Jitu Sahu is a senior software developer with over 5 years of experience developing applications using technologies like Spring, JSF, Hibernate, Java, and databases like Oracle, MySQL, and Cassandra. He has extensive experience developing and maintaining projects in the travel and telecom domains for companies like Sabre Travel Technologies and Intelligentia IT Software Solution. His technical skills include Spring, JSF, Java 8, databases, AWS, and version control tools like Git.
Anubhav Kumar Jain has 4 years of experience developing Java applications using Spring MVC, Hibernate, REST APIs, and working with databases like Oracle and SQL Server. He has experience analyzing requirements, designing, developing, testing, and maintaining web applications. Some of his projects include migrating an insurance portal to Spring and developing an online voting system for Gujarat state elections. He is proficient with tools like Eclipse, Maven, and ALM tools like JIRA and Mastercraft.
Rajeev Kumar is a software developer with over 5 years of experience developing applications using technologies like C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server, and JavaScript. He has expertise in all phases of developing and deploying enterprise solutions including leading projects as a module lead. His objective is to work for a company that provides opportunities for career growth while utilizing his technical skills and commitment.
Varun Agarwal is a programmer with over 5 years of experience developing applications using Java, J2EE, Struts, and databases like SQL Server and PostgreSQL. He has experience leading teams of 3-10 people on projects for clients like the National Informatics Centre and Purple Arrow Consultancy Services. Some of his projects include a Panchayati Raj Institution accounting application and various HR and visitor management systems. He is proficient in technologies like Java, JSP, Struts 1.2, and databases and seeks to continue enhancing his skills.
This document contains personal and professional details of Sasikumar Manickam. It includes his contact information, education qualifications, skills, work experience as a Systems Analyst at LG Soft India from January 2010 to present, and descriptions of projects he worked on including a Combined Automation Test System, Remote Automation Test System, Android Log Analyzer, Validation Quality Management system, and a Mobile Messaging Gateway. It also lists the technologies used to develop these projects such as C#.NET, ASP.NET, and SQL Server.
The document provides a summary of Rahul Kumar's professional experience and qualifications. It includes details of his 5 years of software development experience working with technologies like Java, Spring, Hibernate, Azure Cloud, and Big Data tools. It also lists 3 past projects involving building applications for claims analysis, reporting, and customer account management. The summary seeks to associate with an organization where he can apply his skills and knowledge.
This document contains a summary of Stanly Jeba Singh's professional experience and qualifications. He has over 6 years of experience working as a software developer and specialist in companies like Wipro Technologies and ITC InfoTech. He has strong technical skills in .NET technologies like C#, ASP.NET, and SQL Server. He has worked on projects in various domains for clients in the US and other countries.
Dave Carroll Application Services Salesforcedeimos
The document discusses enterprise grade business application services provided through the Force.com platform as a service (PaaS). It provides an overview of Force.com's capabilities including building any type of business application, flexibility to integrate with other systems, security, and trust due to many customers and developers using the platform. Key aspects of Force.com covered include the multi-tenant architecture, APIs for development, and security options like single sign-on and two-factor authentication.
I am interested and applying for a position for Senior Software Developer
and I have over 5.8 Years exp in (.Net) with C# Application with sql server and Oracle database
Electronic music production course includes sound recording, sound designing, sound engineering, music production, making tracks, playback and playing instruments. Electronic music production teaches a student to create music, compose tunes for films, background music, karaoke tracks, sequencing, programming, midi files on cubase, nuendo, sonar, protools, logic pro etc.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre Turinter L alianxa Travel Netwok, una empresa de consultor鱈a y administraci坦n de viajes. Ofrece servicios completos para viajes de negocios y eventos corporativos utilizando herramientas tecnol坦gicas modernas. Forma parte de una red regional de agencias de viajes con cobertura en Am辿rica Latina y a nivel mundial a trav辿s de asociaciones. Su objetivo es satisfacer todas las necesidades de viaje de sus clientes de manera profesional.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre los personajes principales y secundarios de la novela Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes. Describe a Don Quijote, su escudero Sancho Panza, Dulcinea, el cura, el barbero y otros personajes como Rocinante y el Rucio. Explica sus roles en la historia y c坦mo interact炭an con Don Quijote.
Kosovo Uniforms and Sportswear Assessment - USAID EMPOWER - 2016 03 FINAL docAhmet Halilagic
The document provides an assessment of the uniforms and sportswear subsectors in Kosovo, including:
1. It finds that a number of apparel companies have grown successfully over the past 5-10 years and have the potential to expand production and exports with the right support. Uniform producers in particular are ready for export if given assistance in areas like workforce development, production processes, technology, and marketing.
2. It recommends that sportswear companies focus first on capturing more of the domestic market through improved quality, quantity, and relationships with large retailers. With success in the domestic market, they could then target exports.
