
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 Chapter 1
 Chapter 2 - Chapter 2.2.1
 Beginner :]
Chapter 1:
1.1 Bitcoin
 覓手唄 螳豺襯  
  覓手唄螻 蟲蠍  
 蟲 所 蠍  襷り願鍵 覓語
蠏 螳豺   襤磯ゼ 牛 語螻 讌
 覓朱手 讌
 螳ク蟆 覓手唄 螳豺襯    
 蠍企  螳 覓殊 蠍磯 
1st Generation
 讌  螳 牛
2nd Generation
 Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Ripple, Moreno 
3rd Genera=on
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing

襦 襷 ろる┯ 誤蟾讌
 3 蠍郁
覲伎 & 蟯襴
誤  蟇磯 牛 覦
譟一蠍  誤  蟲
朱 襷れ伎 讌 一企.
1.1 Bitcoin
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing
襦 誤, 觜語語 豢
in 2009
 蟆 襾碁 = 螳伎 
 蟆 襾碁  誤
誤  蟆曙 伎 覦, 蟲, 覲伎
煙 覦朱 伎
 David Chaum, 1983  DigiCash
 Wei Dai, 1998  b-money
 Nick Szabo  Bit Gold
Bitcoin: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Satoshi Nakamoto
A purely Peer-to-Peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from
one party to another without going through a financial institution
 P2P 覯   螳 蠍 蠍郁 譴螳 蟇一讌 螻   るジ
蟆 讌  殊 讌蠍 螳ロ蟆 .
誤  蟇磯 牛 覦
譟一蠍  誤  蟲
朱 襷れ伎 讌 一企.
1.1 Bitcoin
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing
襦 誤, 觜語語 豢
in 2009
 蟆 襾碁 = 螳伎 
 蟆 襾碁  誤
誤  蟆曙 伎 覦, 蟲, 覲伎
煙 覦朱 伎
 David Chaum, 1983  DigiCash
 Wei Dai, 1998  b-money
 Nick Szabo  Bit Gold
Bitcoin: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Satoshi Nakamoto
 螻糾螻 蠍 螻糾
 蠍一 蟇磯 覿螳
螳 螳豢伎  螻牛旧 轟 覈 襷譟
 譟一 X
 企 蟇磯 螳
 覩殊殊 & 螻牛
1.1 Bitcoin
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing
Alterna(ve Coin
 Bitcoin Protocol  螳覦
 Alterna(ve Coin Bitcoin 誤 誤
Ethereum Classic
Bitcoin Alternative Coin
 Lite Coin
 Ethereum Classic
ETH襯 麹  蠍一朱 企ゼ 企至 願屋
蟆瑚  願岡朱 Ethereum 覿襴
<2016 Ethereum Hacking Accident>
 Spilit Contract(based on Ethereum Smart Contract) by Slock.it:
蠍 覦 豌  DAO Token ETH襦 覦
 殊 螳 讌  覦 豌 豌襴
豺覈 蟆壱
 伎擦  覦 豌 ,  螻 覦
豌 豌襴蠍  覦覲旧朱 讌伎 覦
豌  讌 螻糾鴬(Reentrant A?ack) 
DAO螳 覲危 豌 蠍 譴 1/3 豎る.
