The Martinsburg Mall initiated a social media program in 2008 that grew quickly and successfully. By 2009, their Facebook page had over 1,000 friends and their social media efforts for store grand openings significantly exceeded sales plans. The mall's social media program was later expanded in 2009 and became part of an award-winning initiative across 13 malls managed by Jones Lang LaSalle. Creative efforts like featuring a popular movie character and a photo-bombing squirrel enhanced engagement on social media for the Martinsburg Mall.
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Social Media Presentation
3. Martinsburg Mall initiated social media marketing in 2008. Two months
after we installed free Wifi in the food court.
Guest Service was the primary resource to establish the mall social pages
very quickly and successfully. (College Students)
Facebook & Myspace grew very quickly. Sometimes 100 or more friends
would join in one night.
Social Success:
Grand opening of rue21
4. Business cards were distributed to area high schools in Berkeley & Jefferson County.
Events were set up on Facebook & Myspace.
No other forms of advertising were used: budget freeze under Prime Retail
Results: Thursday: 85% up from plan
Friday: 303% up from plan
Saturday: 309% up from plan
Sunday: 297% up from plan
5. Initiated Claires at Martinsburg Mall
Over 1,000 friends
Several hundred international friends
I contacted Claires marketing department.
Concerning all the international friends we had.
They initiated their own Fanpage.
They emailed me thanking me for the help.
Claires had Facebook shut down all ancillary sites
including ours.
6. Initiated Social Media Program in January, 2008
Facebook: 2 months over 1,000 friends!
Facebook Admin. closed our page twice.
Developed a successful group
American Eagle at Martinsburg Mall; 921 supporters.
Current friends: 342 people
7. Initiated Social Media Program in January, 2008
Myspace: 1,068 friends
Developed a successful group
American Eagle at Martinsburg Mall; 1071
8. Initiated Social Media Program in April, 2009
Twitter: 247 followers
Tweet deck: A twitter tool.
Follows Tweets & Facebook posts.
Posts to Twitter, Facebook, Myspace
Monitors any post/tweet with Martinsburg Mall in it.
9. The Dealey Group Brings Home Three Silvers!
March 3, 2010
TDG won three Silver MAXIs at the ICSC U.S. Shopping Center MAXI
Awards in Chicago on March 3, 2010. The Silver Award Winning New
Media campaigns including our Social Media Initiative for Jones Lang
LaSalles Retail Portfolio, our Scene@TheShops Social Media
campaign for Inland Westerns Shops at Legacy in Plano, Texas, and
our Teen Advisory Board launch for Inland Westerns Southlake Town
Square in Southlake, Texas.
In addition to winning three Silvers, TDG is proud to have designed
the newspaper insert for Galleria Dallas Gold-MAXI-winning-event,
Beauty Live, and to have been named a MAXI finalist our Mobile
Marketing Initiative for Jones Lang LaSalles Retail Portfolio.
ICSC's MAXI Awards honor and recognize the premier marketing,
community outreach, sales promotion and specialty leasing
campaigns in the shopping center industry.
Click here for the complete list of 2010 U.S. Shopping Center MAXI
Award Winners.
In April of 2009 JLL & The
Dealey Group initiated an
award winning social
media program with 13
malls, including
Martinsburg Mall.
10. In 17 short weeks, the 13 Jones
Lang LaSalle centers built online
communities totaling 7,913 fans.
12. Jones Lang LaSalles social media
program garnered additional
impressions through national
traditional media and press releases.
13. By leveraging the popular New Moon character (Edward
Cullen), Martinsburg Mall recorded, edited and posted a
video featuring key merchandise in the center.
14. August of 2009 a
squirrel became
popular in the media
for photo-bombing
some hikers.
In the following days
The Squirrel made
several candid
appearances at
Martinsburg Mall!
Myspace: 120 views
Facebook: 100 views
15. A Social Media Event!
1200 Moms with Facebook
pages have been reached in
That does not include their
friends and groups.
Announcement of Dell Mini
giveaway received over 300
like responses within Two