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Jitu Sahu
 A Passionate Programmer with 5.5 years of Experience as Senior Software Developer
 Experience in Travel Domain, Telecom Domain and web based Projects.
 Thorough knowledge in application development using Spring, JSF, Web Services, Hibernate,
Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Cassandra, Elastic Search, Struts.
 Strong knowledge on Core java concepts like Threading, Collections, and OOPS concepts
 Strong Experience on Production support and production issue solving .
 Good knowledge on databases like Cassandra , Oracle, Mysql and awareness on Hadoop .
 Current experience on Cloud technology like AWS (S3 , EC2, SQS) services .
 Better understanding on Elastic Search, Kibana and log stash.
 Ability to Implement Design Patterns like Singleton, MVC, Strategy, Front Controller, DAO, DTO,
Service Locator, Factory.
 Hands on Experience on Reporting Tools like Jasper Report through iReport & Jasper Soft.
 Experience in Version controls like SVN, GIT
 Desire to learn more and keep up-to-date on technologies. Demonstrated effective teamwork
and communication skills in complex customer delivery projects.
 Experience in Unit Testing like JUNIT.
 Extensively working in Eclipse, NetBeans and Myeclipse Development Tools.
 Experience in design, implementation and maintenance of system Architectures using
applications servers like Weblogic, Tomcat web server.
 Very good Analytical and problem solving Abilities.
Organization Designation From To
Sabre Travel Technologies
Pvt Ltd.
Senior Software Engineer Dec-2015 Till Date
Intelligentia IT Software
Senior Software Engineer Nov-2014 Nov-2015
Crimson Logic India Pvt. Ltd Senior Software Engineer Feb-2014 Aug-2014a
Lakshya Solutions Limited Software Engineer Jan-2011 Feb-2014
BCA (2010) from Institute of Management and Global Exlence (IMAGE), Utkal University.
Languages JAVA 8.0, J2EE, C,C++
Web Technologies Html, Jquery, JavaScript, CSS , XML, Ajax
Database Software Oracle 9i/10g, MySQL 5.0, Cassandra, Elastic
Search, Redis
PostGres9.0, Apche
JSE Technologies JNDI,JDBC 3.0
JEE Technologies Servlet 2.3, JSP 2.0
Servers Web Logic 10.3.5, Tomcat 7.0, Jasper Soft 5.5
Frameworks Spring 2.5/3.0/3.4, JSF2.0, Struts 1.8
ORM S/W Hibernate 3.x
Messaging Queue Rabbit MQ.
Cloud Technologies AWS (S3 bucket, EC2) AWS(RDS,SQS)
Building Tool Jenkins
Performance Tuning Tool Jprofiler
Error Tracking tool Kibana, Log stash
Operating System Ubuntu 14, Windows 7/8.1, Centos 6.0
Web Services JAX WS(SOAP), RestFul(Jersey 1.11) JaxWS(Sun IMPL)
Program Development
Eclipse , MyEclipse
Tools SVN,GIT, Toad, Jenkins, Maven3.0, Log4j,
Putty, Junit 3.x/4.x, Winscp, Rest Client, MySql
Client, Beyond Compare, SQL Developer,
GDS(using SNTE, and SRW)
PROJECT #1 (Dec 2015 to Till Date)
Project Name : Ticket Express
Client : Sabre Travel Technologies Pvt Ltd. (In house Product)
Role : Senior Software Engineer.
Domain : Airline.
Methodology : Agile.
Team Size : 6
URL : https://ticketexpress.sabretnapac.com/
Environment : JDK 8, J2EE, Spring(Core, MVC, JDBC, Transaction). Hibernate, Oracle, JSP, JS,
Ajax, Webservice(Soap, Rest), tomcat, Intellij, S2C Service, Log4J,
Maven, GIT, Related Skills, Quartz Scheduler
Tools : GIT, Putty, Rest Client, SQL Developer, Soap UI, J profiler, Beyond Compare.
Ticket Express is an In house Product of Sabre Travel Technology, It is Kind of Airline Domain Project.
