The document describes a honey bee. It states that it is an insect with a head, thorax, and abdomen. It has small wings and feeds on nectar and pollen to make honey. The animal being described is a honey bee.
Orangutans live in tropical forests in Sumatra and Borneo and eat a mainly fruit-based diet. They spend most of their lives in trees, swinging from branch to branch. Orangutans build nests at night for shelter. There are two types - Borneo orangutans have gray skin and rough hair while Sumatran orangutans are taller with brighter red hair. However, orangutans are endangered due to loss of habitat as their forests are cut down.
The document summarizes how shapes from a peacock's feathers inspired a shape grammar project. Key shapes included the circular sector from the inner quill feather pattern and the teardrop curve from the feather perimeter. Analyzing the peacock train revealed these shapes were repeatedly organized in a cross arrangement like eyes. Rules for addition, rotation, reflection and glide reflection of the shapes were developed based on this analysis.
This document discusses different types of bees including eusocial and semisocial bees like bumblebees and stingless bees. It also mentions solitary and communal bees such as orchard mason bees and eastern carpenter bees. The document lists the taxonomic classification of bees and provides sources from Wikipedia for further information.
1. Peafowl have iridescent feathers that appear to change color, with the male Indian peafowl having the most elaborate plumage including a fan of long tail feathers up to 1.6 meters long.
2. There are three species of peafowl - the Indian blue peafowl, green peafowl, and Congo peafowl.
3. Peafowl are found throughout parts of India and in zoos, and are not considered endangered. They eat a variety of plants and even snakes, drinking and eating mostly in the mornings and afternoons in the wild.
Lions live in plains and woodlands in Africa and Asia, preferring wetlands in summer and dry lands in winter. They roar to protect cubs or territory during fights. Lions hunt zebras, buffalos, and warthogs in groups and away from home to avoid attracting other hunters to their den. Their numbers have declined to only 50% remaining in the wild.
Lions live in plains and woodlands in Africa and Asia, preferring wetlands in summer and dry lands in winter. They roar to protect cubs or territory during fights. Lions hunt zebras, buffalos, and warthogs in groups and away from home to avoid attracting other hunters to their den. Their numbers have declined to only 50% remaining in the wild.
Bees - An example of a BAD PowerPoint Presentationjmarc38
The document discusses different types of bees, including eusocial and semisocial bees, bumblebees, stingless bees, honey bees, Africanized honey bees, cleptoparasitic bees, cuckoo bees, solitary and communal bees like the orchard mason bee, eastern carpenter bee, alfalfa leafcutter bee, and hornfaced bee. It also provides taxonomic classification for bees and cites sources from Wikipedia pages on bees, bumblebees, and queen bees.
The document summarizes the appearance, habitat and food of four different animals. The bearded pig is an omnivorous animal from Asia that grows up to 5.5 feet long and 300 pounds, living in forests and eating fruits, berries, worms and carrion. The okapi is a browsing forest animal from Africa that is up to 8 feet long, 5 feet tall and weighs up to 550 pounds, preferring young forest shoots. Details are provided about the habitat and diet of the secretary bird and antilope sable.
Bumble bees are an important insect for pollination. They have a black and yellow, hairy body that helps them withstand cold temperatures. Unlike honey bees, bumble bee colonies do not survive year-round, depending instead on hibernating queen bees to repopulate the colonies each spring. Their ability to fly in colder weather than other insects and generate body heat through wing movements makes them vital pollinators for many food crops in temperate regions.
Honey bees live in highly organized colonies consisting of a queen, males, and worker bees. They live together in a beehive and work collectively. Worker bees are responsible for collecting nectar from flowers to make honey, which is an important food source for the colony. Honey bees are also known for their role in pollinating many important agricultural crops and producing honey, which has various medicinal and nutritional uses.
