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J o a n n B a r k a l o w
(319) 371-5716 1840 Wenrose Dr. NE
jbarkalow14@hotmail.com North Liberty, IA 52317
Seeking PositionAs:
A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t
Friendly, diligent and dedicated Administrative Assistant II has more than 26 years of solid experience in
providing accurate executive-level support in private and government agency environments.
Accomplished candidate demonstrates a verifiable record of achievement in delivering special projects
for the Department of Corrections on time and within established budgets, as well as taking on roles of
higher responsibility independently without formal guidance or instruction, and through determined self-
study and resilience. Dependable professional is seeking a challenging role, determined to demonstrate
proficiency in organization, communication, interagency relations, conflict resolution, calendar
management, resource planning, training and development, confidential document administration and
problem solving. Energetic and enthusiastic team player works independently with minimum supervision,
excels under pressure,displays a high level of initiative and commitment towards completing assignments
efficiently, and thrives in demanding team environments.
 Diligent Administrative Support/Assistance  Skillful Communicator & Scheduler
 Corrections & SecurityPolicy& Processes  Independent & Effective TeamPlayer
 Excels in Research & Special Projects  Detail-Oriented & Creative ProblemSolver
P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e
Iowa Medical & Classification Center Nov 2010  Present
Administrative Assistant II/Records Department,Oakdale, IA
 Assist withspecial projects requestedby the DOC; review and confirm sentencing orders, preparing
correspondence addressed to judges when necessary.
 Monitor work of subordinates for accuracy through auditing of offender records and computer system
entries (e.g.sentencing orders, jail credit,mandatoryminimum, special sentence information).
 Supportedthe training of new hires, and acts as a resource for DOC and other agencies regarding
time computation.
 Review appeal bonds for proper authority;conferred withother departments to arrange offenders
 Process and arrange institutional transfers of offenders,coordinating withother IDOC facilities,Sheriffs
Departments and law enforcement agencies from other states to ensure proper execution.
Newton Correctional Facility Nov 2007  Oct 2010
Administrative Assistant II/Records Administrator, Newton,IA
 Promotedto Records Administrator/Administrative Assistant II Nov 2007 to Oct 2010;computed
offender jail credit to establisha proper release date from the Department of Corrections.
 Conducted research on offender's sentence structure,secured appropriate sentencing orders and
certifiedstatements of credit to ensure the offender was serving appropriate sentence(s)as ordered.
 Scheduled transfers across facilities throughout Iowa,utilizing special teams, existing medical trips and
other scheduled transportationwithCorrections to ensure the best utilizationof available resources.
 Integrated the trip module for offender transfers and to conduct file audits using ICON, which is a
proprietarydatabase in Microsoft Access.
 Servedas a member of the Staff AppreciationCommittee,planning work-relatedactivities and
fundraisers for staff.
 Providedrecruitment support inthe selectionor interview teams; oversaw the preparationand
maintenance of files,records,and operational reports requiredfor the assignedareas of responsibility
Newton Correctional Facility Oct 2006  Nov 2007
Administrative Assistant I,Newton,IA
 Nominated as one of the candidates for Employee of the Year in 2006;approached in 2006 by the
Wardento assist the Records Office as the former administrator hadbeen reassigned
 Assumed responsibilities of the role withno training or guidance, acquiring knowledge of office
procedures independently and became adept at managing the office,which led to a promotion.
 Succeededin implementing facilitypolicyand procedures;coordinated meetings and communicated
withprofessional and security teams to solve problems and ensure a safe working environment for all.
 Receivedand processed offender grievance complaints andrequests for information/assistance
regarding facilityoperations.
 Appliedor interpreted rules,policies andregulations,gathered background information,and prepared
an appropriate response to offenders involved.
Iowa State Penitentiary July 1991  Oct 2006
Administrative Assistant I,Fort Madison,IA
 Receiveda promotionin1998 to Administrative Assistant to the Treatment Director andthe Psychology
Department,learning medical terminologyand typing confidential psychological documents.
 Servedas editor for the offender newsletter assumedresponsibility for reviewing all offender payroll,
correcting any mistakes,and advising staff of offender payroll revisions.
