Using the scholar data and researcher point of view on composite materials. We illustrate the application of composite material in aerospace industry. Composites are highly efficient to make the parts and structure of aircrafts. We found the characteristics of the composite material make it very suitable material for aerospace industry. Composites like carbon fiber, carbon epoxy, and glass epoxy are very light and high strength which is mostly used in aircraft industries. In addition, our study takes the first step to highlight the uses of composite material to manufacture the different parts of aircraft's.
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Application of composite materials in aerospace industry (1)
2. Introduction : What is composite?
Why composite in Aerospace industry?
Applications of composite in aerospace
Future involvement of composite
3. o Composite is material consisting of two or more
materials, which have different physical and chemical
properties, combined together in a proper content and
fashion to produce a new material properties that are
different from the properties of those individual
4. The main aim of the aerospace/aircraft industries is to
reduce weight keeping the same or more strength
than the regular metals have.
This criteria leads to use composite.
5. Light weight
High heat resistance
High strength to weight ratio
Low density
Corrosion resistance
High stiffness
Fatigue resistance
9. Commercial :
o Boeing 777
o Boeing 787 Dreamliner
o Airbus A380
o B-2 Bomber
o LCA Tejas (HAL)
10. Components that uses composite
structure are:
Horizontal Stabilizer
Vertical Fin
Wing fairings
Passenger floor beams
Wing Box
Engine Cowlings
Engine fairings
Reduction in weight is over
5800 pounds.
11. Components that uses composite structure are:
Almost full fuselage
Upper and lower wing skin
Wing flaps, elevators, ailerons
Vertical Fin and Horizontal Stabilizer
Use of composite is 80% by volume and 50% by weight.
12. Components that uses composite
structure are:
Horizontal Stabilizer
Vertical Fin
Wing Fairings
Wing Box
Belly Fairings
Engine Cowlings
Engine fairings
Wing box, made of CFRP, has reduced
weight up to one and a half tones.
13. B-2 Bomber is mostly made of
carbon/epoxy materials.
The reduction in weight was
about 40000 to 50000 pounds.
Design material was specially
designed to absorb radar
14. LCA stands for Light Combat Aircraft which is basically use of composite
materials in its structure.
Components which are made of composite material are:
Wing upper surface and leading edge
Exit Nozzle
Weight is reduced by 21%
15. Used to manufacture Rocket and Missiles motor cases.
Materials for this are carbon, aramid and glass.
Composites like carbon-carbon are used to manufacture
re-entry nose tips and heat shields.
16. Use of composite is more challenging to design.
NDT test for composite material is much more difficult as
compared to metals.
Delamination of layers.
High cost
Damage tolerance.
Need specialized repair techniques.
17. Honeycomb Structure
Honeycomb Structure
Hybrid composite materials
Advanced Designs through
Investigations into damage
tolerance of bonded repairs
by test and simulation.
18. Since the invention of composite materials, aerospace industry
has shown significant use of it in building different parts first
to almost most of the structural parts and use of it is rapidly
The main aspect we need to keep in mind that strength and
stiffness are major considerations for aircrafts whereas
stiffness and low coefficient of thermal expansion are major
considerations for space applications.
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