A peacock is a bird that lives in India, Sri Lanka, and other areas. It has pretty feathers, a long beak, and is referenced in a Katy Perry song. The life cycle of a peacock involves laying eggs, incubating them, hatching baby peacocks, and reaching adulthood.
The document summarizes the four life cycle stages of the monarch butterfly:
1) Eggs are laid on milkweed leaves and hatch into caterpillars after 4 days.
2) Caterpillars eat milkweed leaves for 2 weeks, growing and molting their skin multiple times.
3) Caterpillars then form a chrysalis and undergo metamorphosis for 2 weeks to emerge as adult butterflies.
4) Adult butterflies emerge, their wings dry and harden, and they fly to feed on flower nectar and begin the cycle again.
The document summarizes the four life cycle stages of the monarch butterfly:
1) Eggs are laid on milkweed leaves and hatch into caterpillars after 4 days.
2) Caterpillars eat milkweed leaves for 2 weeks, growing and molting their skin multiple times.
3) Caterpillars then form a chrysalis and undergo metamorphosis for 2 weeks to emerge as adult butterflies.
4) Adult butterflies emerge, their wings dry and harden, and they fly to feed on flower nectar and begin the cycle again.
Ants display complex social behaviors similar to humans such as keeping livestock, farming fungus, childcare through large nurseries, climate control of their nests, specialized career roles, flood control systems in their nests, education of young ants, and chemical communication between colony members. Ants have been highly adapted to their environments over long periods of time, although the arrival of humans has brought changes through activities like hunting, farming, irrigation, burning land, and building homes.
This document provides an overview of apiculture, or beekeeping. It discusses the different castes that make up a bee colony, including the queen bee, worker bees, and male drones. It also outlines four main species of honey bees, and describes the common Langstroth beehive setup. The document explains how a honey extractor is used to remove honey from honeycombs without destroying the comb. Finally, it discusses the importance of honey bees for honey production, beeswax production, pollination of crops, and medicinal uses.
The blue peacock or Indian peacock is one of the largest birds that can fly. It is found in open forests and grasslands in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. Male peacocks have bright blue and green feathers, reaching up to 230 cm in length. They are able to develop their elaborate, colorful tails into large fans for display. Peafowls eat a variety of plants and small animals. They can run, walk and jump, and typically live 15-20 years in the wild.
this presentation is made by me can i get to know hows it or can u help me to know my mistakes and i have choosen this article becoz we usually focus on large things and think that ants are useless bt we should also knw about them and their uses.
Origin of Shilajit is explained as a product of symbiosis between honey bees and wax moth that were living in mountains for thousand years.
A simple technology to produce the Insect Based Shilajit from honey combs is described in details.
A mini insect farm to produce raw materials for the Insect Based Shilajit can be arranged into a bad-room as fragrance of the honey combs and of wax moth is very pleasant and may work for phytotherapy.
A slide presentation is available at
Why are animals living things from "Science and"JuanOrtizPareja
Animals are living things because they are born, grow, need water, air and food to survive, reproduce, and eventually die. Some animals lay eggs to reproduce while others are mammals that do not lay eggs and have babies that drink their mother's milk.
This document defines and provides characteristics of different types of animals including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. Mammals have hair, give birth to live young, and feed their babies milk. Birds lay eggs, have feathers and wings, and can fly. Reptiles lay eggs, have scales, and may have no legs or four legs. Amphibians have wet skin, live both on land and in water, and lay eggs in water. Fish lay eggs, live only in water, breathe with gills, and swim with fins. Insects have six legs, lay eggs, and have segmented bodies with a head, thorax, and abdomen.
1) Edible bird's nests are produced by two species of swiftlets that build nests in caves or purpose-built houses, and they have high food value.
2) Malaysia is a major producer and exporter of edible bird's nests, as it is located in the center of producing countries in Southeast Asia and has the largest bird's nest processing industry worldwide.
3) There are different types of edible bird's nests based on the swiftlet species and whether they are found in natural caves or man-made houses.
