A sparrow rode for three days across fields and four days over the Black Mountains to marry a wren. The wedding guests included an old crow best man, a woodpecker groomsman, a jackdaw best man, and a swallow brother-in-law. However, as the wren and sparrow prepared for their wedding, a hawk kidnapped the wren. All the wedding guests fled and hid in thorns while the jackdaw best man perched atop a thorn bush. The woodpecker groom hid in straw.
A sparrow rode for three days across fields and four days over the Black Mountains to marry a wren. The wedding guests included an old crow best man, a woodpecker groomsman, a jackdaw best man, and a swallow brother-in-law. However, as the wren and sparrow prepared for their wedding, a hawk kidnapped the wren. All the wedding guests fled and hid in thorns while the jackdaw best man perched atop a thorn bush. The woodpecker groom hid in straw.