There are Various Modules Involved in this Product Such as, Agency Management, User Management,
Ticketing, Pricing, Report, Commission, Credit Control, Carrier Info, Corporate Account, master Table, Flexi Edit
etc. This Product Describes as it is being used for basically Ticketing , Pricing and Void Ticket. First The User will
Create the PNR in Sabre GDS using the Client SRW(Sabre Red Workspace) or SNTE(Sabre Network Travel
Agencies) , and also use PCC, EPR and password to login to GDS, then after creation of the PNR, he will put in
To the Specified Queue number, Then The Ticket Express Scheduler (Every one Minute Depending on the
Agency Set up) will fetch the PNR from the specified queue number, as in setup we have the Queue number
setup in Ticketing or Pricing Setup. After fetching the PNR then it will start to ticket to the PNR based on the
specified PQ(price Quote). And also Apply Commission if the travel Itinerary matched with the Commission
country, validity period, PTC and other validating stuff. Then it will validate various stuff like Bode information,
corporate account, Airline Validation, TC Info etc. after that it will deduct the credit from the Credit Control
Service and do the Ticket. Then finally it will send mail to agency regarding success or Failure Ticketing or
pricing for the PNR. Based on than again it will put back in to success and reject Queue (Specified in the
Setup). And The Product have two part one is TEWAdmin and other is Shared Service. Shared Service will give
all the Information about commission, country information, time zone, credit control, corporate account,
Airline information etc. Then the user can generate the report based on various filtration criteria.
Regarding the Ticketing, Pricing and Void Ticket(Cancelation of Ticket)
 Involved in entire module of the Product and also have a through knowledge of
entire product.
 Participated in configuring all project related configuration.
 Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern, Strategy pattern,
Abstract design pattern.
 Implemented java script, Jquery for Clint side validations and also did server side
validation from the java application from the Bean class.
 Use Version controls like GIT.
 Also have a good Experience on Sabre GDS Commands.
 Used Jprofiler for performance testing and to avoid memory leak.
 Involved end to end activity on Ticket Express.
 Did API validation for various services like Commission, Credit Control, Country
Map, etc
 Designed Error Remark Related activities for every PNR.
 Implemented Commission Complex logic match , into simple and intelligent way.
 Also Involved In Report Generation part , using jasper Report.
 Did environment setup for the product Development.
PROJECT #1 (November 2014 to Nov-2015 Date)
Project Name : WhizSMS ( or WhizMobi)
Client : Intelligentia Software Solution(In house Product)
Role : Senior Software Engineer.
Domain : Telecom.
Methodology : Agile.
Team Size : 10
URL : http://www.spocto.com/
Environment : Java 7, Spring 3.x, JDBC, Apache Cassandra, Rabbit Mq, AWS (EC2 , S3 , SQS),
Jenkins, Elastic Search, Kibana, Log stash, Log4j, Jquery, Ajax, Java script , HTML,
Rest Web Service, JUNIT, JDBC, Redis, Maven
Tools : SVN, Putty, Rest Client, Mysql Client, Jprofiler, Beyond Compare.
Whizsms is a telecom based product. This is an In-house product of Intelligentia. Whizsms have
Different Modules like Registration, Admin Approvals, SMS, Template, SenderId, Keyword DND, Account
Management, DB And Template Utility. I was involved in SMS, Template, DND, Reports, SenderId, Keyword
and DB and Template Utility Modules. This Product is basically responsible for Send Various SMS like single,
Group , Bulk and Multiple SMS. There Are two types of account involved for Sending SMS, like Transactional
and Promotional account. For Transaction account SMS directly sent to Mobiles by a fixed template and DND
check will be avoided. And For promotional SMS there will be no Template and also DND check will be there
for each Number. We are Using Rabbitmq as a Messaging queuing System. Every Message is passed to
Rabbitmq for processing if some process will fail the we will re-queue the SMS to the Rabbitmq and resend it
again. And also part of the Template, SenderId, Keyword creation and approval Process. Myself only involved
in the DND automation process From the TRAI side. This DND process will automatically break captcha from
the TRAI side and download the Incremental and Full file from the TRAI side and extract the zip and put to S3
bucket , then again download from S3 and extract it and publish each record for the Number to the Rabbit
mq , then next service will consume the information from the Rabbit mq and write to Cassandra and Redis. In
SMS Functionality we are also pushing the data to the SMS to the Rabbit mq to avoid any loss and we have
properly managed the NAK on the Rabbitmq. The again consumed the SMS then we are moving to the various
aggregators according to the Routing cost and Route Reliability from the various aggregator. We are also
providing various APIs for various clients like DND check, Creation of Template, SenderId, Keyword and Send
 Participated in writing model layer bean classes and validating values from view
 Implemented the Spring with JDBC and Cassandra as persistence layer.
