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Thank you from the
awareness to Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence issues. 油
April 23, 2016
Dorothy Chandler Pavilion
135 N. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012
in Collaboration with
Tony Porter, and A CALL TO MEN
Presents an Awareness Conference
April is
Sexual Assault
Awareness Month
PRC MEN Program Book 2016
April 23, 2016
Dear Gentlemen, Parents and Community Partners,
Welcome to the 1st
Annual Engaging Men and Boys
Conference to Prevent Domestic Violence and Sexual
Assault, While Promoting Healthy Manhood!
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month!
The Positive Results Corporation is honored to collaborate
with Tony Porter, co-founder of A CALL TO MEN, and
several community partners to conduct this awareness
conference today, Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the beautiful
and historic Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles,
Our goal is simply to engage boys and men to increase
awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault, and to be
proactive in ways to prevent it. We encourage you to
actively and honestly dialogue on awareness and prevention
strategies, ask questions and share your truth and concerns.
The Positive Results Corporation and A CALL TO MEN
believe that men play a major role in preventing and ending
abuse. We need your voice and commitment to make a
Knowledge is power! We sincerely hope that having this
knowledge gives you the confidence and tools to Make a
Difference to Prevent and End Violence, Trauma and Abuse!
A Special Thanks to our Sponsors, Speakers and Planning
Team! I am humbled by your love, respect, support, trust and
partnership. Thank You for being a Change Agent!
Kandee Lewis
Executive Director
Blessed to be a Blessing
We address Teen Dating Violence and Sexual
Assault in Youth and Communities of Color. We
do so by conducting workshops on awareness
and prevention strategies, healthy relationships
and leadership development
To reduce violence in our homes and communities, and teach people
to make positive decisions about their lives and future direction, in
order to reduce dropout rates, unhealthy behavior and develop em-
ployable young adult who create Positive Results communities to
encourage a legacy of anti-violence..
We Believe Violence & Abuse Begins in the Womb!
We successfully advocate on behalf of youth in Los Angeles, Ingle-
wood, Santa Monica, Carson, Hawthorne and Long Beach to imple-
ment Resolutions on Teen Dating Violence Prevention.
The Positive Results Corporation was started by LAPD Officer Tony
Newsom in 1991. He worked with at risk youth, providing them with
mentoring and literacy lessons. In 2008, Kandee Lewis, became the
Executive Director. The PRC is a team of Certified Domestic Violence
Prevention & Awareness Advocates, Trauma Advocated who special-
izing in Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention. Our
program and workshops include Bully Awareness, Healthy Relation-
ships and Leadership Development!
The Positive Results Corporation
(323) 787-9252
Special Thanks and Appreciation to the
Board of Supervisors of the
County of Los Angeles
For waiving the parking fees for
80 vehicles entering the
Music Center Garage
Alfreda Lanoix
Asher Newsom
Brent Burton
Carl Lewis Jr.
Cornell Ward
Daisy Newsom
James Dunn
Keith Parker
Lena Cole Dennis
Malinda Lewis
Mike Harriel
Pastor Kelvin Sauls
Sandra Munoz
Tenisha Webb
Vincent Samuels
TONY PORTER Author, Educator, Activist Tony Por-
ter is an author, educator and activist working to advance
social justice issues. As the cofounder of A CALL TO MEN,
Tony is internationally recognized for his efforts to pre-
vent violence against women while promoting a healthy,
respectful manhood. He is a leading voice on male sociali-
zation, the intersection of masculinity and violence
against women, and healthy, respectful manhood. Tonys
2010 TED Talk has been named by GQ Magazine as one
of the Top 10 TED Talks Every Man Should See. Tony is
an adviser to the National Football League, National Bas-
ketball Association, National Hockey League and Major
League Baseball, providing policy consultation, working
extensively with player engagement, and facilitating vio-
lence prevention and healthy manhood training. He is an
international lecturer for the U.S. State Department, hav-
ing extensive global experience to include Brazil, the UK,
India and Africa, and has been a guest presenter to the
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Tony has worked with the United States Military Academy
at West Point and the United States Naval Academy at
Annapolis. He is sought after for
his in-depth understanding of the
collective socialization of men,
and has served as a script con-
sultant for the Emmy Award-
winning television series Law &
Order: Special Victims Unit. Tony
is the author of Breaking Out of
the Man Box and the visionary
for NFL Dads: Dedicated to
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Reginald Grant, MSEd
Author "Success Stories Insights by African American Men"
100 Black Men of Los Angeles
CALCASA (California Coalition Against Sexual Assault)
County of Los Angeles, Toy Loan & Volunteer Service
Delta Sigma Theta
DPSS - Department of Public Social Services,
Bureau of Workforce Services/Division II
Medi-Cal Outreach District 16, Departmental Outreach/Health & Nutrition
IMESC - Institute of Multicultural Counseling & Educational Services, Inc.