  覓語襯 願屋蠍  Ethereum Classic
The DAO: 蟯襴 旧  Smart Contract襯 牛 朱    Ethereum 蠍磯 Crowd Funding System The DAO( Decentralized autonomous organiza5on)襯 豢讌
1.2 Blockchain 蠍一 
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing
Blockchain 蠍一 
覲伎 覿殊
伎 讌蠍

螻旧 蠍一 Blockchain 螻 蟇磯  覲譟
Shared Ledger
Blockchain 蠏 Blockれ 郁屋  谿瑚れ 蟇磯
 轟  覦 蟇一宏
Proof of Work
 覈 蟇磯: 螳  谿 蠍磯
 譴螳 覲譟 覿螳
 覈 谿語 譯殊牡 覿 螻旧レ 覲譟
 螳 蟇磯 一危磯 Private Key襦 覈
 蠍一 れ 企 Private Key襯
覲危讌   覲譟 覿螳
覿 螻旧 
譴讌譴 リ骸 覿 螻旧
1.3 Blockchain P2P Computing
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing
P2P Computing
谿語 覈 碁螳 燕 蟠螻 蟠襴襯 螳螻 Ethereum
Network 谿語 蟆 蠍磯蓋 豌朱 螳蠍 覓
ろ語 谿語 覈 貉危郁 狩
螻 蠍磯レ  貉危 豌襴 覦
P2P Compu4ng
 貉危郁 企殊伎誤語  覯
 Ethereum Smart Contract: 貉危 襦語 螻旧
 Ethereum Swarm:  螻旧
 Ethereum Whisper: 覃讌 螻旧
Ethereum 弰 P2P 蠍磯 蠍磯レ  
觜れ 螳覦 讌 弰朱 覦
P2P Network 郁屋 覦
 燕 蟠 碁る 蟲焔蠍一 蟯襴螳 企れ
 郁屋 碁螳 讌 蟆讀蠍 企糾鍵 覓語
襤一 伎
 碁襷 貉危 , ろ語  煙 るゴ蠍
覓語 豌 焔レ レ 覩語宏
 Network 蟲 谿語   レ煙 譬
 碁れ 覈 襦 郁屋 蠍 覓語 朱 碁
覓語螳 蟆 
 蟯襴 覦 螳 蠍磯レ 覲襦 蠍 覓語 豈讌 蟆 


Ethereum 豌 P2P Network Framework
DevP2P襯 蟲覃伎 襤一  碁襯 蟲覲
願 企 碁襯 谿場 郁屋覃伎 豌
ろ語襯 蠍  碁レ 螻 .
1.4 Blockchain 蠍磯  覿襯
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing
Public Blockchain Private Blockchain
 Bitcoin Founda4on 螳覦螻 .
 Bitcoin Core襯 伎覃 Bitcoin Network 郁屋
Bitcoin Blockchain Data襯 れ企螻, 蠍壱螻, 蟇磯
襷企 螳
 Bitcoin Core襯 Clone(覲旧)覃 Bitcoin螻 
誤襯 蟲  .
Bitcoin Core
 誤襯 讌ロ Bitcoin螻 襴 Blockchain 蠍磯
覯 觜 螳覦  貉危 弰 讌
 4螻 襦襷旧   螳覦
  3.5螻 Metropolis (vConstantinople)
28 February 2019
 蟲 企 Blockchain 螻  碁襯 蟲燕
谿語 螳
 螳覦 企 弰 蠍磯レ 螳襦 觜 蟲豢
 殊 蟆 譟郁唄 螳豢 れ 伎襷 ろ語
 谿語    覩碁Μ 讌螻 企れ 蟠 危
 Private Channel
蟯螻 谿語蟆 蟇磯 伎 觜螻糾
 蟠 るジ 碁
覈 碁螳 狩 蟠 螳讌讌 
 觜襯 豌襴  豌襴
 Smart Contract
 System Customizing
蠍一 れ 蟆曙 襷襦 Blockchain
豌 Engine Customizing
朱朱 讌伎狩 蠍磯
e.g. Hyperledger Fabric
1.5 Blockchain 伎 覈語  危
Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing
譴讌譴  觜讀 覈 觚襦豌伎 蠍磯 譴  觜讀
 Pla$orm   蠏豪
 谿語 れ 螻牛 磯ジ 螳豺 螻旧 觜螻
 譴 弰 谿語 觜るゼ 伎覃 伎
 螳襦 誤 讌蠍
 覈 蟇磯 覈蟆 螻糾
 螳螳 螻 伎  覈 觜讀 蠏豺 螻糾
 覈 谿語    蟆一螻  
 覦 蠏朱蓋 谿伎 Business Model
e.g. AWS: AWS螳 煙ロ 蠍一  覦 襭 螻
碁れ蟆 螳豺 螻旧 譟伎讌
Chapter 2:
2.1.1 Ethereum  螻殊
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
企襴  襦蠏碁覦 襦
 る 貉碁碁ゼ る
覿磯 弰企も
Ethereum Community
覿磯 螳覦 弰 覈襦 
Ethereum 讌螳 れ 
 ! Mist Ethereum Wallet れ
 豕豐 Account  Main Account
  Mining  螳襯 ETH襦
讌蠍覦  Default Account襦 
 Account 譯殊
 誤 16讌 螳
 ETH襯 譯手覦  
 ETH 覲 覦覯: "#
 " 蟇磯 ETH襯 蟲襷
 # るジ 蟆 ETH ♀ 覦
 $% 譯朱 企 觜 襷  ETH襦
蟆一螻 企ゼ 襦覿    
2.1.1 Ethereum  螻殊
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
覈 蟇磯 蠍磯 螻旧 覦 Blockchain 蟲
 ! Mist Ethereum Wallet れ
 豕豐 Account  Main Account
  Mining  螳襯 ETH襦
讌蠍覦  Default Account襦 
 Account 譯殊
 誤 16讌 螳
 ETH襯 譯手覦  
 ETH 覲 覦覯: "#
 " 蟇磯 ETH襯 蟲襷
 # るジ 蟆 ETH ♀ 覦
 $% 譯朱 企 觜 襷  ETH襦
蟆一螻 企ゼ 襦覿    
  螳 ♀企 覓手唄 蟲襷  ETH襯 讌蠍 蟆
  Account 螳 ETH 蠍′ 企る 蟆
ETH 蠍′ 企
State A State B
a speci鍖c user's account state
at a speci鍖c /me
轟  轟  Account 襯 るジ 襦 
朱  (覲)襯 殊狩る 覈 ("#$%)
Transac*onれ 覈  Block   Block 螳朱 郁屋覃伎 朱 Blockchain
2.1.1 Ethereum  螻殊
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
覈 蟇磯 蠍磯 螻旧 覦 Blockchain 蟲
  螳 ♀企 覓手唄 蟲襷  ETH襯 讌蠍 蟆
  Account 螳 ETH 蠍′ 企る 蟆
ETH 蠍′ 企
State A State B
a speci鍖c user's account state
at a speci鍖c /me
轟  轟  Account 襯 るジ 襦 
朱  (覲)襯 殊狩る 覈 (!"#$)
Transac*onれ 覈  Block   Block 螳朱 郁屋覃伎 朱 Blockchain 
伎覓  & 覲伎レ?
譴 語蠍郁 X
 覩碁 覓語

Using PoW(Proof of Work) Algorithm
= 豈蟲伎(Miner)
PoW襯 牛 mining   一    覓語
PoS(Proof of Stake)朱  覦 覲蟆 譴
2.2.1 Ethereum   覈
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
 瑚 蟇磯
   Account るジ  Account襦
 ♀ 蟆
蠍′ 企
State A State B
a speci鍖c user's account state
at a speci鍖c /me
轟  轟  Account 襯 るジ 襦 
螻譬  企ゼ 覦 朱 
覈 覲 螳 磯 朱 襯 螳螻 譴  レ 蟯 覲企ゼ 覈 蠍磯
覈 蟇磯 
譴  蟯襴
2.2.1 Ethereum   覈
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
Ethereum 蟇磯,  
轟    S 螳
 覲 (APPLY()) 
るジ (S)襦 企蟇磯
伎 ろ螻 伎 襦 覲糾 蟆 襷.
轟  轟  Account 襯 るジ 襦 
ETH 蠍′ 企
State A State B
a speci鍖c user's account state
at a speci鍖c /me
[S:  ]  (APPLY:  覲 )  [S: 覲企   ろ]
朱  (覲)襯 殊狩る 覈 
 Ethereum  瑚 狩   螻殊
(State)   覲伎
2.2.1 Ethereum   覈
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
Ethereum 蟇磯,  
轟    S 螳
 覲 (APPLY()) 
るジ (S)襦 企蟇磯
伎 ろ螻 伎 襦 覲糾 蟆 襷.