3. Key opportunities identified are supplying uniforms to the domestic public and private sectors, as well as capturing
El Carnaval de C叩diz es uno de los carnavales m叩s famosos de Espa単a y del mundo, reconocido por su inter辿s tur鱈stico internacional. Durante los meses de enero y febrero, la poblaci坦n de C叩diz se disfraza y sale a la calle a cantar y bailar coplas de carnaval. Los eventos principales incluyen el Concurso de Agrupaciones en el Gran Teatro Falla de comparsas, chirigotas, coros y cuartetos, as鱈 como dos semanas de festejos que culminan con la quema
Los granos de caf辿 se siembran cerca unos de otros y se cubren con tierra rica y f辿rtil para que crezcan de manera r叩pida y desarrollada. La calidad del suelo afecta el crecimiento de los 叩rboles de caf辿, su producci坦n, resistencia a enfermedades y duraci坦n. Colombia es uno de los mayores productores de caf辿 ar叩bigo, el cual se caracteriza por tener m叩s acidez, cuerpo medio y aroma afrutado.
The Incidence of Wreck Removal: The Nigerian PerspectiveAcas Media
This document summarizes Nigeria's laws and regulations regarding shipwrecks. It defines a shipwreck and outlines the roles and responsibilities of key agencies in Nigeria for shipwreck removal and management. The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) is designated as the receiver of wrecks and is responsible for receiving and removing wrecks based on provisions in the Merchant Shipping Act and NIMASA Act. The document also discusses Nigeria's obligations under international conventions like the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention and challenges faced in removing shipwrecks from Nigerian waters.
1. El documento propone crear un Club de la Solidaridad para promover valores como la solidaridad y la justicia entre los estudiantes.
2. El club organizar鱈a actividades de voluntariado para apoyar a la comunidad local y otras comunidades m叩s lejanas.
3. Se usar鱈a una red social para que los estudiantes del club puedan comunicarse y compartir informaci坦n sobre experiencias de voluntariado.
Manual de Buenas Pr叩cticas Ambientales. Pe単amelleraFormastur
Este documento presenta un manual de buenas pr叩cticas ambientales para Pe単amellera. Se introduce la Agenda Local 21 como un proyecto para lograr un desarrollo sostenible que mejore la calidad de vida y proteja el medio ambiente. El manual describe los recursos naturales de Pe単amellera, incluyendo sus r鱈os, y promueve pr叩cticas para conservarlos y prevenir la contaminaci坦n.
La p叩gina web presenta un libro sobre emprendimiento del siglo 21. Incluye una introducci坦n con informaci坦n sobre los autores, un 鱈ndice del libro y una muestra de un cap鱈tulo. Tambi辿n contiene blogs relacionados con las 叩reas cubiertas en el libro, noticias sobre actualizaciones de la web, y una plataforma de aprendizaje en l鱈nea con cursos gratuitos o subvencionados. Adem叩s, ofrece una secci坦n de descargas con material complementario del libro como hojas de c叩lculo, y herramientas 炭tiles para empren
Rahul Gandhi is a 46-year-old member of the Indian Parliament from the Indian National Congress party. He represents the Amethi constituency of Uttar Pradesh. Rahul Gandhi comes from a powerful political family, as the grandson of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, son of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, and great-grandson of India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He currently serves as Vice President of the Indian National Congress and heads the party's youth and student wings.
Gabriel Garc鱈a M叩rquez describe en tres p叩rrafos las cualidades de una mujer exquisita, destacando que no se define por su belleza f鱈sica, edad, delgadez o t鱈tulos acad辿micos, sino por su capacidad de hacer feliz a otros a trav辿s de su sonrisa, consejos y sacrificios. Luego se単ala que una mujer interesante es aquella con firmeza de car叩cter que puede decir no, y define a un hombre exquisito como aquel que valora a su compa単era y lucha a su lado compartiendo todas las responsabilidades
The Liberty & Justice Factory in Monrovia is donating 1,500 school uniforms to students at the Nathaniel Varney Massaquoi School in West Point. The school had been closed since being used as an Ebola holding center during the outbreak. Renovations are underway to reopen the school, led by the Department of Children, Family and Human Services with support from UN organizations. The uniforms donation will help students as the school reopens.
This document provides information to help exchange students get oriented at Cinnamon College, NUS. It includes:
1. An introduction and welcome from the External Relations Committee.
2. An overview of the academic calendar, public holidays, modular credit system, and bell curve grading policy at NUS.
3. Campus maps of the Kent Ridge and University Town areas to help students get around.
4. Information on the internal shuttle bus routes that connect different parts of campus and operate on reduced schedules on weekends.
5. Contact details for the committee members to answer any questions.
campa単a contra el bullying psicologicoMiro Yohoros
El documento presenta un proyecto llamado "Todos contra el Bullying Psicol坦gico" liderado por la organizaci坦n ACBP. El proyecto busca crear conciencia sobre los da単os del bullying psicol坦gico e implementar medidas para prohibirlo. La campa単a est叩 dirigida a ni単os, adolescentes, j坦venes y adultos mayores y utilizar叩 aplicaciones como WhatsApp, Twitter y Snapchat para difundir el mensaje.
El documento resume los proyectos y obras realizados por el Ayuntamiento de Andosilla entre 2011 y 2019. Se destacan la construcci坦n de un nuevo dep坦sito de agua, mejoras en instalaciones deportivas como el polideportivo y las piscinas, y la rehabilitaci坦n de calles y caminos. El objetivo fue mejorar los servicios e infraestructuras para los vecinos.
