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Jessica Johnson
2610 Glenwood Road,
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Phone: 201-742-2284
Email: jessicajohnson1194@gmail.com
Education:Sophomore at BrooklynColleges Coordinated B.A.-M.D. program with SUNY
Downstate Medical Center, Macaulay Honors College
BrooklynCollege,CUNY/ MacaulayHonorsCollege
 3.92 GPA,September2013 - Present
 Honor Roll for academic achievements, September,2009 - Present
 Gifted and Talented Student, September2009 - Present
 National Honor Society Member, May2011 - Present
 NVOTHigh School Student of the Month, March 2012
 National MeritScholarshipCommendedStudent,September2012 -Present
 4.14 GPA,September2009 - Present
 7 AP classes, September2011- Present
 SAT score: 2140, March 2012 - Present
Pentecostal YouthFellowshipofNewJersey&New York(PYFNJ&NY)
 State championship in different age groups for memorization skills, speaking skills,
essay writing, and music, August 2001 - 2009
DispatcherandAttendant Trainee  BrooklynCollegeEMS,September2013  Present
 Receive and communicate emergency calls on campus through the radio; attend to
Grant-WritingChair  Global MedicalBrigades,September2013  Present
 Raise funds and collectsupplies formedical mission trip to Honduras; hold events to
raise awareness
Member  BrooklynCollegeAmericanMedicalStudentAssociation, September2013 
 Listen to lectures from professors conductingresearches in the medical field; attend
and hold events
VicePresident CUNY InterVarsityChristianFellowship,September2013  Present
 Raise funds for charity;attend fellowship events
Member  BrooklynCollegePoetrySlamTeam,September2013  Present
 Attend poetry workshops;write and present poetry; compete in poetry slams
PositionsHeldatNorthernValleyRegional HighSchool (NVOT)
VicePresident National HonorSociety,May2011  June 2013
 Participate in various scholastic activities with other students whohave been
recognized for their academic achievements; schedule tutoring programs; carry out
school events
VicePresident OT Diversity/ Multicultural ClubSeptember2011 - June2013
 Organize main events such as Diversity Day,Share-a-Culture days, meetings with
cultural trivia & discussion; promote cultural awareness
Secretary Gifted& TalentedClub(inviteesonly),September2009 -June 2013
 Organize VIA competitions forfreshmen and brain-buster competitions forgrades
10-12 in club; give advice on academic patterns; hold charity events & fundraisers
EventLeader - Bag-a-Lunch&Habitat forHumanity - Volunteens,September2009 -
June 2013
 Organize and manage two teams forcollecting donations forthe hungry & building
homes forthose whoneed aid; publicize events
LiaisonOfficer  Student Council,September2010 -June2013
 Plan and execute charity events, school spirit days, presentations, and school
activities; attend meetings with SchoolSuperintendent and the SchoolBoard to
discuss school activitiesand funding
LiaisonOfficer  School Senate,September2012 -June 2013
 Involvedin planning and managing school affairs with the Principal, other school
officials,and class officers
Officer SpanishClub,September2010 -June 2013
 Conduct meetings, organize Spanish games, cooking, arts & crafts,movies, and trips
to Spanish Broadway shows
Officer Hand-in-HandClub,2010-June 2013
 Organize monthly events to entertain disabled children with games, crafts,movies,
short walks, etc.
Officer SaveOur PlanetEarth Club,September 2009 -June 2013
 Schedule recyclingpatterns; organize forums; publicize events; organize cleanups,
garden meeting, and Reduce Week
Judge JV Debate,September2010 - June 2013
 Assess debates on current world issues and judge the arguments strengths and
Member  AmericanRedCrossClub,September2011-June2013
 Involvedin collectingnecessities forvictims & holding an annual Red Cross
Member  Peer MediationClub,September2012 -June2013
 Counsel and help peers in various areas of their struggle
EventOrganizerand Fund Raiser  HarvestersChristianClub,September2011 - June
 Organize seminars, counseling, charity, and religious events
TeamMember  CrossCountryTeamSeptember2009 - June2013
 Participate in daily practice sessions and represent the school in competitions
TeamMember  Track&Field, September2011 - June 2013
 Participate in daily practice sessions and represent the school in competitions
PositionsHeldinthe Community
ShadowingDr.ShilpaPatel MD,Pediatrician,June2012- Present
 Workalongside the doctorand medical staff to have firsthand experience and better
understanding of the medical profession
NY State LicensedEMT/FirstResponder  VolunteeratNorthvaleAmbulanceCorps,
September2011  Present
 Respond to emergency calls from local residents; provide emergency medical care
and transport to hospitals
BloodDonationDriveOrganizer CommunityBloodServices,September2012
 Organized a blood donation drive in ICANJ Churchs parking lot where 25 people
donated blood
ConstructionHelper  HabitatforHumanity,BergenCounty,June 2011- Present
 Help withvarious home construction and renovation jobs forthe underprivileged,
financially-insecure families
VolunteeratJewishHomeat Rockleigh,August2010 -Present
 Aid nurses as they assist and feed patients; lead & take part in recreation activities
VolunteeratSpectrumforLiving,July 2010 - Present
 Organize and lead recreation activities for the residents and spend time in
OrganizerofRecreationActivitiesonbehalfoftheChurchat ProspectsHeightsRehab
Center, June 2005- Present
 Every second Sunday of the month, take a group of young kids to do skits, actions
songs, etc. forthe residents
DecorationPlanner&CounseloratVacationBibleSchool, July2010- Present
 Organize VBS and lead Biblical activities for kids under age 14
Memberof IndianChristianAssemblyofNewJersey (ICANJ), November24,1994 -
 Organize bake sales, lead body worship dance team, give sermons at youth
meetings, attend Sunday school, and participate in various charity and community
development youthactivities