This document provides information about beekeeping and honey bees in India. It discusses five main honey bee species found in India, including the rock bee, Indian hive bee, little bee, European bee, and dammer bee. It describes their key characteristics. The document also outlines traditional and modern beekeeping methods used in India, including hive structures, honey extractors, and other equipment. It discusses the production and chemical composition of honey, as well as honey's uses as a food, medicine, and preservative. Beekeeping is an important industry in India that produces about 10,000 tons of forest honey annually.
Have you ever wondered what is Bird' s Nest? Whether you purchased it in Singapore, or Malaysia, are there any difference? Paying $39 and $390, is the latter better? While this slide tries its best to inform you about Bird's Nest, for a good understanding, we will like to invite you to one of our seminars, with Dr Leh, an expert that has been studying them for years. Look forward to seeing you.
Bees are important insects that pollinate many of the plants that produce food for humans. They have a three-part body and six legs, and live in colonies consisting of a queen, drones, and worker bees. Bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers to feed their young and make honey to store for winter. However, bee populations are declining, which threatens food production since bees pollinate over half of the world's crop plants. People can help bees by providing flowers, avoiding harming bee nests, and allowing bees to collect nectar without disturbing them.
Honey bees are important pollinators and producers of honey and beeswax. There are four main species of honey bees - the rock bee, Indian hive bee, little bee, and European bee. Honey bees live in hives with one queen, several hundred drones, and thousands of workers. The queen lays eggs which hatch into larvae and develop through pupa stages before emerging as adult bees. Honey bees collect nectar and pollen which they use to make honey through regurgitation and dehydration. In addition to honey, beeswax is an important product with various uses. Honey bees play a vital role in pollinating crops and flowering plants.
Honey bees are important pollinators and producers of honey and beeswax. There are four main species of honey bees - the rock bee, Indian hive bee, little bee, and European bee. Honey bees live in hives with one queen, several hundred drones, and 20,000 to 80,000 workers. Workers care for the larvae, collect nectar and pollen, and produce honey. Honey bees go through life stages of egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Their products of honey and beeswax are economically important, and honey bees play a vital role in pollinating crops.
Bees - An example of a BAD PowerPoint Presentationjmarc38
The document discusses different types of bees, including eusocial and semisocial bees, bumblebees, stingless bees, honey bees, Africanized honey bees, cleptoparasitic bees, cuckoo bees, solitary and communal bees like the orchard mason bee, eastern carpenter bee, alfalfa leafcutter bee, and hornfaced bee. It also provides taxonomic classification for bees and cites sources from Wikipedia pages on bees, bumblebees, and queen bees.
The document summarizes the appearance, habitat and food of four different animals. The bearded pig is an omnivorous animal from Asia that grows up to 5.5 feet long and 300 pounds, living in forests and eating fruits, berries, worms and carrion. The okapi is a browsing forest animal from Africa that is up to 8 feet long, 5 feet tall and weighs up to 550 pounds, preferring young forest shoots. Details are provided about the habitat and diet of the secretary bird and antilope sable.
Bumble bees are an important insect for pollination. They have a black and yellow, hairy body that helps them withstand cold temperatures. Unlike honey bees, bumble bee colonies do not survive year-round, depending instead on hibernating queen bees to repopulate the colonies each spring. Their ability to fly in colder weather than other insects and generate body heat through wing movements makes them vital pollinators for many food crops in temperate regions.
Honey bees live in highly organized colonies consisting of a queen, males, and worker bees. They live together in a beehive and work collectively. Worker bees are responsible for collecting nectar from flowers to make honey, which is an important food source for the colony. Honey bees are also known for their role in pollinating many important agricultural crops and producing honey, which has various medicinal and nutritional uses.
A peacock is a bird that lives in India, Sri Lanka, and other areas. It has pretty feathers, a long beak, and is referenced in a Katy Perry song. The life cycle of a peacock involves laying eggs, incubating them, hatching baby peacocks, and reaching adulthood.