La chiquita piconera ( maria teresa lopez ) ( julio romero de torres )creacionesdanae
Este documento presenta la biograf鱈a del pintor espa単ol Julio Romero de Torres, conocido por sus retratos de mujeres morenas. Se detalla su formaci坦n art鱈stica y su trayectoria, incluyendo exhibiciones en Espa単a y Argentina. Tambi辿n describe a su 炭ltima y m叩s famosa modelo, la argentina Mar鱈a Teresa L坦pez, retratada en obras como "La chiquita piconera". Tras posar para Romero de Torres, la vida de Mar鱈a Teresa se volvi坦 dif鱈cil a pesar de aparecer reproducida en billetes y publicidad durante d辿cadas
Annapurna Kurni has over 3 years of experience as an IT professional specializing in software development. She has expertise in C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL Server, Oracle, JavaScript, jQuery, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Her experience includes designing, developing, and implementing applications for various clients in industries such as healthcare and financial services. She is proficient in application development best practices including agile methodologies, design patterns, and unit testing.
Rajeev Bhatnagar has over 13 years of experience designing and developing distributed systems using Java technologies. He has expertise in integration frameworks like Apache Camel. He has worked with technologies including XML, web services, databases, and application servers. He holds an M.Tech in Electronics Engineering and has skills in languages like Java, databases like Oracle, and frameworks like Spring MVC.
Electronic music production course includes sound recording, sound designing, sound engineering, music production, making tracks, playback and playing instruments. Electronic music production teaches a student to create music, compose tunes for films, background music, karaoke tracks, sequencing, programming, midi files on cubase, nuendo, sonar, protools, logic pro etc.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre Turinter L alianxa Travel Netwok, una empresa de consultor鱈a y administraci坦n de viajes. Ofrece servicios completos para viajes de negocios y eventos corporativos utilizando herramientas tecnol坦gicas modernas. Forma parte de una red regional de agencias de viajes con cobertura en Am辿rica Latina y a nivel mundial a trav辿s de asociaciones. Su objetivo es satisfacer todas las necesidades de viaje de sus clientes de manera profesional.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre los personajes principales y secundarios de la novela Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes. Describe a Don Quijote, su escudero Sancho Panza, Dulcinea, el cura, el barbero y otros personajes como Rocinante y el Rucio. Explica sus roles en la historia y c坦mo interact炭an con Don Quijote.
Kosovo Uniforms and Sportswear Assessment - USAID EMPOWER - 2016 03 FINAL docAhmet Halilagic
The document provides an assessment of the uniforms and sportswear subsectors in Kosovo, including:
1. It finds that a number of apparel companies have grown successfully over the past 5-10 years and have the potential to expand production and exports with the right support. Uniform producers in particular are ready for export if given assistance in areas like workforce development, production processes, technology, and marketing.
2. It recommends that sportswear companies focus first on capturing more of the domestic market through improved quality, quantity, and relationships with large retailers. With success in the domestic market, they could then target exports.
3. Key opportunities identified are supplying uniforms to the domestic public and private sectors, as well as capturing
El Carnaval de C叩diz es uno de los carnavales m叩s famosos de Espa単a y del mundo, reconocido por su inter辿s tur鱈stico internacional. Durante los meses de enero y febrero, la poblaci坦n de C叩diz se disfraza y sale a la calle a cantar y bailar coplas de carnaval. Los eventos principales incluyen el Concurso de Agrupaciones en el Gran Teatro Falla de comparsas, chirigotas, coros y cuartetos, as鱈 como dos semanas de festejos que culminan con la quema
Los granos de caf辿 se siembran cerca unos de otros y se cubren con tierra rica y f辿rtil para que crezcan de manera r叩pida y desarrollada. La calidad del suelo afecta el crecimiento de los 叩rboles de caf辿, su producci坦n, resistencia a enfermedades y duraci坦n. Colombia es uno de los mayores productores de caf辿 ar叩bigo, el cual se caracteriza por tener m叩s acidez, cuerpo medio y aroma afrutado.
The Incidence of Wreck Removal: The Nigerian PerspectiveAcas Media
This document summarizes Nigeria's laws and regulations regarding shipwrecks. It defines a shipwreck and outlines the roles and responsibilities of key agencies in Nigeria for shipwreck removal and management. The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) is designated as the receiver of wrecks and is responsible for receiving and removing wrecks based on provisions in the Merchant Shipping Act and NIMASA Act. The document also discusses Nigeria's obligations under international conventions like the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention and challenges faced in removing shipwrecks from Nigerian waters.
1. El documento propone crear un Club de la Solidaridad para promover valores como la solidaridad y la justicia entre los estudiantes.
2. El club organizar鱈a actividades de voluntariado para apoyar a la comunidad local y otras comunidades m叩s lejanas.
3. Se usar鱈a una red social para que los estudiantes del club puedan comunicarse y compartir informaci坦n sobre experiencias de voluntariado.
Manual de Buenas Pr叩cticas Ambientales. Pe単amelleraFormastur
Este documento presenta un manual de buenas pr叩cticas ambientales para Pe単amellera. Se introduce la Agenda Local 21 como un proyecto para lograr un desarrollo sostenible que mejore la calidad de vida y proteja el medio ambiente. El manual describe los recursos naturales de Pe単amellera, incluyendo sus r鱈os, y promueve pr叩cticas para conservarlos y prevenir la contaminaci坦n.
