Fundamentals of marketing communications with emphasis on the press relations component using the introduction of a new product as an example.
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Marcom Fundamentals Final
1. Building Brand Awareness and Promoting Products Jonah McLeod: Former High Tech Editor, Current Marketing Communications Professional
2. The Process of Communications Effective communications takes an unknown quantity and makes it well known Examples include the election of Barack Obama, the launch of the original Apple Macintosh in 1984 Ideally, effective communications turns your message into an information epidemic JK Wedding Entrance Dance on YouTube 19,130,453 views in three weeks (Chris Browns Forever.) Ultimate success is assuring epidemic continues to infect
3. Malcolm Gladwell Tipping Point Gladwell describes the "three "agents of change" in the tipping points of epidemics. "The Law of the Few", or, as Gladwell states, 20 percent of any population influence the remaining 80 percent. The Stickiness Factor, children's television programs such as Sesame Street and Blue's Clues pioneered the concept. The Power of Context: iPod and iTunes in the context of illegally downloaded MP3 files
4. The Law of the Few Connectors link us up with the world ... a handful of people with a truly extraordinary knack (... for) making friends and acquaintancesPaul Revere, George Bush Mavens are information specialists, people who connect us with new information. Information brokers, sharing and trading what they know Very active Wikipedia contributors Salesmen are persuaders, charismatic people with powerful negotiation skills: news anchor Peter Jennings
5. Tools of the Trade Advertising Print Television/Radio Billboards, web ads, flyers Product Placement New Media Live Events Press Relations
6. Advertising David Ogilvy on the print ad: I belong to the ... school, which holds that a good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself. It should rivet the readers attention on the product. Instead of saying, What a clever advertisement, the reader says, I never knew that before. I must try this product. Stan Freberg on the television admake it sticky
7. Advertising Billboards Apple iPod ads Iconic Burma Shave signs Web ads Banners Skyscraper Keywords in web searches Flyers Direct mail/e-mail Handouts
8. Product Placement BMW in the James Bond films Disneys The Love Bug Apple laptop computer on 24
9. New Media Social networking American Idol product placement (Coca Cola) American Idol on TV (Coco Cola Sponsorship) American Idol on MySpace (Coco Cola Sponsorship) American Idol on Facebook (Coco Cola Sponsorship) E-Mail Building an e-mail database Distribution mechanismsConstant Contact Web site
10. Communications Demands Commitment Marketing communications is an on-going process Effective communications requires company involvement CEO & Executive Staff Engineering Product Marketing Sales Marcom creates a communications plan collaboratively based on the companys perception of itself
11. Practical Side of Press Relations Launching the productVirtual Bass Identifying key messages for the launch Sound to Silicon Returning emotional bass to compressed MP3s Overcoming inability of small speakers to produce bass Identifying who leads the launch Identifying thought leaders to engage Anticipating logistics August 4th
12. Establishing Key Message Doctrine Create a key message document and get stakeholders to sign off Press release Press presentation Assign a czar to ensure company-wide adherence Establish a process to ensure consistency Marketing documents Web site All external communications: white papers, articles August 11th
13. Demonstration Vehicle A demo provides powerful evidence of value proposition For this example, Virtual Bass was to be demoed on an HP TouchSmart Assign who to give demo Assign equipment to company spokesperson Anticipate the logistics required to get the equipment to each location August 18th
14. Telling Your Story Crafting a press release/presentation What problem is being solved Market opportunity the solution affords How your solution succeeds while others fail Substantiate your claims with compelling evidence Provide abundant background in separate document Explain the science Promote the engineers creating the technology Weave the story into overall company strategy Describe the larger universe the product exists within August 25th
15. Identify Thought Leaders Business mediaFinancial Times, Forbes, WSJ Plan approach to each targeted editor with CEO Fit product launch story into targeted media Consumer mediaPopular Science, Stereophile Plan approach to each targeted editor with VP Marketing Create article outlines, opinion pieces Develop plan to reach key market analystIn-Stat, Creative Strategies September 1st
16. Launch On-Line Campaign YouTube: Post videos on problem to be solved and shortcomings of existing solutions Twitter: generate a series of posts that create interest in the problem to be solved Facebook: Create a page that uses twitter posts and youtube video Produce a blog or comment on existing blogs on the problem being solvedpoor audio quality September 15th
17. Final Draft of Key Documents Script out the hour briefing Allocate time to presentation and demo Assign presenters and begin rehearsals CEOs interpretation matches VP marketings Ensure each can present the entire message Rehearse presenter to back-up two primary presenters September 27th
18. Media Training After rehearsal, intensive media training session Outside paid consultant to evaluate all presenters Record the session and critique the playback Role playing Q&A to anticipate questions Contingency plans for questions not relevant or too controversial October 7th
19. Preliminary Testing Pre-brief friendly market analysts & editors/bloggers Test the message to see how it plays outside These will test the substance not the form of presentation Refine the message with this feedback Capture feedback for inclusion in press materials Request quote for press release Capture quote on video or audio Collect pictures of analyst October 7th
20. Commence Press Tour Add analysts quotes to press release/presentation Prepare complete press kit Press release with analyst Supporting document on company/product/technology Pictures and bios of executives/product Set up hour-long press briefings in centrally located hotel One-on-one meetings with editors & bloggers October 27th
21. Complete Web Site Redesign New page for product being announced Special home page treatment for new product Links throughout site directing visitors to new product Prepare links for press release directing readers to new product Post videos Company officers Third party spokespeopleeditors, analysts, customers
22. Formal Product Announcement Press release distributed over Business Wire Press release sent over internal database Website goes live with information on new product Update public web presence on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook MySpace with new product information
23. Elements of successful Campaign 1984 Ad originally slotted for three Super Bowl slot Apple board of directors fearing IBM reprisal directed Jobs & Scully to pull the ad All but one removed Given the choice of filling the ad slot with a PSA; Jobs and Scully overrode the board and authorized the ad to run In the aftermath, the ad was replayed on major network news broadcast for several days after the initial airing An epidemic had been created The epidemic has continued to infect