The document summarizes the four life cycle stages of the monarch butterfly:
1) Eggs are laid on milkweed leaves and hatch into caterpillars after 4 days.
2) Caterpillars eat milkweed leaves for 2 weeks, growing and molting their skin multiple times.
3) Caterpillars then form a chrysalis and undergo metamorphosis for 2 weeks to emerge as adult butterflies.
4) Adult butterflies emerge, their wings dry and harden, and they fly to feed on flower nectar and begin the cycle again.
The document summarizes the four life cycle stages of the monarch butterfly:
1) Eggs are laid on milkweed leaves and hatch into caterpillars after 4 days.
2) Caterpillars eat milkweed leaves for 2 weeks, growing and molting their skin multiple times.
3) Caterpillars then form a chrysalis and undergo metamorphosis for 2 weeks to emerge as adult butterflies.
4) Adult butterflies emerge, their wings dry and harden, and they fly to feed on flower nectar and begin the cycle again.
Ants display complex social behaviors similar to humans such as keeping livestock, farming fungus, childcare through large nurseries, climate control of their nests, specialized career roles, flood control systems in their nests, education of young ants, and chemical communication between colony members. Ants have been highly adapted to their environments over long periods of time, although the arrival of humans has brought changes through activities like hunting, farming, irrigation, burning land, and building homes.
This document provides an overview of apiculture, or beekeeping. It discusses the different castes that make up a bee colony, including the queen bee, worker bees, and male drones. It also outlines four main species of honey bees, and describes the common Langstroth beehive setup. The document explains how a honey extractor is used to remove honey from honeycombs without destroying the comb. Finally, it discusses the importance of honey bees for honey production, beeswax production, pollination of crops, and medicinal uses.
The blue peacock or Indian peacock is one of the largest birds that can fly. It is found in open forests and grasslands in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. Male peacocks have bright blue and green feathers, reaching up to 230 cm in length. They are able to develop their elaborate, colorful tails into large fans for display. Peafowls eat a variety of plants and small animals. They can run, walk and jump, and typically live 15-20 years in the wild.
this presentation is made by me can i get to know hows it or can u help me to know my mistakes and i have choosen this article becoz we usually focus on large things and think that ants are useless bt we should also knw about them and their uses.
Origin of Shilajit is explained as a product of symbiosis between honey bees and wax moth that were living in mountains for thousand years.
A simple technology to produce the Insect Based Shilajit from honey combs is described in details.
A mini insect farm to produce raw materials for the Insect Based Shilajit can be arranged into a bad-room as fragrance of the honey combs and of wax moth is very pleasant and may work for phytotherapy.
A slide presentation is available at
Why are animals living things from "Science and"JuanOrtizPareja
Animals are living things because they are born, grow, need water, air and food to survive, reproduce, and eventually die. Some animals lay eggs to reproduce while others are mammals that do not lay eggs and have babies that drink their mother's milk.
This document defines and provides characteristics of different types of animals including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. Mammals have hair, give birth to live young, and feed their babies milk. Birds lay eggs, have feathers and wings, and can fly. Reptiles lay eggs, have scales, and may have no legs or four legs. Amphibians have wet skin, live both on land and in water, and lay eggs in water. Fish lay eggs, live only in water, breathe with gills, and swim with fins. Insects have six legs, lay eggs, and have segmented bodies with a head, thorax, and abdomen.
1) Edible bird's nests are produced by two species of swiftlets that build nests in caves or purpose-built houses, and they have high food value.
2) Malaysia is a major producer and exporter of edible bird's nests, as it is located in the center of producing countries in Southeast Asia and has the largest bird's nest processing industry worldwide.
3) There are different types of edible bird's nests based on the swiftlet species and whether they are found in natural caves or man-made houses.