La p叩gina web presenta un libro sobre emprendimiento del siglo 21. Incluye una introducci坦n con informaci坦n sobre los autores, un 鱈ndice del libro y una muestra de un cap鱈tulo. Tambi辿n contiene blogs relacionados con las 叩reas cubiertas en el libro, noticias sobre actualizaciones de la web, y una plataforma de aprendizaje en l鱈nea con cursos gratuitos o subvencionados. Adem叩s, ofrece una secci坦n de descargas con material complementario del libro como hojas de c叩lculo, y herramientas 炭tiles para empren
Rahul Gandhi is a 46-year-old member of the Indian Parliament from the Indian National Congress party. He represents the Amethi constituency of Uttar Pradesh. Rahul Gandhi comes from a powerful political family, as the grandson of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, son of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, and great-grandson of India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He currently serves as Vice President of the Indian National Congress and heads the party's youth and student wings.
Gabriel Garc鱈a M叩rquez describe en tres p叩rrafos las cualidades de una mujer exquisita, destacando que no se define por su belleza f鱈sica, edad, delgadez o t鱈tulos acad辿micos, sino por su capacidad de hacer feliz a otros a trav辿s de su sonrisa, consejos y sacrificios. Luego se単ala que una mujer interesante es aquella con firmeza de car叩cter que puede decir no, y define a un hombre exquisito como aquel que valora a su compa単era y lucha a su lado compartiendo todas las responsabilidades
The Liberty & Justice Factory in Monrovia is donating 1,500 school uniforms to students at the Nathaniel Varney Massaquoi School in West Point. The school had been closed since being used as an Ebola holding center during the outbreak. Renovations are underway to reopen the school, led by the Department of Children, Family and Human Services with support from UN organizations. The uniforms donation will help students as the school reopens.
This document provides information to help exchange students get oriented at Cinnamon College, NUS. It includes:
1. An introduction and welcome from the External Relations Committee.
2. An overview of the academic calendar, public holidays, modular credit system, and bell curve grading policy at NUS.
3. Campus maps of the Kent Ridge and University Town areas to help students get around.
4. Information on the internal shuttle bus routes that connect different parts of campus and operate on reduced schedules on weekends.
5. Contact details for the committee members to answer any questions.
campa単a contra el bullying psicologicoMiro Yohoros
El documento presenta un proyecto llamado "Todos contra el Bullying Psicol坦gico" liderado por la organizaci坦n ACBP. El proyecto busca crear conciencia sobre los da単os del bullying psicol坦gico e implementar medidas para prohibirlo. La campa単a est叩 dirigida a ni単os, adolescentes, j坦venes y adultos mayores y utilizar叩 aplicaciones como WhatsApp, Twitter y Snapchat para difundir el mensaje.
El documento resume los proyectos y obras realizados por el Ayuntamiento de Andosilla entre 2011 y 2019. Se destacan la construcci坦n de un nuevo dep坦sito de agua, mejoras en instalaciones deportivas como el polideportivo y las piscinas, y la rehabilitaci坦n de calles y caminos. El objetivo fue mejorar los servicios e infraestructuras para los vecinos.
La chiquita piconera ( maria teresa lopez ) ( julio romero de torres )creacionesdanae
Este documento presenta la biograf鱈a del pintor espa単ol Julio Romero de Torres, conocido por sus retratos de mujeres morenas. Se detalla su formaci坦n art鱈stica y su trayectoria, incluyendo exhibiciones en Espa単a y Argentina. Tambi辿n describe a su 炭ltima y m叩s famosa modelo, la argentina Mar鱈a Teresa L坦pez, retratada en obras como "La chiquita piconera". Tras posar para Romero de Torres, la vida de Mar鱈a Teresa se volvi坦 dif鱈cil a pesar de aparecer reproducida en billetes y publicidad durante d辿cadas
Annapurna Kurni has over 3 years of experience as an IT professional specializing in software development. She has expertise in C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL Server, Oracle, JavaScript, jQuery, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Her experience includes designing, developing, and implementing applications for various clients in industries such as healthcare and financial services. She is proficient in application development best practices including agile methodologies, design patterns, and unit testing.
Rajeev Bhatnagar has over 13 years of experience designing and developing distributed systems using Java technologies. He has expertise in integration frameworks like Apache Camel. He has worked with technologies including XML, web services, databases, and application servers. He holds an M.Tech in Electronics Engineering and has skills in languages like Java, databases like Oracle, and frameworks like Spring MVC.
This document contains the resume of Chandrashekara J which summarizes his personal and professional details. It includes his contact information, over 4 years of experience as a Java developer, education qualifications including an MTech and BE, technical skills in Java, frameworks, databases and tools, certifications and 3 projects with TCS and Capgemini detailing his roles and responsibilities.
This document contains Santu's professional summary and experience. Some key points:
- Santu has 3+ years of experience developing server/client side programs and front-end applications using Java APIs and technologies.
- Experience includes developing RESTful web services and working with frameworks like Spring and Hibernate.
