The PyConTW ( organizer wishes to improve the quality and quantity of the programming cummunities in Taiwan. Though Python is their core tool and methodology, they know it's worth to learn and communicate with wide-ranging communities. Understanding cultures and ecosystem of a language takes me about three to six months. This six-hour course wraps up what I - an experienced Java developer - have learned from Python ecosystem and the agenda of the past PyConTW.
Target audience: intermediate, beginner
a quick slide for users who work with "git", but not familiar with it.
- What is "git" ?
- Life Cycle
- How does git work?
- Better practice?
- Working with other?
- Pull, Push, Merge, behind the scene
Joda-Time & JSR 310 – Problems, Concepts and ApproachesJustin Lin
* Using Date, Calendar and existing date-related APIs can be error-prone, painful and tedious.
* The complexities of accurate timekeeping are beyond your imagine.
* What do you need? Computer-related times or human-related times?
* Need to manipulate dates and times? Using Joda-Time or JSR310 to make it easy!
9. 版本演進
? 2004/9/29發表的Java平台標準版的版號不是
1.5,而直接跳到5.0,稱為J2SE 5.0
? 2006/12/11發表的Java平台標準版,除了版號
之外,名稱也有了變化,稱為Java Platform,
Standard Edition 6,簡稱Java SE 6
? JDK6全名則稱為Java SE Development Kit 6,
也就是不再像以前Java 2帶有"2"這個號碼
11. 江山易主
? 從Java SE 6之後,Java開發人員足足等了四
年多,才等到新版本的推出 …
? 2010年Oracle宣佈併購Sun …
? 2010年底JCP(Java Community Process,稍
SE 7與Java SE 8的規劃地圖(Roadmap) …
? Java SE 7正式於2011/7/28釋出