Jovenes, Inc. (Helping Homeless Youth)
Kids First Conflict Resolution & Training Services
Omega Psi Phi
Sanctuary of Hope
West Basin Water Authority
Dr. Chris Hickey
Dr. Chris L. Hickey, Sr. is the Founder and Executive Director of Each One - Teach One Alli-
ance for Academic Access, Achievement and Success, an organization that focuses on efforts
to heighten community awareness of the overwhelming importance of reforming educational
practices targeting at-risk youth. He is also the CEO/President of the Admired Man Leadership
Institute, where he lectures and facilitates workshops based on his four year national re-
search, and resulting book, Admired Man Why: The Making of an Admired Man. His lec-
tures, workshops & book represent not only an easy to understand commentary of a number
of profoundly provocative findings; in addition, they outline age specific; evidenced based
skills and strategies that are aligned with the Quality/Behavior/Characteristics (QBCs) for the
making of An Admired Man.
Cornel Ward
I've never forgotten my roots and know that I'm truly a product of the community. I've over-
come adversities that would defeat the average person because of my belief in God, and
count even my challenges as joy. 
Cornell spent most of his youth involved in activities which led to the demise of his commu-
nity. Because of his dedication to righting his wrongs, his athletic talents, ease for sports and
coaching, it has given him a vehicle to send over 3,000 youth to Division I, Division I AA, Divi-
sion II, Division III, and NAIA schools around the country.
Coach, as he is affectionately known, is a well-respected leader in the field of community In-
tervention and Prevention, and a Keynote Speaker who travels across the county, working
with youth to inspire and mentor, while giving them hard core truth in a loving manner.
Cornell Ward has been married for 30+ years to Unise Ward, & has 6 daughters La Neisha,
Witney, Shay, Sharonn, Cordijah, Shaquel, and Imani.
Ed Robinson
Ed is the Senior Pastor at Hope In Christ Community Church in Compton, CA. He was with
SCE for over 31 years, retiring as Principal Manager of Strategic Engagement in the Local
Public Affairs department at Southern California Edison (SCE). In this role, he and his team
were responsible for developing, maintaining, and enhancing strategic partnerships in the
African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Latino, Native American, and underserved com-
munities, including the faith-based.
Also, he is an avid runner and has completed four Los Angeles Marathons (2004, 2005, 2008,
and 2009), four city of Long Beach Half-Marathons, and the 2009 city of Pasadena Inaugural
A proud product of Compton, Robinson received a Bachelor of Science in public administra-
tion from the University of La Verne and is an honors graduate of California State University at
Dominguez Hills, where he earned a Master of Arts in behavioral science. He has also com-
pleted executive-level courses at the Anderson School at UCLA, and the MIT-Harvard Public
Disputes Program.
James Dunn
James Dunn is the CEO of Each1 Reach1 Community Service Corp. and the Co-Founder Of
Chapter TWO Inc., a Non-Profit Organization in Los Angeles, California. James has worked in
the field of Gang Intervention/Community Intervention for over 20+ years, and is a trusted
community partner. He is the former owner of Inner City Communications, Co., Neighborhood
Beverage Department and Outside Sale Partnership for Nextel Cellular. He is an alumnae of
Cecil Murray's USC Faith Leadership Community Engagement and Financial literacy Acad-
emy. James went to Venture Jr. College
Kevin Kim
Kevin has touched the lives of countless youth throughout the Los Angeles County area by
facilitating impact on what is generally considered to be the hard-to-serve population. Rather
than viewing them this way, he sees each person as having the potential to do some good in
the world. Instead of using a clinical approach, he reaches kids in a unique way by telling them
stories to which they may readily relate, using their own terminology while keeping it real.