- Santu has expertise in object-oriented programming, design patterns, databases, and software development processes.
- Recent experience includes working with microservices, Docker, Kafka, web sockets, and ELK stack technologies.
Shuvam Dutta has over 2 years of experience in performance testing large web applications. He has experience testing e-commerce sites like Macy's and Bloomingdale's, ensuring system reliability, capacity, and scalability. Currently working as a performance test engineer, his responsibilities include strategizing and conducting performance tests, analyzing results, and identifying bottlenecks. He has strong skills in Java, SQL, scripting, API testing tools, and monitoring tools.
Shuvam has over 3 years of experience in performance testing and is currently working as a performance test engineer. He has experience testing large e-commerce websites like Macys.com and Bloomingdales.com. Some of his responsibilities include strategizing and conducting performance tests, analyzing results, and ensuring system reliability. He is proficient in tools like JMeter, LoadRunner, and monitors like Dynatrace. Shuvam also has experience working with developers, networking teams, and other teams to troubleshoot issues.
This document contains the resume of Naveen Kumar K. It summarizes his professional experience as a software developer with over 2.6 years of experience developing Java/J2EE web applications. It lists his technical skills such as Spring, Tomcat, XML, design patterns, Maven, Git, SQL, and Agile methodologies. It also provides details of projects he has worked on involving client/account management, chart billing, and ledger transactions.
Rajesh Kakumani is a Java programmer with over 2 years of experience developing distributed enterprise applications using technologies like Java, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, and RESTful web services. He has experience with projects in areas like Internet of Things and SMS gateways. He is looking to apply his skills in designing, developing, testing and deploying software applications.
This document contains contact and background information for Ramkumar MK, including his educational qualifications, 14+ years of experience in software development, management experience, technical skills including languages, frameworks, databases, and tools. It lists 7 key projects he has worked on in various roles, primarily as a technical architect or manager, for companies in industries such as banking, insurance, telecom, and media.
This document contains the resume of Jagathesewaren K. It includes his personal details, contact information, education qualifications, technical skills, areas of interest, certifications, experience profile and descriptions of 7 projects he has worked on between 2012-2020. The projects involve web and software development using technologies like Java, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript and databases like MySQL and Oracle.
This document contains an objective, synopsis, and details of the technical and professional experience of Indresh Kumar Pal. The objective is to develop his career to a senior level position where he can make a significant contribution. The synopsis outlines his 3 years of experience in IT and expertise in EDI mapping across several industries. The technical skills section lists his proficiency in languages, frameworks, tools, and protocols used for EDI and data integration projects. Project details provide experience in EDI implementation projects for retail and manufacturing clients.
Vijay koul has over 6 years of experience working as an Associate Lead, Technology at Nagarro Pvt. Ltd. He has strong skills in Java/J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL and software development lifecycles. He has worked on several projects for clients across various domains utilizing technologies like Spring, Hibernate, AngularJS, Struts and more. Some of the key projects mentioned are for City of Vienna, Metasonic, T-System, Credit Union Solutions and various in-house projects for Paytm.
Rohit Gupta has over 8 years of experience in product development, project management, and handling teams. He has expertise in requirement gathering, product development, architecture, project management, and testing. He has strong skills in .NET, C#, ASP.NET, MVC, SQL Server, Oracle, and agile methodologies like JIRA. Currently he works at Confluo e Solution Pvt. Ltd. on applications for their US client Axalta Coating Systems.
Sarulatha Thulasiraman is a Java/J2EE developer with over 5 years of experience developing web and enterprise applications for the banking, financial, and insurance domains. She has extensive experience with technologies like Spring, Hibernate, Apache DROOLS, IBM MDM, WebServices, and IBM application and database servers. Her most recent roles involved maintaining and enhancing large enterprise applications for MetLife Insurance using technologies like Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Apache POI, and IBM MDM. She is proficient in the full SDLC with skills in requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and production support.
Dhanshri Kalgaonkar is a senior software developer and analyst based in Plainsboro, New Jersey with over 3 years of experience developing .NET applications. She has expertise in C#, ASP.NET, WPF, WCF, SQL Server, and Oracle databases. Her experience includes developing web and desktop applications for clients in various industries. She holds an MCP certification and post-graduate diploma in advanced computing.
9+ Years of experience in designing, developing, implementing, integration, testing & maintenance of Web and Windows applications by using Microsoft .NET technologies.
Expertise in designing & developing secured, enterprise-wide applications using C#.Net,VB.Net, Asp.Net, MVC, CSS3, HTML5, XML,JSON, AJAX
Hands of experience on stack technologies Angular JS, JQuery and JavaScript
Used Test Driven Development, Agile/Scrum in a fast changing environment
This document contains the resume of Mohammed Q Murtuza. It summarizes his experience as a senior software engineer with over 10 years of experience developing applications using technologies like Java, .NET, databases, big data and cloud computing. He currently works as a senior lead engineer at CDK Global where he helps design and develop an automotive lead integration platform.