 Provideddiligent administrative support to the DeputyWarden,typing and filing of confidential
informationfor HR-relatedmatters and offender issues.
 Initiated research,compiled data and prepared draft reports and documents for special projects;
maintained classifiedinformationfor Internal Affairs,including Use of Force documentationand videos.
 Arranged monthly Captain/Lieutenant meetings,including transcribing and distributing minutes of the
meeting;prepared documentationand reports during annual Internal SecurityAudits.
 Servedas a member of the Affirmative ActionCommittee,conducting fundraisers and promoting
cultural diversity;servedonthe Correctional Workers Committee,promoting work relatedactivities.
 Providedinputs in the development of a Spouse Academy training program, which included data
gathering, PowerPoint presentation designand delivering sessions for new staff and their spouses.
 Collaboratedclosely withthe SecurityDepartment,typing,filing and maintaining accurate offender
informationregarding disciplinarytime,count and offender appeals.
 Transferredto the Wardens Office in 1994,working for the Executive Assistant,typing press releases and
occasionallyaccomplishing legal transcription for the Assistant AttorneyGeneral.
 Participatedina table-top exercise withmembers of the local law enforcement and medical
community for an Emergency Preparedness scenario.
O t h e r W o r k E x p e r i e n c e
People'sMutual Insurance Association, Office Secretary,Donnellson, IA Apr 1985  July 1991
E d u c a t i o n & T e c h n i c a l S k i l l s
Iowa Department of Administrative Services
Courses in Business English, Business Writing, Minute Taking and Introduction to Business Skills
Attended and completed training for Access XP Levels I and II, and Excel Level 1
Also attended a Training for Trainers course in May, 2002
Southeastern Community College, West Burlington, IA, May 1998  1999
Completed Coursework in: English Composition I and II, Introduction to Computers, Sociology, Psychology
and Math for General Education; Maintained a 4.0 GPA
Central Lee High School, Donnellson, IA, 1981
Courses in Accounting, Typing and Shorthand; Member of the National Honor Society
Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Excel, Access)  Employee Payroll and Bookkeeping Skills
Shorthand and Taking/Transcribing Minutes of Meetings
References Gladly Provided Upon Request

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Joann Barkalow Resume

  • 1. J o a n n B a r k a l o w (319) 371-5716 1840 Wenrose Dr. NE jbarkalow14@hotmail.com North Liberty, IA 52317 Seeking PositionAs: A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t Friendly, diligent and dedicated Administrative Assistant II has more than 26 years of solid experience in providing accurate executive-level support in private and government agency environments. Accomplished candidate demonstrates a verifiable record of achievement in delivering special projects for the Department of Corrections on time and within established budgets, as well as taking on roles of higher responsibility independently without formal guidance or instruction, and through determined self- study and resilience. Dependable professional is seeking a challenging role, determined to demonstrate proficiency in organization, communication, interagency relations, conflict resolution, calendar management, resource planning, training and development, confidential document administration and problem solving. Energetic and enthusiastic team player works independently with minimum supervision, excels under pressure,displays a high level of initiative and commitment towards completing assignments efficiently, and thrives in demanding team environments. Diligent Administrative Support/Assistance Skillful Communicator & Scheduler Corrections & SecurityPolicy& Processes Independent & Effective TeamPlayer Excels in Research & Special Projects Detail-Oriented & Creative ProblemSolver P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e Iowa Medical & Classification Center Nov 2010 Present Administrative Assistant II/Records Department,Oakdale, IA Assist withspecial projects requestedby the DOC; review and confirm sentencing orders, preparing correspondence addressed to judges when necessary. Monitor work of subordinates for accuracy through auditing of offender records and computer system entries (e.g.sentencing orders, jail credit,mandatoryminimum, special sentence information). Supportedthe training of new hires, and acts as a resource for DOC and other agencies regarding time computation. Review appeal bonds for proper authority;conferred withother departments to arrange offenders release. Process and arrange institutional transfers of offenders,coordinating withother IDOC facilities,Sheriffs Departments and law enforcement agencies from other states to ensure proper