 Used Spring features like dependency injection, Transaction management, AOP.
 Implemented the Rabbitmq functionality for Message Queuing mechanism.
 Involved in various Approval regarding keyword, SenderId, account and Template.
 Implemented AWS cloud features to easily manage the project.
 Used Jenkins to automate the building process.
 Spending time on production issues.
 Developed business logic using optimized query and Write DAO classes
 Tested web service using Rest Client
 Participated in configuring all project related configuration.
 Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern, Strategy pattern,
Abstract design pattern.
 Implemented java script, Jquery for Clint side validations and also did server side
validation from the java application from the Bean class.
 Use Version controls like SVN.
 Used Jprofiler for performance testing and to avoid memory leak.
 Involved end to end activity on Whizsms process.
 Did API validation for various services like Template , SenderId, Keyword, Send
 Designed DB and Template utility to provide production database searching and
template verifying.
 Did environment setup for the product Development.
PROJECT #2 (February 2014 to August 2014)
Project Name : Ghana (RGD-Application )
Client : Ghana(e-Gov)
Role : Senior Software Engineer.
Team Size : 40
URL : https://egovonline.gegov.gov.gh/RGDPortalWeb/portal/RGDHome/eghana.portal
Environment : JSF, Spring (AOP , Txn, Security), Hibernate, Oracle, Web Services(JaxWS),
Jasper Report, iReport, LDAP, Web Logic Application server, Eclipse IDE, Toad ,
RGD-Application(Regional Generals Department ) Application is a Web-based Application For the
Government Ghana. This Application facilities various registration under Government those who want to open
there new Business or any existing Business(those who are not registered), or any new Marriage registration
under Government or Estate Management Regarding the Property. In this Application user login, in to the
application, and the Login information is checked by the LDAP server and the spring security will check for
various authorization and authentication. Then the user will able to do various activities like marriage
Registration or Estate management or Business Registration . If it is already registered business then the user
will provide the TIN for verification of his business registration , the TIN will be verified by the web service if it
will valid then the user will proceed various Transactions like Fee payment, Business enhancement, Cancel
business registration, Business Re-registration etc. And the user also able to print all this business transaction
information using Jasper Report , either in PDF or excel format. And exactly the other modules can be taken
care by accordingly by the Case Number and Marriage Registration Number for Estate and Marriage booking.
Accordingly the users will be in touch with Government, those who want there business or marriage or Estate
Management etc.
 Participated in writing model layer bean classes and validating values from view
 Implemented the JSF, Spring with hibernate as persistence layer.
 Used Spring features like dependency injection, Transaction management, AOP.
 Generate all the Reports for the Entire Application through ireport by Jasper API.
 Implemented JSF 2.0 as MVC for the Application.
 Developed business logic using optimized query and Write DAO classes
 Creating procedure and function for code reusability.
 Deployed application on application server.
 Tested web service using SOAP UI.
 Participated in configuring all project related configuration.
 Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern.
 Implemented java script for Clint side validations and also did server side
validation from the java application from the Bean class.
 Use Version controls like SVN.
PROJECT #3 (February 2012 to January 2014)
Project Name : CAPTURE
Client : DLF India
Role : Software Engineer.
Team Size : 14
Environment : Core Java, JDBC, Servlet, Jsp, Struts, Hibernate, Java Script, HTML,CSS,
Oracle 10g,Tomcat, Eclipse IDE ,Toad .
