Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Frankfurt Am Main Area, Germany Germany
Consulting and Development in the areas of financial Services and Logistics
Technology / Software / Internet
Maintenance and enhancement of control scripts
Maintenance and enhancement of JavaEE client- und server components
Migration of ANT-build script to Maven
Reimplementation of existing RMI interfaces according REST
Eclipse plugin to validate proprietary configuration files
Entwickeln von Releaseplänen
3rd level support, internal and external communication
Documentation (Release-, Configuration plans, technical software specifications)
Manual and regression tests
Technical acceptance
Technologien: JavaEE, EJB, JBoss MQ , JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, CXF, Swing, SOA, SOAP, REST, Servlet, Webstart, JRMP/SSL, Juint
Methoden: Agile, ITIL
Umgebung: Subversion, Eclipse, Junit, Maven, ANT, HP-Servicecenter...
Contact Details
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