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  • 1. Jessica Johnson 2610 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn, NY 11210 Phone: 201-742-2284 Email: jessicajohnson1194@gmail.com Education:Sophomore at BrooklynColleges Coordinated B.A.-M.D. program with SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Macaulay Honors College AchievementsandAwards BrooklynCollege,CUNY/ MacaulayHonorsCollege 3.92 GPA,September2013 - Present NorthernValleyRegionalHighSchool,OldTappan(NVOT) Honor Roll for academic achievements, September,2009 - Present Gifted and Talented Student, September2009 - Present National Honor Society Member, May2011 - Present NVOTHigh School Student of the Month, March 2012 National MeritScholarshipCommendedStudent,September2012 -Present 4.14 GPA,September2009 - Present 7 AP classes, September2011- Present SAT score: 2140, March 2012 - Present Pentecostal YouthFellowshipofNewJersey&New York(PYFNJ&NY) State championship in different age groups for memorization skills, speaking skills, essay writing, and music, August 2001 - 2009 PositionsHeldatBrooklynCollege(CUNY) DispatcherandAttendant Trainee BrooklynCollegeEMS,September2013 Present Receive and communicate emergency calls on campus through the radio; attend to patients Grant-WritingChair Global MedicalBrigades,September2013 Present Raise funds and collectsupplies formedical mission trip to Honduras; hold events to raise awareness Member BrooklynCollegeAmericanMedicalStudentAssociation, September2013 Present Listen to lectures from professors conductingresearches in the medical field; attend and hold events VicePresident CUNY InterVarsityChristianFellowship,September2013 Present Raise funds for charity;attend fellowship events Member BrooklynCollegePoetrySlamTeam,September2013 Present Attend poetry workshops;write and present poetry; compete in poetry slams PositionsHeldatNorthernValleyRegional HighSchool (NVOT) VicePresident National HonorSociety,May2011 June 2013 Participate in various scholastic activities with other students whohave been recognized for their academic achievements; schedule tutoring programs; carry out school events VicePresident OT Diversity/ Multicultural ClubSeptember2011 - June2013 Organize main events such as Diversity Day,Share-a-Culture days, meetings with cultural trivia & discussion; promote cultural awareness
  • 2. Secretary Gifted& TalentedClub(inviteesonly),September2009 -June 2013 Organize VIA competitions forfreshmen and brain-buster competitions forgrades 10-12 in club; give advice on academic patterns; hold charity events & fundraisers EventLeader - Bag-a-Lunch&Habitat forHumanity - Volunteens,September2009 - June 2013 Organize and manage two teams forcollecting donations forthe hungry & building homes forthose whoneed aid; publicize events LiaisonOfficer Student Council,September2010 -June2013 Plan and execute charity events, school spirit days, presentations, and school activities; attend meetings with SchoolSuperintendent and the SchoolBoard to discuss school activitiesand funding LiaisonOfficer School Senate,September2012 -June 2013 Involvedin planning and managing school affairs with the Principal, other school officials,and class officers Officer SpanishClub,September2010 -June 2013 Conduct meetings, organize Spanish games, cooking, arts & crafts,movies, and trips to Spanish Broadway shows Officer Hand-in-HandClub,2010-June 2013 Organize monthly events to entertain disabled children with games, crafts,movies, short walks, etc. Officer SaveOur PlanetEarth Club,September 2009 -June 2013 Schedule recyclingpatterns; organize forums; publicize events; organize cleanups, garden meeting, and Reduce Week Judge JV Debate,September2010 - June 2013 Assess debates on current world issues and judge the arguments strengths and weaknesses Member AmericanRedCrossClub,September2011-June2013 Involvedin collectingnecessities forvictims & holding an annual Red Cross walkathon/5K Member Peer MediationClub,September2012 -June2013 Counsel and help peers in various areas of their struggle EventOrganizerand Fund Raiser HarvestersChristianClub,September2011 - June 2013 Organize seminars, counseling, charity, and religious events TeamMember CrossCountryTeamSeptember2009 - June2013 Participate in daily practice sessions and represent the school in competitions TeamMember Track&Field, September2011 - June 2013 Participate in daily practice sessions and represent the school in competitions PositionsHeldinthe Community ShadowingDr.ShilpaPatel MD,Pediatrician,June2012- Present Workalongside the doctorand medical staff to have firsthand experience and better understanding of the medical profession NY State LicensedEMT/FirstResponder VolunteeratNorthvaleAmbulanceCorps, September2011 Present Respond to emergency calls from local residents; provide emergency medical care and transport to hospitals BloodDonationDriveOrganizer CommunityBloodServices,September2012 Organized a blood donation drive in ICANJ Churchs parking lot where 25 people
  • 3. donated blood ConstructionHelper HabitatforHumanity,BergenCounty,June 2011- Present Help withvarious home construction and renovation jobs forthe underprivileged, financially-insecure families VolunteeratJewishHomeat Rockleigh,August2010 -Present Aid nurses as they assist and feed patients; lead & take part in recreation activities VolunteeratSpectrumforLiving,July 2010 - Present Organize and lead recreation activities for the residents and spend time in conversation OrganizerofRecreationActivitiesonbehalfoftheChurchat ProspectsHeightsRehab Center, June 2005- Present Every second Sunday of the month, take a group of young kids to do skits, actions songs, etc. forthe residents DecorationPlanner&CounseloratVacationBibleSchool, July2010- Present Organize VBS and lead Biblical activities for kids under age 14 Memberof IndianChristianAssemblyofNewJersey (ICANJ), November24,1994 - Present Organize bake sales, lead body worship dance team, give sermons at youth meetings, attend Sunday school, and participate in various charity and community development youthactivities