HRM system is a web-based application mainly focuses on recording information related to payroll,
managing information related to payroll, retrieving information like employee details, payroll details,
attendance details, maintain timesheet etc, Generating pay slips of an employee, generating salary statements
of the employee, keeping track of employees movement in office , maintaining time sheet. More over
employee can apply leave through capture; create ticket for issue related to system or any problem related to
network. Employees can update their skill set, experience, certification history, current project assignment in
the application. Employees can daily maintain their time sheet. The project also maintains the attendance
details of an employee. The system also enables the HR personnel to view the resumes of new aspirants and
select them based on the selection criteria. Each employee will get mail with attachment (Pay Slip in Acrobat
reader format) in particular date of each month. Resource allocation to or reserve resource pull can be also
easily track from the automated application
 Developed the Presentation logic using Struts tag, JSTL etc
 Developed controller, service layer logic.
 Updated Struts configuration file, Validation and tiles xml document.
 Writing Persistence logic using Hibernate.
 Involve all phases of testing and fixed all Bugs.
 Implemented logging and tracking using Log4j.
 Implemented unit testing using Junit.
PROJECT #4 (November 2010 to January 2012)
Project Name : E- Invoice
Client : DLF India
Role : Software Engineer.
Team Size : 14
Environment : Core Java, JDBC, Servlet, Jsp, Struts, Hibernate, Java Script, HTML, CSS,
Oracle 10g,Tomcat, Eclipse IDE, Toad .
The Project was developed to facilitates online invoice exchange between Suppliers and
buyers. EGS group produces variety Products. The DLF E-Invoicing enables organizations of any size
to exchange invoices-automatically and electronically-regardless of their original format.
Clear supports an organization as a whole and there can be only one user per
organization. Email address uniquely identifies the Organization. There are two kinds of Clear users
one is supplier and other is buyer. For Clear helpdesk work there is an administration user. User
created through signup can send as well as receive invoice .Invoice details are stored at clear
database. Emails sent to the uses dont include invoices. Supplier can create and send only one
Invoice at a time. Clear supports only one 1 languages. If user account details are changed then no
updates are done to the invoices that have been already generated.
 Developed the Presentation logic using Struts tag, JSTL etc
 Developed controller, service layer logic.
 Updated Struts configuration file, Validation and tiles xml document.
 Writing Persistence logic using Hibernate.
 Involve all phases of testing and fixed all Bugs.
 Implemented logging and tracking using Log4j.
 Implemented unit testing using Junit.
Name : Jitu Sahu
Marital status : Unmarried
Sex : Male
Languages known : English, Hindi, Oriya
State : Orissa.

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  • 1. Jitu Sahu Email:tech.jitusahu@gmail.com Mobile:+91-8792664154 EXPERIENCE SUMMARY A Passionate Programmer with 5.5 years of Experience as Senior Software Developer Experience in Travel Domain, Telecom Domain and web based Projects. Thorough knowledge in application development using Spring, JSF, Web Services, Hibernate, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Cassandra, Elastic Search, Struts. Strong knowledge on Core java concepts like Threading, Collections, and OOPS concepts Strong Experience on Production support and production issue solving . Good knowledge on databases like Cassandra , Oracle, Mysql and awareness on Hadoop . Current experience on Cloud technology like AWS (S3 , EC2, SQS) services . Better understanding on Elastic Search, Kibana and log stash. Ability to Implement Design Patterns like Singleton, MVC, Strategy, Front Controller, DAO, DTO, Service Locator, Factory. Hands on Experience on Reporting Tools like Jasper Report through iReport & Jasper Soft. Experience in Version controls like SVN, GIT Desire to learn more and keep up-to-date on technologies. Demonstrated effective teamwork and communication skills in complex customer delivery projects. Experience in Unit Testing like JUNIT. Extensively working in Eclipse, NetBeans and Myeclipse Development Tools. Experience in design, implementation and maintenance of system Architectures using applications servers like Weblogic, Tomcat web server. Very good Analytical and problem solving Abilities. EXPERIENCE PROFILE Organization Designation From To Sabre Travel Technologies Pvt Ltd. Senior Software Engineer Dec-2015 Till Date Intelligentia IT Software Solution Senior Software Engineer Nov-2014 Nov-2015 Crimson Logic India Pvt. Ltd Senior Software Engineer Feb-2014 Aug-2014a Lakshya Solutions Limited Software Engineer Jan-2011 Feb-2014 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION BCA (2010) from Institute of Management and Global Exlence (IMAGE), Utkal University.