This curriculum vitae is for Peddi Soumya, who has 3 years of experience as a Java developer. Soumya has worked at Cognizant Technology Solutions and Electronics Corporation of India Limited. Soumya has experience with Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Selenium, QTP, DB2, SQL Server, Oracle, Agile methodology and more. Soumya has a Bachelor's degree in engineering with 85% scores and certifications in banking/financial services and Java/J2EE technologies. Soumya has worked on projects for American Express and in hotel management systems as a Java developer.
Senthil Murugan V is a senior software engineer with over 10 years of experience leading teams to design, develop, and deploy software applications. He has extensive experience with technologies like Java, HTML, Flex, SQL, and more. Some of his representative projects include developing online money transfer systems and scheduling jobs to transfer transaction data to partners. He is looking for new information system management or consulting roles.
This document contains the resume of RanjithReddy Yallampalli. It summarizes his professional experience including 2 years of experience developing Java applications and web applications. It also lists his education as a Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Massachusetts with a GPA of 3.7/4 and Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from SRM University, India with a CGPA of 9.0/10. It further provides details of his software skills, work experience, and academic projects.
1. Jitu Sahu
A Passionate Programmer with 5.5 years of Experience as Senior Software Developer
Experience in Travel Domain, Telecom Domain and web based Projects.
Thorough knowledge in application development using Spring, JSF, Web Services, Hibernate,
Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Cassandra, Elastic Search, Struts.
Strong knowledge on Core java concepts like Threading, Collections, and OOPS concepts
Strong Experience on Production support and production issue solving .
Good knowledge on databases like Cassandra , Oracle, Mysql and awareness on Hadoop .
Current experience on Cloud technology like AWS (S3 , EC2, SQS) services .
Better understanding on Elastic Search, Kibana and log stash.
Ability to Implement Design Patterns like Singleton, MVC, Strategy, Front Controller, DAO, DTO,
Service Locator, Factory.
Hands on Experience on Reporting Tools like Jasper Report through iReport & Jasper Soft.
Experience in Version controls like SVN, GIT
Desire to learn more and keep up-to-date on technologies. Demonstrated effective teamwork
and communication skills in complex customer delivery projects.
Experience in Unit Testing like JUNIT.
Extensively working in Eclipse, NetBeans and Myeclipse Development Tools.
Experience in design, implementation and maintenance of system Architectures using
applications servers like Weblogic, Tomcat web server.
Very good Analytical and problem solving Abilities.
Organization Designation From To
Sabre Travel Technologies
Pvt Ltd.
Senior Software Engineer Dec-2015 Till Date
Intelligentia IT Software
Senior Software Engineer Nov-2014 Nov-2015
Crimson Logic India Pvt. Ltd Senior Software Engineer Feb-2014 Aug-2014a
Lakshya Solutions Limited Software Engineer Jan-2011 Feb-2014
BCA (2010) from Institute of Management and Global Exlence (IMAGE), Utkal University.
Languages JAVA 8.0, J2EE, C,C++
Web Technologies Html, Jquery, JavaScript, CSS , XML, Ajax
Database Software Oracle 9i/10g, MySQL 5.0, Cassandra, Elastic
Search, Redis
PostGres9.0, Apche
JSE Technologies JNDI,JDBC 3.0
JEE Technologies Servlet 2.3, JSP 2.0
Servers Web Logic 10.3.5, Tomcat 7.0, Jasper Soft 5.5
Frameworks Spring 2.5/3.0/3.4, JSF2.0, Struts 1.8
ORM S/W Hibernate 3.x
Messaging Queue Rabbit MQ.
Cloud Technologies AWS (S3 bucket, EC2) AWS(RDS,SQS)
Building Tool Jenkins
Performance Tuning Tool Jprofiler
Error Tracking tool Kibana, Log stash
Operating System Ubuntu 14, Windows 7/8.1, Centos 6.0
Web Services JAX WS(SOAP), RestFul(Jersey 1.11) JaxWS(Sun IMPL)
Program Development
Eclipse , MyEclipse
Tools SVN,GIT, Toad, Jenkins, Maven3.0, Log4j,
Putty, Junit 3.x/4.x, Winscp, Rest Client, MySql
Client, Beyond Compare, SQL Developer,
GDS(using SNTE, and SRW)
PROJECT #1 (Dec 2015 to Till Date)
Project Name : Ticket Express
Client : Sabre Travel Technologies Pvt Ltd. (In house Product)
Role : Senior Software Engineer.
Domain : Airline.
Methodology : Agile.
Team Size : 6
URL : https://ticketexpress.sabretnapac.com/
3. Environment : JDK 8, J2EE, Spring(Core, MVC, JDBC, Transaction). Hibernate, Oracle, JSP, JS,
Ajax, Webservice(Soap, Rest), tomcat, Intellij, S2C Service, Log4J,
Maven, GIT, Related Skills, Quartz Scheduler
Tools : GIT, Putty, Rest Client, SQL Developer, Soap UI, J profiler, Beyond Compare.
Ticket Express is an In house Product of Sabre Travel Technology, It is Kind of Airline Domain Project.