This document provides information about beekeeping and honey bees in India. It discusses five main honey bee species found in India, including the rock bee, Indian hive bee, little bee, European bee, and dammer bee. It describes their key characteristics. The document also outlines traditional and modern beekeeping methods used in India, including hive structures, honey extractors, and other equipment. It discusses the production and chemical composition of honey, as well as honey's uses as a food, medicine, and preservative. Beekeeping is an important industry in India that produces about 10,000 tons of forest honey annually.
Have you ever wondered what is Bird' s Nest? Whether you purchased it in Singapore, or Malaysia, are there any difference? Paying $39 and $390, is the latter better? While this slide tries its best to inform you about Bird's Nest, for a good understanding, we will like to invite you to one of our seminars, with Dr Leh, an expert that has been studying them for years. Look forward to seeing you.
Bees are important insects that pollinate many of the plants that produce food for humans. They have a three-part body and six legs, and live in colonies consisting of a queen, drones, and worker bees. Bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers to feed their young and make honey to store for winter. However, bee populations are declining, which threatens food production since bees pollinate over half of the world's crop plants. People can help bees by providing flowers, avoiding harming bee nests, and allowing bees to collect nectar without disturbing them.
Honey bees are important pollinators and producers of honey and beeswax. There are four main species of honey bees - the rock bee, Indian hive bee, little bee, and European bee. Honey bees live in hives with one queen, several hundred drones, and thousands of workers. The queen lays eggs which hatch into larvae and develop through pupa stages before emerging as adult bees. Honey bees collect nectar and pollen which they use to make honey through regurgitation and dehydration. In addition to honey, beeswax is an important product with various uses. Honey bees play a vital role in pollinating crops and flowering plants.
Honey bees are important pollinators and producers of honey and beeswax. There are four main species of honey bees - the rock bee, Indian hive bee, little bee, and European bee. Honey bees live in hives with one queen, several hundred drones, and 20,000 to 80,000 workers. Workers care for the larvae, collect nectar and pollen, and produce honey. Honey bees go through life stages of egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Their products of honey and beeswax are economically important, and honey bees play a vital role in pollinating crops.
This document provides information about honey bees. It begins with the classification of honey bees, then discusses their social behavior and advantages. It provides examples of social insects including honey bees, wasps, termites and ants. The document focuses on honey bees, describing their appearance, distribution, and the different types of bees within a hive: the queen, workers, and drones. It explains the key roles and characteristics of each type of honey bee.
The document discusses the five main groups of vertebrates: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Mammals have hair and feed their young milk. Birds are covered in feathers and have wings. Reptiles have scaly skin and lungs. Amphibians spend part of their life on land and part in water. Fish live entirely in water and breathe through gills.
Honey bees normally have short, thick bodies covered with hair. Most honey be...chandrapalaperera87
Honey bees normally have short, thick bodies covered with hair. Most honey bees have dark bodies, numerous with yellow or earthy colored markings. Others have yellow, red, brown, and metallic green or blue bodies, some with splendid metallic red or purple markings.
This document provides an introduction to honey bees and beekeeping. It discusses the main types of bees found in a colony - the queen bee, worker bees, and drone bees. It describes their key characteristics and roles. The document also outlines the life cycle of honey bees from egg to adult, and how development times differ by caste. Additionally, it provides details on the social structure of bee colonies and some of the equipment commonly used in beekeeping.
The document provides a detailed field guide entry on the Western honey bee (Apis Mellifera). It describes the bee's physical appearance and anatomy, habitats, behaviors, role in pollination, and importance to ecosystems. It also discusses common misconceptions about honey bees and references literature that reflect on the simplicity and importance of the honey bee's lifestyle.
Bees are flying insects known for pollination and producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 known bee species, including the European honey bee which lives in hexagonal honeycombs in beehives. In beehives there are three types of bees: a queen who lays eggs, workers who are female but infertile, and drones whose sole purpose is to fertilize the queen. Bees gather pollen which they transform into honey and store in honeycombs before humans extract it. Bees are essential to pollination and food production, but many are dying due to parasites, pesticides, and pollution, so conservation efforts are needed.