  • 2. TECHNICAL PROFILE SKILL EXPERIENCED AWARENESS Languages JAVA 8.0, J2EE, C,C++ Web Technologies Html, Jquery, JavaScript, CSS , XML, Ajax Database Software Oracle 9i/10g, MySQL 5.0, Cassandra, Elastic Search, Redis PostGres9.0, Apche Hadoop JSE Technologies JNDI,JDBC 3.0 JEE Technologies Servlet 2.3, JSP 2.0 Servers Web Logic 10.3.5, Tomcat 7.0, Jasper Soft 5.5 Server Frameworks Spring 2.5/3.0/3.4, JSF2.0, Struts 1.8 ORM S/W Hibernate 3.x Messaging Queue Rabbit MQ. Cloud Technologies AWS (S3 bucket, EC2) AWS(RDS,SQS) Building Tool Jenkins Performance Tuning Tool Jprofiler Error Tracking tool Kibana, Log stash Operating System Ubuntu 14, Windows 7/8.1, Centos 6.0 Web Services JAX WS(SOAP), RestFul(Jersey 1.11) JaxWS(Sun IMPL) Program Development Tool Eclipse , MyEclipse Tools SVN,GIT, Toad, Jenkins, Maven3.0, Log4j, Putty, Junit 3.x/4.x, Winscp, Rest Client, MySql Client, Beyond Compare, SQL Developer, GDS(using SNTE, and SRW) PROJECT PROFILE PROJECT #1 (Dec 2015 to Till Date) Project Name : Ticket Express Client : Sabre Travel Technologies Pvt Ltd. (In house Product) Role : Senior Software Engineer. Domain : Airline. Methodology : Agile. Team Size : 6 URL : https://ticketexpress.sabretnapac.com/
  • 3. Environment : JDK 8, J2EE, Spring(Core, MVC, JDBC, Transaction). Hibernate, Oracle, JSP, JS, Ajax, Webservice(Soap, Rest), tomcat, Intellij, S2C Service, Log4J, Maven, GIT, Related Skills, Quartz Scheduler Tools : GIT, Putty, Rest Client, SQL Developer, Soap UI, J profiler, Beyond Compare. Description: Ticket Express is an In house Product of Sabre Travel Technology, It is Kind of Airline Domain Project. There are Various Modules Involved in this Product Such as, Agency Management, User Management, Ticketing, Pricing, Report, Commission, Credit Control, Carrier Info, Corporate Account, master Table, Flexi Edit etc. This Product Describes as it is being used for basically Ticketing , Pricing and Void Ticket. First The User will Create the PNR in Sabre GDS using the Client SRW(Sabre Red Workspace) or SNTE(Sabre Network Travel Agencies) , and also use PCC, EPR and password to login to GDS, then after creation of the PNR, he will put in To the Specified Queue number, Then The Ticket Express Scheduler (Every one Minute Depending on the Agency Set up) will fetch the PNR from the specified queue number, as in setup we have the Queue number setup in Ticketing or Pricing Setup. After fetching the PNR then it will start to ticket to the PNR based on the specified PQ(price Quote). And also Apply Commission if the travel Itinerary matched with the Commission country, validity period, PTC and other validating stuff. Then it will validate various stuff like Bode information, corporate account, Airline Validation, TC Info etc. after that it will deduct the credit from the Credit Control Service and do the Ticket. Then finally it will send mail to agency regarding success or Failure Ticketing or pricing for the PNR. Based on than again it will put back in to success and reject Queue (Specified in the Setup). And The Product have two part one is TEWAdmin and other is Shared Service. Shared Service will give all the Information about commission, country information, time zone, credit control, corporate account, Airline information etc. Then the user can generate the report based on various filtration criteria. Regarding the Ticketing, Pricing and Void Ticket(Cancelation of Ticket) Responsibilities: Involved in entire module of the Product and also have a through knowledge of entire product. Participated in configuring all project related configuration. Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern, Strategy pattern, Abstract design pattern. Implemented java script, Jquery for Clint side validations and also did server side validation from the java application from the Bean class. Use Version controls like GIT. Also have a good Experience on Sabre GDS Commands. Used Jprofiler for performance testing and to avoid memory leak. Involved end to end activity on Ticket Express.