execution. Newton Correctional Facility Nov 2007 Oct 2010 Administrative Assistant II/Records Administrator, Newton,IA Promotedto Records Administrator/Administrative Assistant II Nov 2007 to Oct 2010;computed offender jail credit to establisha proper release date from the Department of Corrections. Conducted research on offender's sentence structure,secured appropriate sentencing orders and certifiedstatements of credit to ensure the offender was serving appropriate sentence(s)as ordered. Scheduled transfers across facilities throughout Iowa,utilizing special teams, existing medical trips and other scheduled transportationwithCorrections to ensure the best utilizationof available resources. Integrated the trip module for offender transfers and to conduct file audits using ICON, which is a proprietarydatabase in Microsoft Access. Servedas a member of the Staff AppreciationCommittee,planning work-relatedactivities and fundraisers for staff. Providedrecruitment support inthe selectionor interview teams; oversaw the preparationand maintenance of files,records,and operational reports requiredfor the assignedareas of responsibility Newton Correctional Facility Oct 2006 Nov 2007 Administrative Assistant I,Newton,IA Nominated as one of the candidates for Employee of the Year in 2006;approached in 2006 by the Wardento assist the Records Office as the former administrator hadbeen reassigned
  • 2. Assumed responsibilities of the role withno training or guidance, acquiring knowledge of office procedures independently and became adept at managing the office,which led to a promotion. Succeededin implementing facilitypolicyand procedures;coordinated meetings and communicated withprofessional and security teams to solve problems and ensure a safe working environment for all. Receivedand processed offender grievance complaints andrequests for information/assistance regarding facilityoperations. Appliedor interpreted rules,policies andregulations,gathered background information,and prepared an appropriate response to offenders involved. Iowa State Penitentiary July 1991 Oct 2006 Administrative Assistant I,Fort Madison,IA Receiveda promotionin1998 to Administrative Assistant to the Treatment Director andthe Psychology Department,learning medical terminologyand typing confidential psychological documents. Servedas editor for the offender newsletter assumedresponsibility for reviewing all offender payroll, correcting any mistakes,and advising staff of offender payroll revisions. Provideddiligent administrative support to the DeputyWarden,typing and filing of confidential informationfor HR-relatedmatters and offender issues. Initiated research,compiled data and prepared draft reports and documents for special projects; maintained classifiedinformationfor Internal Affairs,including Use of Force documentationand videos. Arranged monthly Captain/Lieutenant meetings,including transcribing and distributing minutes of the meeting;prepared documentationand reports during annual Internal SecurityAudits. Servedas a member of the Affirmative ActionCommittee,conducting fundraisers and promoting cultural diversity;servedonthe Correctional Workers Committee,promoting work relatedactivities. Providedinputs in the development of a Spouse Academy training program, which included data gathering, PowerPoint presentation designand delivering sessions for new staff and their spouses. Collaboratedclosely withthe SecurityDepartment,typing,filing and maintaining accurate offender informationregarding disciplinarytime,count and offender appeals. Transferredto the Wardens Office in 1994,working for the Executive Assistant,typing press releases and occasionallyaccomplishing legal transcription for the Assistant AttorneyGeneral. Participatedina table-top exercise withmembers of the local law enforcement and medical community for an Emergency Preparedness scenario. O t h e r W o r k E x p e r i e n c e People'sMutual Insurance Association, Office Secretary,Donnellson, IA Apr 1985 July 1991 E d u c a t i o n & T e c h n i c a l S k i l l s Iowa Department of Administrative Services Courses in Business English, Business Writing, Minute Taking and Introduction to Business Skills Attended and completed training for Access XP Levels I and II, and Excel Level 1 Also attended a Training for Trainers course in May, 2002 Southeastern Community College, West Burlington, IA, May 1998 1999 Completed Coursework in: English Composition I and II, Introduction to Computers, Sociology, Psychology and Math for General Education; Maintained a 4.0 GPA Central Lee High School, Donnellson, IA, 1981 Courses in Accounting, Typing and Shorthand; Member of the National Honor Society Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Excel, Access) Employee Payroll and Bookkeeping Skills Shorthand and Taking/Transcribing Minutes of Meetings References Gladly Provided Upon Request