1. Cineplex Management System is a project that allows admin, managers, and users to manage movie showtimes, tickets, and comments through a website or app interface.
2. The project includes ER diagrams of the backend database tables, examples of SQL queries for tasks like user login and movie information insertion, and descriptions of features like image uploading and text searching.
3. Future planned improvements include more advanced interfaces, seat selection functionality for users, and incorporating artificial intelligence.
2. Introduction
o Project summary
o Buttons and options
o ER diagram
o Tables of Database
o SQLs
o New learnt things through this project
o Video flow of the project
o Future works and Conclusion
7. SQLs
o SELECT manageremail, managerpass
FROM managerlog
WHERE manageremail=? and managerpass=?;
o INSERT into movieinfo
t) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
Query for Searching:
o String[] columnName =
8. New learnt things through this project
Attach and Store image in Database
Short way of searching Jtable
Store database value in file system
Read and count word from file system
Printing document
10. Future works
More cool interface
Works on some subtle things
Let the admin do more control
Let the user choose their seat
Auto calculation and searching
Artificial intelligences work
Make this app more convenient to use on
different platform