[S:  ]  (APPLY:  覲 )  [S: 覲企   ろ]
企 覈 蟆 Account State()
Ethereum 覈 蠍磯蓋 : Account
譴覲給讌  覲(轟 譯殊)
 一危磯ゼ ロ蠍  朱  螻糾
 Ethereum 豌  = 豌 Account 
Balance, Transac?on, Smart Contract 貉危朱 譴螳 貊
覈 Account State 覲企 Block螻 Block 伎 郁屋 Merkel Patricia Trie襦 ル螻 蟯襴
 Chapter 2.3
2.2.1 Ethereum   覈
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
Ethereum 蟇磯,  
企 覈 蟆 Account State()
Ethereum 覈 蠍磯蓋 : Account
譴覲給讌  覲(轟 譯殊)
 一危磯ゼ ロ蠍  朱  螻糾
 Ethereum 豌  = 豌 Account 
Balance, Transac5on, Smart Contract 貉危朱 譴螳 貊
Account  覲危  
 ♀螻 螳 Transac5on
 EVM ろ 襦蠏碁 Smart Contract
     企 螳.
 Account 轟    覲危襯
牛   襦襷 企.
襷  螳  螳 襦 企る
給 れ 企 螳 襷 蟆語 螻   .
2.2.1 Ethereum   覈
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
Ethereum 蟇磯,  
Account State 覲危  
 ♀螻 螳 Transac-on
 EVM ろ 襦蠏碁 Smart Contract
     企 螳.
 Account 轟    覲危襯
牛   襦襷 企.
 Transca-onり骸 覲企れ  Block朱 蟲
  Block 豕豐 Genesis Block覿 螳朱
郁屋朱 狩 襯 讌
襷  螳  螳 襦 企る
給 れ 企 螳 襷 蟆語 螻   .
 豕豐螳 覲危襯 牛 1 
 1 覲危襯 牛 れ 2螳 
2.2.1 Ethereum   覈
Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform  襴
Bitcon  覲 覈
Bitcoin    覈語 蠍磯朱 
Bitcoin   Unspent Bitcoin  
讌 螻   Bitcoin 蠍磯  企 螳
Ethereum Bitcoin
ETH  訖襷  Smart Contract襯 牛
Account 伎 覈  覲伎  譟一 螳
 A  Bitcoin ′  B蟆
″ 豌 ′ 覲 蟆襷 螳
Bitcoin State()
(Unspent Transac8on Outputs)
讌 螻  Bitcoin企手
螳覃 !
螳 豌蟆 11.5BTC襯 ♀蠍 
 UTXO 譴 12BTC襯 ♀ 蟆曙一 襯
Bitcoin   覈碁  蟆

+ 11.5BTC

+ 0.5BTC
12BTC, 豌
Thank You
2.2.1 Ethereum   覈
 The state of Ethereum has millions of transac2ons.
 These transac+ons are grouped into blocks.
 A block contains a series of transac2ons, and each block is chained together with its previous block.
Ethereum 蟇磯,

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  • 4. 1.1 Bitcoin 4 覓手唄 螳豺襯 覓手唄螻 蟲蠍 Money 蟲 所 蠍 襷り願鍵 覓語 蠏 螳豺 襤磯ゼ 牛 語螻 讌 覓朱手 覓朱手 讌 螳ク蟆 覓手唄 螳豺襯 蠍企 螳 覓殊 蠍磯 1st Generation 讌 螳 牛 2nd Generation Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Ripple, Moreno 3rd Genera=on Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing 螳 襦 襷 ろる┯ 誤蟾讌 3 蠍郁 覲伎 & 蟯襴
  • 5. 誤 蟇磯 牛 覦 譟一蠍 誤 蟲 朱 襷れ伎 讌 一企. 1.1 Bitcoin 5 誤 Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing 襦 誤, 觜語語 豢 in 2009 誤 蟆 襾碁 = 螳伎 蟆 襾碁 誤 誤 蟆曙 伎 覦, 蟲, 覲伎 煙 覦朱 伎 David Chaum, 1983 DigiCash Wei Dai, 1998 b-money Nick Szabo Bit Gold Bitcoin Bitcoin: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Satoshi Nakamoto A purely Peer-to-Peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution P2P 覯 螳 蠍 蠍郁 譴螳 蟇一讌 螻 るジ 蟆 讌 殊 讌蠍 螳ロ蟆 .