There are Various Modules Involved in this Product Such as, Agency Management, User Management,
Ticketing, Pricing, Report, Commission, Credit Control, Carrier Info, Corporate Account, master Table, Flexi Edit
etc. This Product Describes as it is being used for basically Ticketing , Pricing and Void Ticket. First The User will
Create the PNR in Sabre GDS using the Client SRW(Sabre Red Workspace) or SNTE(Sabre Network Travel
Agencies) , and also use PCC, EPR and password to login to GDS, then after creation of the PNR, he will put in
To the Specified Queue number, Then The Ticket Express Scheduler (Every one Minute Depending on the
Agency Set up) will fetch the PNR from the specified queue number, as in setup we have the Queue number
setup in Ticketing or Pricing Setup. After fetching the PNR then it will start to ticket to the PNR based on the
specified PQ(price Quote). And also Apply Commission if the travel Itinerary matched with the Commission
country, validity period, PTC and other validating stuff. Then it will validate various stuff like Bode information,
corporate account, Airline Validation, TC Info etc. after that it will deduct the credit from the Credit Control
Service and do the Ticket. Then finally it will send mail to agency regarding success or Failure Ticketing or
pricing for the PNR. Based on than again it will put back in to success and reject Queue (Specified in the
Setup). And The Product have two part one is TEWAdmin and other is Shared Service. Shared Service will give
all the Information about commission, country information, time zone, credit control, corporate account,
Airline information etc. Then the user can generate the report based on various filtration criteria.
Regarding the Ticketing, Pricing and Void Ticket(Cancelation of Ticket)
Involved in entire module of the Product and also have a through knowledge of
entire product.
Participated in configuring all project related configuration.
Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern, Strategy pattern,
Abstract design pattern.
Implemented java script, Jquery for Clint side validations and also did server side
validation from the java application from the Bean class.
Use Version controls like GIT.
Also have a good Experience on Sabre GDS Commands.
Used Jprofiler for performance testing and to avoid memory leak.
Involved end to end activity on Ticket Express.
4. Did API validation for various services like Commission, Credit Control, Country
Map, etc
Designed Error Remark Related activities for every PNR.
Implemented Commission Complex logic match , into simple and intelligent way.
Also Involved In Report Generation part , using jasper Report.
Did environment setup for the product Development.
PROJECT #1 (November 2014 to Nov-2015 Date)
Project Name : WhizSMS ( or WhizMobi)
Client : Intelligentia Software Solution(In house Product)
Role : Senior Software Engineer.
Domain : Telecom.
Methodology : Agile.
Team Size : 10
URL : http://www.spocto.com/
Environment : Java 7, Spring 3.x, JDBC, Apache Cassandra, Rabbit Mq, AWS (EC2 , S3 , SQS),
Jenkins, Elastic Search, Kibana, Log stash, Log4j, Jquery, Ajax, Java script , HTML,
Rest Web Service, JUNIT, JDBC, Redis, Maven
Tools : SVN, Putty, Rest Client, Mysql Client, Jprofiler, Beyond Compare.
Whizsms is a telecom based product. This is an In-house product of Intelligentia. Whizsms have
Different Modules like Registration, Admin Approvals, SMS, Template, SenderId, Keyword DND, Account
Management, DB And Template Utility. I was involved in SMS, Template, DND, Reports, SenderId, Keyword
and DB and Template Utility Modules. This Product is basically responsible for Send Various SMS like single,
Group , Bulk and Multiple SMS. There Are two types of account involved for Sending SMS, like Transactional
and Promotional account. For Transaction account SMS directly sent to Mobiles by a fixed template and DND
check will be avoided. And For promotional SMS there will be no Template and also DND check will be there
for each Number. We are Using Rabbitmq as a Messaging queuing System. Every Message is passed to
Rabbitmq for processing if some process will fail the we will re-queue the SMS to the Rabbitmq and resend it
again. And also part of the Template, SenderId, Keyword creation and approval Process. Myself only involved
in the DND automation process From the TRAI side. This DND process will automatically break captcha from
the TRAI side and download the Incremental and Full file from the TRAI side and extract the zip and put to S3
bucket , then again download from S3 and extract it and publish each record for the Number to the Rabbit
mq , then next service will consume the information from the Rabbit mq and write to Cassandra and Redis. In
SMS Functionality we are also pushing the data to the SMS to the Rabbit mq to avoid any loss and we have
properly managed the NAK on the Rabbitmq. The again consumed the SMS then we are moving to the various
aggregators according to the Routing cost and Route Reliability from the various aggregator. We are also
providing various APIs for various clients like DND check, Creation of Template, SenderId, Keyword and Send
5. SMS.
Participated in writing model layer bean classes and validating values from view
Implemented the Spring with JDBC and Cassandra as persistence layer.
Used Spring features like dependency injection, Transaction management, AOP.
Implemented the Rabbitmq functionality for Message Queuing mechanism.
Involved in various Approval regarding keyword, SenderId, account and Template.
Implemented AWS cloud features to easily manage the project.
Used Jenkins to automate the building process.
Spending time on production issues.
Developed business logic using optimized query and Write DAO classes
Tested web service using Rest Client
Participated in configuring all project related configuration.
Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern, Strategy pattern,
Abstract design pattern.
Implemented java script, Jquery for Clint side validations and also did server side
validation from the java application from the Bean class.
Use Version controls like SVN.
Used Jprofiler for performance testing and to avoid memory leak.
Involved end to end activity on Whizsms process.
