The client thanks their trainer for creating workouts and providing encouragement and accountability, which helped them see results like dropping weight and gaining muscle in their arms. While only working out a couple times per week, they try to do pushups or arm exercises on non-workout days, having increased their pushups to 17 with a new goal of 23. The client reports feeling stronger, leaner, happier and healthier.
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The Great Fit, LLC"
Hi Jo,"
This email is long overdue, but I just wanted to thank you again for creating
the workouts for me! And thank you so much for your encouragement and
patience. I wanted exactly that kind of accountability and I got it.!
Is muscle soreness addictive? It just makes me feel so good throughout the
week. I dropped a couple of pounds in weight and am also seeing more
muscle in my arms which feels great."
I am still only getting in a couple of workouts a week, but on the days I can't
workout, I try to do at least some push-ups or arm exercises. I got up to 17
push-ups yesterday!!
Shooting for 23 now to get into the above-average zone."
U of M Post Grad Student"
Mid-20's. Female. 6 x PT sessions"
Now stronger, leaner, happier and healthier.