  • 6. 誤 蟇磯 牛 覦 譟一蠍 誤 蟲 朱 襷れ伎 讌 一企. 1.1 Bitcoin 6 誤 Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing 襦 誤, 觜語語 豢 in 2009 誤 蟆 襾碁 = 螳伎 蟆 襾碁 誤 誤 蟆曙 伎 覦, 蟲, 覲伎 煙 覦朱 伎 David Chaum, 1983 DigiCash Wei Dai, 1998 b-money Nick Szabo Bit Gold Bitcoin Bitcoin: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Satoshi Nakamoto 願規 螻糾螻 蠍 螻糾 蠍一 蟇磯 覿螳 螳 螳豢伎 螻牛旧 轟 覈 襷譟 譟一 X 企 蟇磯 螳 覩殊殊 & 螻牛
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  • 8. 1.2 Blockchain 蠍一 8 Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing Blockchain 蠍一 誤 蟲 覲譟 覲伎 覿殊 伎 讌蠍 願屋 螻旧 蠍一 Blockchain 螻 蟇磯 覲譟 覿螳ロ襦 Shared Ledger Blockchain 蠏 Blockれ 郁屋 谿瑚れ 蟇磯 轟 覦 蟇一宏 Proof of Work 覈 蟇磯: 螳 谿 蠍磯 譴螳 覲譟 覿螳 覈 谿語 譯殊牡 覿 螻旧レ 覲譟 蠍一 螳 蟇磯 一危磯 Private Key襦 覈 蠍一 れ 企 Private Key襯 覲危讌 覲譟 覿螳 覿 螻旧 譴讌譴 リ骸 覿 螻旧
  • 9. 1.3 Blockchain P2P Computing 9 Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing P2P Computing 谿語 覈 碁螳 燕 蟠螻 蟠襴襯 螳螻 Ethereum Network 谿語 蟆 蠍磯蓋 豌朱 螳蠍 覓 覿壱 ろ語 谿語 覈 貉危郁 狩 螻 蠍磯レ 貉危 豌襴 覦 P2P Compu4ng 貉危郁 企殊伎誤語 覯 Ethereum Smart Contract: 貉危 襦語 螻旧 Ethereum Swarm: 螻旧 Ethereum Whisper: 覃讌 螻旧 Ethereum 弰 P2P 蠍磯 蠍磯レ 觜れ 螳覦 讌 弰朱 覦 P2P Network 郁屋 覦 燕 蟠 碁る 蟲焔蠍一 蟯襴螳 企れ 郁屋 碁螳 讌 蟆讀蠍 企糾鍵 覓語 襤一 伎 碁襷 貉危 , ろ語 煙 るゴ蠍 覓語 豌 焔レ レ 覩語宏 Network 蟲 谿語 レ煙 譬 碁れ 覈 襦 郁屋 蠍 覓語 朱 碁 覓語螳 蟆 蟯襴 覦 螳 蠍磯レ 覲襦 蠍 覓語 豈讌 蟆 ? Ethereum 豌 P2P Network Framework DevP2P襯 蟲覃伎 襤一 碁襯 蟲覲 願 企 碁襯 谿場 郁屋覃伎 豌 ろ語襯 蠍 碁レ 螻 . Ethereum
  • 10. 1.4 Blockchain 蠍磯 覿襯 10 Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing Public Blockchain Private Blockchain Bitcoin Founda4on 螳覦螻 . Bitcoin Core襯 伎覃 Bitcoin Network 郁屋 Bitcoin Blockchain Data襯 れ企螻, 蠍壱螻, 蟇磯 襷企 螳 Bitcoin Core襯 Clone(覲旧)覃 Bitcoin螻 誤襯 蟲 . Bitcoin Core 誤襯 讌ロ Bitcoin螻 襴 Blockchain 蠍磯 覯 觜 螳覦 貉危 弰 讌 4螻 襦襷旧 螳覦 3.5螻 Metropolis (vConstantinople) 28 February 2019 Ethereum 蟲 企 Blockchain 螻 碁襯 蟲燕 谿語 螳 螳覦 企 弰 蠍磯レ 螳襦 觜 蟲豢 殊 蟆 譟郁唄 螳豢 れ 伎襷 ろ語 谿語襯 谿語 覩碁Μ 讌螻 企れ 蟠 危 Blockchain Private Channel 蟯螻 谿語蟆 蟇磯 伎 觜螻糾 蟠 るジ 碁 覈 碁螳 狩 蟠 螳讌讌 觜襯 豌襴 豌襴 Smart Contract System Customizing 蠍一 れ 蟆曙 襷襦 Blockchain 豌 Engine Customizing 朱朱 讌伎狩 蠍磯 e.g. Hyperledger Fabric
