The document outlines 7 communicative strategies: 1) Nomination is establishing a topic collaboratively; 2) Restriction refers to any speaker limitations; 3) Turn-taking can give unequal opportunities if some speakers take more time; 4) Topic control is affected by formality as in meetings where only the chair directs speakers; 5) Topic shifting moves the conversation from one topic to another; 6) Repair addresses problems in speaking, listening, and comprehending; 7) Termination involves expressions that end a topic with the initiator typically responsible for signaling the close.
? A Speaker carries out nomination to collaboratively and productively
establish a topic. Basically, when you employ this strategy, you try to
open a topic with the people you are talking to.
? Restriction in communication refers to any limitation you may have as a
speaker. When communicating in the classroom, in a meeting, or while
hanging out with your friends , you are typically given specific
instructions that you must follow.
4. 3.Turn-taking
? Sometimes people are given unequal opportunities to talk because
others take much take much time during conversation.
? Topic control covers how procedural formality affects the development of
topic in conversations. For example, in meetings, you may only have a
turn to speak after the chairperson directs you to do so.
? Topic shifting, as the name suggests, involves moving from one topic to
another. In other words, it is where one part of a conversation ends and
where another begins.
? Repair refers to how speaker address the problems in speaking, listening,
and comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation.
? Termination refers to the conversation participants close initiating
expressions that end a topic in a conversation. Most of the time, the topic
initiator takes responsibilities to signal the end of the discussion as well.