This document introduces the different categories of animals - mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and fish. It describes some of their defining characteristics, such as how mammals bear live young and nurse their babies with milk, while reptiles lay eggs. The text also lists some physical traits of each group, and encourages exploring more about animals online.
This document introduces the five main categories of animals - mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and fish. It describes some of their defining characteristics, such as how mammals give birth to live young and nurse their babies, how birds lay hard-shelled eggs, and how fish lay many eggs in water. The text also highlights example physical traits of each group, like mammals having fur or hair, birds having feathers and wings, and fish having fins and scales. Students are encouraged to click on examples like polar bears and fish to learn more about the specific animals.
This document discusses various aspects of birds. It covers that birds have feathers and live everywhere on Earth, making different sounds. It also notes that some birds cannot fly, like ostriches and penguins, because they are too heavy. These birds have adapted in other ways, like swimming or running. The document additionally mentions that birds can get sicknesses that cause them to lose their feathers. Finally, it states that all birds lay eggs of varying sizes to protect developing baby birds.
This document provides an overview of honey bees and apiculture (beekeeping). It discusses the composition of honey bee colonies including the queen bee, drone bees, and worker bees. It describes the life cycle and development of honey bees from eggs to larvae to pupae. Key aspects of beekeeping covered include the history of scientific study of bees, common bee species, honey extraction methods, and bee pasturage (plants used for nectar and pollen).
Bees have three body parts, six legs, two antennae, and four wings. They live in families or colonies with thousands of bees consisting of worker girls, drone boys, and one queen mother. Bees and flowers need each other as bees carry pollen between flowers to help them make seeds while collecting nectar to make food back in their honeycombs homes, where the nectar turns to honey and the combs house baby bees. Bees are an important part of the environment as they help flowers and provide honey, so people should be nice and not threaten bees.
Bats are omnivorous mammals that eat plants, animals, insects, and small vertebrates. They are nocturnal hunters that use echolocation to navigate and find prey in darkness. While most bat species eat insects, some tropical bats eat fruit and nectar, and three species drink blood. Bats face threats from habitat loss as forests are cut down and caves destroyed, as well as direct killing from humans for food, medicine, and out of misunderstanding. Conservation efforts aim to protect bat populations and combat myths that contribute to their endangerment.
This document discusses some key characteristics of mammals. It notes that mammals are one of six main animal classes and includes humans. Some key traits of mammals mentioned include: being warm-blooded, having hair or fur, giving birth to live young that drink milk, and having backbones. The document provides examples of different types of mammals and how they have adapted to various environments. It also discusses how mammal babies learn and develop, as well as what different types of mammals eat.
This document summarizes key characteristics of birds. It notes that most birds can fly, have feathers, wings, lungs, and lay eggs. It describes different beak shapes suited for various diets like fruit, seeds, and meat. Examples given include toucans, rainbow lorikeets, golden eagles, and pelicans. The document states there are over 10,000 bird species varying widely in size, color, and habitat. Specific birds mentioned include gentoo penguins, weaver birds, bee hummingbirds, peregrine falcons, and ostriches. It concludes by asking and answering questions about bird characteristics, beak shapes, smallest/fastest/biggest birds.
Honey bees are social insects, which means that they live together in large, well-organized family group.
Communication, complex net construction, environmental control, defense and divison of the labor are just some of the behaviour that honey bees have developed to exist successfully in social colonies.
A honey bees colony typically consists of three kinds of the bees 1) Queen. 2) Workers. 3) Drones.
In addition to thousands of workers adults, a colony normally has a single queen & several hundred drones.
Honey bees live in comb or nest.
Mutual cooperation exist.
Developed communication Dance.
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated every March 17th. It is a celebration of Irish culture packed with parades, wearing of green, and good luck charms. Originally a religious holiday, it now celebrates Irish heritage and traditions through parades, music, dancing, and foods like corned beef and cabbage.