  • 11. 1.5 Blockchain 伎 覈語 危 11 Chapter 1: Blockchain Computing 譴讌譴 觜讀 覈 觚襦豌伎 蠍磯 譴 觜讀 Pla$orm 蠏豪 谿語 れ 螻牛 磯ジ 螳豺 螻旧 觜螻 譴 弰 谿語 觜るゼ 伎覃 伎 螳襦 誤 讌蠍 覈 蟇磯 覈蟆 螻糾 螳螳 螻 伎 覈 觜讀 蠏豺 螻糾 覈 谿語 蟆一螻 覦 蠏朱蓋 谿伎 Business Model e.g. AWS: AWS螳 煙ロ 蠍一 覦 襭 螻 碁れ蟆 螳豺 螻旧 譟伎讌
  • 12. Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 CHONBUK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 02 12
  • 13. 2.1.1 Ethereum 螻殊 13 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 Ethereum 企襴 襦蠏碁覦 襦 る 貉碁碁ゼ る 覿磯 弰企も Ethereum Community 覿磯 螳覦 弰 覈襦 Ethereum 讌螳 れ ! Mist Ethereum Wallet れ Account 豕豐 Account Main Account (Etherbase) Mining 螳襯 ETH襦 讌蠍覦 Default Account襦 Account 譯殊 誤 16讌 螳 ETH襯 譯手覦 ETH 覲 覦覯: "# " 蟇磯 ETH襯 蟲襷 # るジ 蟆 ETH ♀ 覦 $% 譯朱 企 觜 襷 ETH襦 蟆一螻 企ゼ 襦覿 ! " # $ %
  • 14. 2.1.1 Ethereum 螻殊 14 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 覈 蟇磯 蠍磯 螻旧 覦 Blockchain 蟲 ! Mist Ethereum Wallet れ Account 豕豐 Account Main Account (Etherbase) Mining 螳襯 ETH襦 讌蠍覦 Default Account襦 Account 譯殊 誤 16讌 螳 ETH襯 譯手覦 ETH 覲 覦覯: "# " 蟇磯 ETH襯 蟲襷 # るジ 蟆 ETH ♀ 覦 $% 譯朱 企 觜 襷 ETH襦 蟆一螻 企ゼ 襦覿 螳 ♀企 覓手唄 蟲襷 ETH襯 讌蠍 蟆 Account 螳 ETH 蠍′ 企る 蟆 ETH 蠍′ 企 State A State B a speci鍖c user's account state at a speci鍖c /me 轟 轟 Account 襯 るジ 襦 朱 (覲)襯 殊狩る 覈 ("#$%) Transac*on Transac*onれ 覈 Block Block 螳朱 郁屋覃伎 朱 Blockchain
  • 15. 2.1.1 Ethereum 螻殊 15 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 覈 蟇磯 蠍磯 螻旧 覦 Blockchain 蟲 螳 ♀企 覓手唄 蟲襷 ETH襯 讌蠍 蟆 Account 螳 ETH 蠍′ 企る 蟆 ETH 蠍′ 企 State A State B a speci鍖c user's account state at a speci鍖c /me 轟 轟 Account 襯 るジ 襦 朱 (覲)襯 殊狩る 覈 (!"#$) Transac*on Transac*onれ 覈 Block Block 螳朱 郁屋覃伎 朱 Blockchain 伎覓 & 覲伎レ? 譴 語蠍郁 X 覲伎 覩碁 覓語 Using PoW(Proof of Work) Algorithm = 豈蟲伎(Miner) PoW襯 牛 mining 一 覓語 PoS(Proof of Stake)朱 覦 覲蟆 譴
  • 16. 2.2.1 Ethereum 覈 16 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 瑚 蟇磯 Account るジ Account襦 ♀ 蟆 蠍′ 企 State A State B a speci鍖c user's account state at a speci鍖c /me 轟 轟 Account 襯 るジ 襦 螻譬 企ゼ 覦 朱 Transac'on 覈 覲 螳 磯 朱 襯 螳螻 譴 レ 蟯 覲企ゼ 覈 蠍磯 蠍磯 覈 蟇磯 譴 蟯襴 譴
