Designing, Installing, Supporting, Trouble shooting WebSphere MQ solutions.
Knowledge of WebSphere MQ on z/OS, zLinux, AIX, Solaris, Linux, Windows.
Performing WebSphere MQ Security analysis, and penetration test.
Author of MQ Security SupportPacs and BlockIP2.
Participated in teaching Betaclass on WebSphere MQ version 7.0
Participated in testing IBM MQ 8.0 and Advanced Messaging Service (AMS) on z/OS.
Co author on IBM Reedbook: Secure Messaging Scenarios with WebSphere MQ
Specialties: SWIFTNet integration using WBI-FN
WebSphere File Transfer Edition (MQFTE)
WebSphere MQ, Message Broker(WBI-MB)
SWIFT Certified: Application interface Engineer, FIN Interface Engineer, Messageing Inter...