Did API validation for various services like Template , SenderId, Keyword, Send
Designed DB and Template utility to provide production database searching and
template verifying.
Did environment setup for the product Development.
PROJECT #2 (February 2014 to August 2014)
Project Name : Ghana (RGD-Application )
Client : Ghana(e-Gov)
Role : Senior Software Engineer.
Team Size : 40
URL : https://egovonline.gegov.gov.gh/RGDPortalWeb/portal/RGDHome/eghana.portal
Environment : JSF, Spring (AOP , Txn, Security), Hibernate, Oracle, Web Services(JaxWS),
Jasper Report, iReport, LDAP, Web Logic Application server, Eclipse IDE, Toad ,
RGD-Application(Regional Generals Department ) Application is a Web-based Application For the
Government Ghana. This Application facilities various registration under Government those who want to open
there new Business or any existing Business(those who are not registered), or any new Marriage registration
6. under Government or Estate Management Regarding the Property. In this Application user login, in to the
application, and the Login information is checked by the LDAP server and the spring security will check for
various authorization and authentication. Then the user will able to do various activities like marriage
Registration or Estate management or Business Registration . If it is already registered business then the user
will provide the TIN for verification of his business registration , the TIN will be verified by the web service if it
will valid then the user will proceed various Transactions like Fee payment, Business enhancement, Cancel
business registration, Business Re-registration etc. And the user also able to print all this business transaction
information using Jasper Report , either in PDF or excel format. And exactly the other modules can be taken
care by accordingly by the Case Number and Marriage Registration Number for Estate and Marriage booking.
Accordingly the users will be in touch with Government, those who want there business or marriage or Estate
Management etc.
Participated in writing model layer bean classes and validating values from view
Implemented the JSF, Spring with hibernate as persistence layer.
Used Spring features like dependency injection, Transaction management, AOP.
Generate all the Reports for the Entire Application through ireport by Jasper API.
Implemented JSF 2.0 as MVC for the Application.
Developed business logic using optimized query and Write DAO classes
Creating procedure and function for code reusability.
Deployed application on application server.
Tested web service using SOAP UI.
Participated in configuring all project related configuration.
Implemented the design patterns like singleton, factory pattern.
Implemented java script for Clint side validations and also did server side
validation from the java application from the Bean class.
Use Version controls like SVN.
PROJECT #3 (February 2012 to January 2014)
Project Name : CAPTURE
Client : DLF India
Role : Software Engineer.
Team Size : 14
Environment : Core Java, JDBC, Servlet, Jsp, Struts, Hibernate, Java Script, HTML,CSS,
Oracle 10g,Tomcat, Eclipse IDE ,Toad .
HRM system is a web-based application mainly focuses on recording information related to payroll,
managing information related to payroll, retrieving information like employee details, payroll details,
attendance details, maintain timesheet etc, Generating pay slips of an employee, generating salary statements
of the employee, keeping track of employees movement in office , maintaining time sheet. More over
7. employee can apply leave through capture; create ticket for issue related to system or any problem related to
network. Employees can update their skill set, experience, certification history, current project assignment in
the application. Employees can daily maintain their time sheet. The project also maintains the attendance
details of an employee. The system also enables the HR personnel to view the resumes of new aspirants and
select them based on the selection criteria. Each employee will get mail with attachment (Pay Slip in Acrobat
reader format) in particular date of each month. Resource allocation to or reserve resource pull can be also
easily track from the automated application
Developed the Presentation logic using Struts tag, JSTL etc
Developed controller, service layer logic.
Updated Struts configuration file, Validation and tiles xml document.
Writing Persistence logic using Hibernate.
Involve all phases of testing and fixed all Bugs.
Implemented logging and tracking using Log4j.
Implemented unit testing using Junit.
PROJECT #4 (November 2010 to January 2012)
Project Name : E- Invoice
Client : DLF India
Role : Software Engineer.
Team Size : 14
Environment : Core Java, JDBC, Servlet, Jsp, Struts, Hibernate, Java Script, HTML, CSS,
Oracle 10g,Tomcat, Eclipse IDE, Toad .
The Project was developed to facilitates online invoice exchange between Suppliers and
buyers. EGS group produces variety Products. The DLF E-Invoicing enables organizations of any size
to exchange invoices-automatically and electronically-regardless of their original format.
Clear supports an organization as a whole and there can be only one user per
organization. Email address uniquely identifies the Organization. There are two kinds of Clear users
one is supplier and other is buyer. For Clear helpdesk work there is an administration user. User
created through signup can send as well as receive invoice .Invoice details are stored at clear
database. Emails sent to the uses dont include invoices. Supplier can create and send only one
Invoice at a time. Clear supports only one 1 languages. If user account details are changed then no
updates are done to the invoices that have been already generated.
Developed the Presentation logic using Struts tag, JSTL etc
Developed controller, service layer logic.
Updated Struts configuration file, Validation and tiles xml document.
8. Writing Persistence logic using Hibernate.
Involve all phases of testing and fixed all Bugs.
Implemented logging and tracking using Log4j.
Implemented unit testing using Junit.
Name : Jitu Sahu
Marital status : Unmarried
Sex : Male
Languages known : English, Hindi, Oriya
State : Orissa.