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Dear Shorewood Hills Neighbor,
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your Village Trustee. As your representative, I bring a
diverse background as a nonprofit leader and responsible small business owner who has a track-record
for working effectively with the Board and with staff as Chair of the Personnel Committee to find greater
efficiencies while providing high-quality services for Village residents.
Despite state imposed challenges to our budget, our tax rate is among the lowest in Dane County,
while our fund balance is higher, and our workers are treated and compensated fairly as valued partners
who find cost-effective ways of providing basic services.
Continued efforts by the state legislature to roll back our local decision-making and responsible
administration of elections lead the Village Board to oppose the dismantling of the Government
Accountability Board. Moreover, given the concern that the states repeal of
the 80-year-old prevailing wage law may lead to unscrupulous contractors using
cutthroat and maybe even illegal wage policies to win Village contracts, I will be
introducing a model ordinance to ensure uniform responsible bidder criteria are
used to create a level playing field for all bidders.
We continue to see many changes in the Village, including major redevelopments
that bring us new residents and much needed affordable housing, while providing
benefits such as expansions to the bike trail, green infrastructure to reduce runoff
and ensuring our long-term financial sustainability.
After much discussion and deliberation, the new Blackhawk lease is a more balanced product that
resulted from valuable public input and should deliver greater financial certainty and improved public
access for Village residents while reducing costs.
With Blackhawk behind us and less development pressures expected, comes the opportunity and
responsibility to do more long range planning for improvements to Village facilities, including the Pool,
Boathouse, Marina, Fire House/Public Works building and the Community Center.油
Finally, as a member of the Joint West Campus Area Committee, Ill continue to work to keep the
University Bay fields as flexible open space, protect natural features and minimize adverse impacts to
nearby residents.
The Village of Shorewood Hills is a special place for the Imes family. I encourage you to visit
www.shorewood-hills.org to stay involved and informed on Village issues and activities.
Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as Village Trustee and for your contributions to the success
of our Village. I look forward to meeting you in the neighborhood and would appreciate your support.
Best regards,
 Dedicated  Responsible
 Progressive  Experienced
JOHN IMES has served in many public-private partnerships and
as an adviser to national, state and local initiatives over the years.
Selected experience:
n	Co-founder, Board Chair and Executive Director, Wisconsin
Environmental Initiative (WEI)
n	Co-founder / Owner, Arbor House, An Environmental Inn
n	Chair, Personnel Committee for the Village of Shorewood Hills
n	Appointed to Joint West Campus Area Committee
n	Adviser, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters:油Climate
Forward Initiative
n	Adviser, Edgewood College Sustainability Leadership Program
n	Adviser, Greening of Monroe Street
n	Served as Commissioner to the Capital Area Regional Planning
n	Served on Governor Doyles Consortium on Biobased Industries
and Global Warming Task Force (Industry Workgroup)
n	Served on three state delegation visits to Germany, including one
lead by former State Assembly Speaker Tom Loftus that showcased
innovative clean energy technology, best practices and new
directions in governance
n	Completed the Civitas 10-part series of forums focused on
government, public education, finance and analysis of government
Election day is
Tuesday, April 5.
If voting absentee,
ballots must be
submitted no later
than Friday, April 1
Authorized and paid for by
Friends of John Imes
1008 Edgehill Drive
Madison, WI 53705
Left to right: Jack, Ben, Cathie, Grace, John, (Casey) and Cora.
Endorsed by the
Democratic Party
of Dane County

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  • 1. Dear Shorewood Hills Neighbor, It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your Village Trustee. As your representative, I bring a diverse background as a nonprofit leader and responsible small business owner who has a track-record for working effectively with the Board and with staff as Chair of the Personnel Committee to find greater efficiencies while providing high-quality services for Village residents. Despite state imposed challenges to our budget, our tax rate is among the lowest in Dane County, while our fund balance is higher, and our workers are treated and compensated fairly as valued partners who find cost-effective ways of providing basic services. Continued efforts by the state legislature to roll back our local decision-making and responsible administration of elections lead the Village Board to oppose the dismantling of the Government Accountability Board. Moreover, given the concern that the states repeal of the 80-year-old prevailing wage law may lead to unscrupulous contractors using cutthroat and maybe even illegal wage policies to win Village contracts, I will be introducing a model ordinance to ensure uniform responsible bidder criteria are used to create a level playing field for all bidders. We continue to see many changes in the Village, including major redevelopments that bring us new residents and much needed affordable housing, while providing benefits such as expansions to the bike trail, green infrastructure to reduce runoff and ensuring our long-term financial sustainability. After much discussion and deliberation, the new Blackhawk lease is a more balanced product that resulted from valuable public input and should deliver greater financial certainty and improved public access for Village residents while reducing costs. With Blackhawk behind us and less development pressures expected, comes the opportunity and responsibility to do more long range planning for improvements to Village facilities, including the Pool, Boathouse, Marina, Fire House/Public Works building and the Community Center.油 Finally, as a member of the Joint West Campus Area Committee, Ill continue to work to keep the University Bay fields as flexible open space, protect natural features and minimize adverse impacts to nearby residents. The Village of Shorewood Hills is a special place for the Imes family. I encourage you to visit www.shorewood-hills.org to stay involved and informed on Village issues and activities. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as Village Trustee and for your contributions to the success of our Village. I look forward to meeting you in the neighborhood and would appreciate your support. Best regards, John Dedicated Responsible Progressive Experienced VOTE IMES TUESDAY, APRIL 5
  • 2. JOHN IMES has served in many public-private partnerships and as an adviser to national, state and local initiatives over the years. Selected experience: n Co-founder, Board Chair and Executive Director, Wisconsin Environmental Initiative (WEI) n Co-founder / Owner, Arbor House, An Environmental Inn n Chair, Personnel Committee for the Village of Shorewood Hills n Appointed to Joint West Campus Area Committee n Adviser, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters:油Climate Forward Initiative n Adviser, Edgewood College Sustainability Leadership Program n Adviser, Greening of Monroe Street n Served as Commissioner to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission n Served on Governor Doyles Consortium on Biobased Industries and Global Warming Task Force (Industry Workgroup) n Served on three state delegation visits to Germany, including one lead by former State Assembly Speaker Tom Loftus that showcased innovative clean energy technology, best practices and new directions in governance n Completed the Civitas 10-part series of forums focused on government, public education, finance and analysis of government services REMEMBER Election day is Tuesday, April 5. If voting absentee, ballots must be submitted no later than Friday, April 1 Authorized and paid for by Friends of John Imes 1008 Edgehill Drive Madison, WI 53705 Dedicated Responsible Progressive Experienced Left to right: Jack, Ben, Cathie, Grace, John, (Casey) and Cora. VOTE IMES ON TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Endorsed by the Democratic Party of Dane County