Pancake Day is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. During Lent, people give up foods or indulgences as a form of sacrifice. Pancake Day provides a last chance to eat fatty foods before this fasting period for Easter. Pancakes are made from a batter of flour, milk and eggs and can be topped with items like butter, syrup or fruit. Annual pancake races are held in England where participants must flip pancakes as they race to the finish line. Pancakes have variations around the world such as buttermilk pancakes in the US/Canada, cr棚pes in France, and dorayaki in Japan.
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated every March 17th. It is a celebration of Irish culture packed with parades, wearing of green, and good luck charms. Originally a religious holiday, it has evolved over time into a celebration of Irish heritage and traditions. Key symbols include shamrocks, leprechauns, and the color green.
The song describes Santa Claus coming to town and his methods for determining who has been naughty or nice. It warns children to watch out, not cry or pout, as Santa makes a list and checks it twice to see who has been naughty or nice. The song notes that Santa sees children when they're sleeping and knows when they're awake, and knows if they've been bad or good, so children should be good.
The document discusses several famous natural tourist spots in the Philippines, including Kawasan Falls known for its turquoise waters, the Puerto Princesa Underground River which is one of the longest underground rivers in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Taal Lake which contains an active volcano, Mount Pinatubo which is an active volcano prohibited for swimming, Mayon Volcano known as the world's most perfect volcanic cone, Mount Pulag where visitors can see a sea of clouds, and the Chocolate Hills formed of over 1,200 limestone hills covered in grass that turns brown, making the hills appear chocolate colored.
Simon and his father enjoy doing chores together. They always water the plants in the garden and often cook dinner for their family, such as spaghetti. On Sundays, they wash the car. Mary and her family like keeping their home clean. Her father often dusts lamps, cabinets, and shelves, while her mother sometimes hoovers the floor. Edward wakes up at 7 am every day. He often makes his bed and always tidies up before sleeping. He takes breakfast with his family in the kitchen and eats lunch at school with friends.
This document discusses four wild animal species found in the Philippines: the Philippine tarsier, giant golden-crowned flying fox, Palawan bearded pig, and Philippine Eagle. It provides descriptions of each animal's physical characteristics and behaviors, such as that the tarsier is one of the smallest primates and mostly active at night, the flying fox has long wings and eats fruits and nuts, the bearded pig lives in rainforests and eats various plants, and the Philippine Eagle is the largest eagle, lives in rainforests, and can live up to 60 years.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
1. I am an invertebrate. I have a head,
a thorax and an abdomen. I am an
insect. I have small wings. I feed on
nectar and pollen. I make honey.
What animal am I?
4. The Fuzzy Bee
Read the tongue twister as fast as you can!
The fuzzy bee
the buzzy busy
6. 1. Bees are the only insects in the world that make
honey in the form of food which is edible for humans
as well.
7. 2. The Queen Bee runs the entire hive and lays eggs.
8. 3. Male bees are known as
drones. They are kept in the
hive during the spring and
summer with a purpose to
mate with the queen.
Drones cannot sting. And in
winter, all the males are
kicked off.
9. 4. All worker bees are females. They gather pollen,
create bee hives, feed the larvae with royal jelly.
And they are the ones that make honey.
10. 5. Honey bee workers can
sting other insects
repeatedly. However,
barbs in their stingers get
caught in the skin of the
animals they sting,
especially mammals with
thick skin such as
humans. Removing the
stinger is fatal to the bee,
so it dies afterward.
11. 6. The hive serves as their
home and a place where
they store honey. Since it
is very important for their
survival, worker bees
decided to construct it in
the shape of _______.
12. 6. The hive serves as their
home and a place where
they store honey. Since it
is very important for their
survival, worker bees
decided to construct it in
the shape of HEXAGON.
13. 7. When a bee flies, it flaps its wings in a figure-eight