lOve makIng frieNds, b0y,
gal, NoThinG reAlly mattErs. i liKe 2 hav A
wh0le l0t 0f pe0ple ar0und Me. ApArt fr0m dAt,
i lIke danCing (Jazz N salsa), musics(rock),
reading,.. and spend some time alone once in a
while. i have a passion towards Physics,Guitar and
Singing... To round up, "i'm a kind of
pers0n wh0 will find all p0ssible ways 2 stay