  • 4. Did API validation for various services like Commission, Credit Control, Country Map, etc Designed Error Remark Related activities for every PNR. Implemented Commission Complex logic match , into simple and intelligent way. Also Involved In Report Generation part , using jasper Report. Did environment setup for the product Development. PROJECT #1 (November 2014 to Nov-2015 Date) Project Name : WhizSMS ( or WhizMobi) Client : Intelligentia Software Solution(In house Product) Role : Senior Software Engineer. Domain : Telecom. Methodology : Agile. Team Size : 10 URL : http://www.spocto.com/ Environment : Java 7, Spring 3.x, JDBC, Apache Cassandra, Rabbit Mq, AWS (EC2 , S3 , SQS), Jenkins, Elastic Search, Kibana, Log stash, Log4j, Jquery, Ajax, Java script , HTML, Rest Web Service, JUNIT, JDBC, Redis, Maven Tools : SVN, Putty, Rest Client, Mysql Client, Jprofiler, Beyond Compare. Description: Whizsms is a telecom based product. This is an In-house product of Intelligentia. Whizsms have Different Modules like Registration, Admin Approvals, SMS, Template, SenderId, Keyword DND, Account Management, DB And Template Utility. I was involved in SMS, Template, DND, Reports, SenderId, Keyword and DB and Template Utility Modules. This Product is basically responsible for Send Various SMS like single, Group , Bulk and Multiple SMS. There Are two types of account involved for Sending SMS, like Transactional and Promotional account. For Transaction account SMS directly sent to Mobiles by a fixed template and DND check will be avoided. And For promotional SMS there will be no Template and also DND check will be there for each Number. We are Using Rabbitmq as a Messaging queuing System. Every Message is passed to Rabbitmq for processing if some process will fail the we will re-queue the SMS to the Rabbitmq and resend it again. And also part of the Template, SenderId, Keyword creation and approval Process. Myself only involved in the DND automation process From the TRAI side. This DND process will automatically break captcha from the TRAI side and download the Incremental and Full file from the TRAI side and extract the zip and put to S3 bucket , then again download from S3 and extract it and publish each record for the Number to the Rabbit mq , then next service will consume the information from the Rabbit mq and write to Cassandra and Redis. In SMS Functionality we are also pushing the data to the SMS to the Rabbit mq to avoid any loss and we have properly managed the NAK on the Rabbitmq. The again consumed the SMS then we are moving to the various aggregators according to the Routing cost and Route Reliability from the various aggregator. We are also providing various APIs for various clients like DND check, Creation of Template, SenderId, Keyword and Send
  • 5. SMS. Responsibilities: Participated in writing model layer bean classes and validating values from view layer. Implemented the Spring with JDBC and Cassandra as persistence layer. Used Spring features like dependency injection, Transaction management, AOP. Implemented the Rabbitmq functionality for Message Queuing mechanism. Involved in various Approval regarding keyword, SenderId, account and Template. Implemented AWS cloud features to easily manage the project. Used Jenkins to automate the building process. Spending time on production issues. Developed business logic using optimized query and Write DAO classes Tested web service using Rest Client Participated in configuring all project related configuration. Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern, Strategy pattern, Abstract design pattern. Implemented java script, Jquery for Clint side validations and also did server side validation from the java application from the Bean class. Use Version controls like SVN. Used Jprofiler for performance testing and to avoid memory leak. Involved end to end activity on Whizsms process. Did API validation for various services like Template , SenderId, Keyword, Send SMS. Designed DB and Template utility to provide production database searching and template verifying. Did environment setup for the product Development. PROJECT #2 (February 2014 to August 2014) Project Name : Ghana (RGD-Application ) Client : Ghana(e-Gov) Role : Senior Software Engineer. Team Size : 40 URL : https://egovonline.gegov.gov.gh/RGDPortalWeb/portal/RGDHome/eghana.portal Environment : JSF, Spring (AOP , Txn, Security), Hibernate, Oracle, Web Services(JaxWS), Jasper Report, iReport, LDAP, Web Logic Application server, Eclipse IDE, Toad , SVN. Description: RGD-Application(Regional Generals Department ) Application is a Web-based Application For the Government Ghana. This Application facilities various registration under Government those who want to open there new Business or any existing Business(those who are not registered), or any new Marriage registration