  • 17. 2.2.1 Ethereum 覈 17 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 Ethereum 蟇磯, 企, 轟 S 螳 覲 (APPLY()) るジ (S)襦 企蟇磯 伎 ろ螻 伎 襦 覲糾 蟆 襷. 轟 轟 Account 襯 るジ 襦 Transac/on ETH 蠍′ 企 State A State B a speci鍖c user's account state at a speci鍖c /me [S: ] (APPLY: 覲 ) [S: 覲企 ろ] APPLY(S, TX) S 朱 (覲)襯 殊狩る 覈 S S APPLY() Ethereum 瑚 狩 螻殊 蠍磯朱 (State) 覲伎
  • 18. 2.2.1 Ethereum 覈 18 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 Ethereum 蟇磯, 企, 轟 S 螳 覲 (APPLY()) るジ (S)襦 企蟇磯 伎 ろ螻 伎 襦 覲糾 蟆 襷. [S: ] (APPLY: 覲 ) [S: 覲企 ろ] APPLY(S, TX) S S S APPLY() 企 覈 蟆 Account State() Ethereum 覈 蠍磯蓋 : Account 譴覲給讌 覲(轟 譯殊) 一危磯ゼ ロ蠍 朱 螻糾 Ethereum 豌 = 豌 Account Account Balance, Transac?on, Smart Contract 貉危朱 譴螳 貊 覈 Account State 覲企 Block螻 Block 伎 郁屋 Merkel Patricia Trie襦 ル螻 蟯襴 Chapter 2.3
  • 19. 2.2.1 Ethereum 覈 19 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 Ethereum 蟇磯, 企 覈 蟆 Account State() Ethereum 覈 蠍磯蓋 : Account 譴覲給讌 覲(轟 譯殊) 一危磯ゼ ロ蠍 朱 螻糾 Ethereum 豌 = 豌 Account Account Balance, Transac5on, Smart Contract 貉危朱 譴螳 貊 S S APPLY() Account 覲危 ♀螻 螳 Transac5on EVM ろ 襦蠏碁 Smart Contract 企 螳. Account 轟 覲危襯 牛 襦襷 企. FSM? 襷 螳 螳 襦 企る 給 れ 企 螳 襷 蟆語 螻 .
  • 20. 2.2.1 Ethereum 覈 20 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 Ethereum 蟇磯, S S APPLY() Account State 覲危 ♀螻 螳 Transac-on EVM ろ 襦蠏碁 Smart Contract 企 螳. Account 轟 覲危襯 牛 襦襷 企. Transca-onり骸 覲企れ Block朱 蟲 Block 豕豐 Genesis Block覿 螳朱 郁屋朱 狩 襯 讌 襷 螳 螳 襦 企る 給 れ 企 螳 襷 蟆語 螻 . 豕豐螳 覲危襯 牛 1 1 覲危襯 牛 れ 2螳 FSM?
  • 21. 2.2.1 Ethereum 覈 21 Chapter 2: Ethereum Platform 襴 Bitcon 覲 覈 Bitcoin 覈語 蠍磯朱 Bitcoin Unspent Bitcoin 讌 螻 Bitcoin 蠍磯 企 螳 Ethereum Bitcoin ETH 訖襷 Smart Contract襯 牛 Account 伎 覈 覲伎 譟一 螳 A Bitcoin ′ B蟆 ″ 豌 ′ 覲 蟆襷 螳 Bitcoin State() UTXO (Unspent Transac8on Outputs) 讌 螻 Bitcoin企手 螳覃 ! 螳 豌蟆 11.5BTC襯 ♀蠍 UTXO 譴 12BTC襯 ♀ 蟆曙一 襯 Bitcoin 覈碁 蟆 16BTC 豌 + 11.5BTC + 0.5BTC 12BTC, 豌 Transaction
  • 24. 2.2.1 Ethereum 覈 24 The state of Ethereum has millions of transac2ons. These transac+ons are grouped into blocks. A block contains a series of transac2ons, and each block is chained together with its previous block. h=ps://medium.com/@preethikasireddy/how-does-ethereum- work-anyway-22d1df506369 Ethereum 蟇磯,