♥ :D ♥
1. i Lyk MoVies so much
2. i LyK mUsiC
3. i LovE 2 sLeEp
4. i LoVe goiNg ouT wiT mAh fRenDs
5. i aM a TeXteR aDdicT
6. LoCo boUt coMpuTer aNd gAdgEts
7. fRieNdStEr aDdiCt
8. bOoKwOrm
9. jOkEr
10. pAsAwAy
11. tV aDdiCt
12. i LoVe 2 sUrF tHe NeT
13. i LovE gOiNg 2 sKoL
14. i LoVe sTaYiNg uP LaTE
15. a CeRtiFiEd FrOsTeRiAn
+what i know about my seLf...thE FeELeR eDiTioN^_-..
i am fair, honest, and logical. i am a natural leader, and people respect me.
i never give up, and i will succeed... even if it takes me a hundred tries.
i am rational enough to see every part of a problem. i am great at giving other people advice.
i am well rounded, with a complete