  • 6. under Government or Estate Management Regarding the Property. In this Application user login, in to the application, and the Login information is checked by the LDAP server and the spring security will check for various authorization and authentication. Then the user will able to do various activities like marriage Registration or Estate management or Business Registration . If it is already registered business then the user will provide the TIN for verification of his business registration , the TIN will be verified by the web service if it will valid then the user will proceed various Transactions like Fee payment, Business enhancement, Cancel business registration, Business Re-registration etc. And the user also able to print all this business transaction information using Jasper Report , either in PDF or excel format. And exactly the other modules can be taken care by accordingly by the Case Number and Marriage Registration Number for Estate and Marriage booking. Accordingly the users will be in touch with Government, those who want there business or marriage or Estate Management etc. Responsibilities: Participated in writing model layer bean classes and validating values from view layer. Implemented the JSF, Spring with hibernate as persistence layer. Used Spring features like dependency injection, Transaction management, AOP. Generate all the Reports for the Entire Application through ireport by Jasper API. Implemented JSF 2.0 as MVC for the Application. Developed business logic using optimized query and Write DAO classes Creating procedure and function for code reusability. Deployed application on application server. Tested web service using SOAP UI. Participated in configuring all project related configuration. Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern. Implemented java script for Clint side validations and also did server side validation from the java application from the Bean class. Use Version controls like SVN. PROJECT #3 (February 2012 to January 2014) Project Name : CAPTURE Client : DLF India Role : Software Engineer. Team Size : 14 Environment : Core Java, JDBC, Servlet, Jsp, Struts, Hibernate, Java Script, HTML,CSS, Oracle 10g,Tomcat, Eclipse IDE ,Toad . Description: HRM system is a web-based application mainly focuses on recording information related to payroll, managing information related to payroll, retrieving information like employee details, payroll details, attendance details, maintain timesheet etc, Generating pay slips of an employee, generating salary statements of the employee, keeping track of employees movement in office , maintaining time sheet. More over
  • 7. employee can apply leave through capture; create ticket for issue related to system or any problem related to network. Employees can update their skill set, experience, certification history, current project assignment in the application. Employees can daily maintain their time sheet. The project also maintains the attendance details of an employee. The system also enables the HR personnel to view the resumes of new aspirants and select them based on the selection criteria. Each employee will get mail with attachment (Pay Slip in Acrobat reader format) in particular date of each month. Resource allocation to or reserve resource pull can be also easily track from the automated application Responsibilities: Developed the Presentation logic using Struts tag, JSTL etc Developed controller, service layer logic. Updated Struts configuration file, Validation and tiles xml document. Writing Persistence logic using Hibernate. Involve all phases of testing and fixed all Bugs. Implemented logging and tracking using Log4j. Implemented unit testing using Junit. PROJECT #4 (November 2010 to January 2012) Project Name : E- Invoice Client : DLF India Role : Software Engineer. Team Size : 14 Environment : Core Java, JDBC, Servlet, Jsp, Struts, Hibernate, Java Script, HTML, CSS, Oracle 10g,Tomcat, Eclipse IDE, Toad . Description: The Project was developed to facilitates online invoice exchange between Suppliers and buyers. EGS group produces variety Products. The DLF E-Invoicing enables organizations of any size to exchange invoices-automatically and electronically-regardless of their original format. Clear supports an organization as a whole and there can be only one user per organization. Email address uniquely identifies the Organization. There are two kinds of Clear users one is supplier and other is buyer. For Clear helpdesk work there is an administration user. User created through signup can send as well as receive invoice .Invoice details are stored at clear database. Emails sent to the uses dont include invoices. Supplier can create and send only one Invoice at a time. Clear supports only one 1 languages. If user account details are changed then no updates are done to the invoices that have been already generated. Responsibilities: Developed the Presentation logic using Struts tag, JSTL etc Developed controller, service layer logic. Updated Struts configuration file, Validation and tiles xml document.
  • 8. Writing Persistence logic using Hibernate. Involve all phases of testing and fixed all Bugs. Implemented logging and tracking using Log4j. Implemented unit testing using Junit. PERSONAL PARTICULARS Name : Jitu Sahu Marital status : Unmarried Sex : Male Languages known : English, Hindi, Oriya State : Orissa.