ACE Contact Manager 7.0.99 helps you to maintain details of all category of Customers _(prospect, warm, hot, )with flexible changeable filed labels and categories, grouping, competitors, opportunities, tasks, events, scheduling, email campaign. It is a very comprehensive tool at a very affordable price.
ACE received many awards and Windows 7 Logo Certification.
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2. Mapping of Terminology of Pet Services vs ACES Manager / Owner of services = Admin Employee providing service = Users of ACES Pets = Contacts in ACES Pet details = Contact Details on ACES Pet photo = Contact Photo on ACES Contact Screen Kennel details = One of the fields in ACES Contact form Tickets = Events in ACES
3. Appointment Book = Daily Calendar in ACES Services = Event Types in ACES Totals = Invoice in ACES Reminder = Pending Alarms in ACES Provider = Assigned To user in ACES Pet Owner = Attached To in ACES