That ability to reach his targeted audience has enabled him to be most effective where others
have failed. Kevin enjoys a solid reputation among the education community as someone who
gets right down to business to achieve measurable results but whose positive effects are
beyond measure with each life turned in a better direction.
Rev. Oliver Buie
Rev. Buie is an ordained pastor in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. He earned a Mas-
ter of Divinity Degree in 2011 from San Francisco Theological Seminary. He has 25 years of
valuable experience in carrying out ministry responsibilities both as a licensed and ordained
minister of the Gospel.
He has served in pastoral roles in Southern California with CME Church congregations since
2003, as the spiritual leader and chief administrator of the congregation, provided leadership
for the congregation to fulfill its mission and purpose as the body of Christ. In addition to serv-
ing as preacher and teacher, he has given primary leadership in the ministries of Worship, Ad-
ministration, Stewardship, and Outreach, and supported evangelism,
Rev. Buie has worked with leaders in the community (Law Enforcement, Educators and Busi-
ness Leaders) to improve quality of life in the greater Los Angeles area, lending that connec-
tion to increased awareness and congregational participation in the area of social justice.
His mission is to provide compassionate, visionary spiritual leadership as our Minister of Com-
munity Engagement.
Girard Smith
Girard Smith is founder and creator of art of BODIC, (Bodys Optimal Design through Isomet-
rics and Calisthenics). He has been in the health and wellness industry for over twenty-five year
helping to bring awareness and the importance of health and wellness through proper nutrition
and exercise. he started his career back in 1991 as a health/ food inspector Manager with
Wakefern food corporation in Elizabeth New Jersey. During his years at Wakefern he devel-
oped an exercise area for all employees which was adopted by all Wakefern facilities along the
entire east coast. He also took his expertise to A&P food corporation in N. Bergen N.J. in 2002
he moved to Los Angeles CA, working with people in the entertainment, LAUSD, churchs,
Equinox, Golds Gym, major corporations and college universities. His philosophy is that posi-
tive energy is generated by direct movement and foods filled with vitamins and minerals. His
moto is what your mind can conceive your body will achieve and your soul shall reap the re-
Keith Parker
Mr. Keith Parker has over 25 years of managerial experience in community-based programs for
youth including outreach and program direction, and is founder of REAL Mentoring Academy,
Inc., a nonprofit mentoring organization. Keith is certified as a Youth and Gang Violence Inter-
vention Specialist, Imagine 21 Facilitator, a Breakthrough Parenting Instructor, and a Commu-
nity Counselor. He has completed additional training in topics including mentor training facilita-
tion, adolescent and adult anger management, conflict resolution, drug awareness, reproduc-
tive health, child abuse mandated reporting, athletic coaching, and management and leader-
ship skills. Keith is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Tau Tau Chapter and has
served as Chapter Basileus (Chapter of the Year & Reclamation Chapter of the Year), Vice
Basileus, Fundraiser Chairman, Social Action Chairman, District Talent Hunt Chairman and was
the 63rd District Marshal for the largest attended District Meeting in the history of the 12th Dis-
trict. Keith lives by Four Cardinal Principals, Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift
and actively participates in mentoring programs at schools in South Los Angele.
Joseph Luckett
Joseph Luckett is a Los Angeles native, and Founder/CEO of Affluent Solution Group, a crea-
tive marketing agency. With his B.S. in Sports Marketing from Prairie View A&M University, his
passion for Sports Marketing he worked his way up to Marketing Director for Invictus91, a
unique sports marketing agency based in Texas.
Returning to Los Angeles, he launched Affluent Solution Group in 2012, and immediately dis-
covered a client base within his current network. Joseph began providing services to LAUSD,
professional athletes, and some of the top restaurants around Los Angeles. His fortunate suc-
cess throughout the first few years have afforded him the opportunity to expand his staff be-
yond the team of one that he began with, as well as expand his services to include more out-of-
the-box gorilla marketing campaigns and strategies. In addition to being a young CEO on the
rise, Joseph Luckett is deeply rooted in his community, and has served as the Co-Youth Direc-
tor with long time friend Zaneta Smith at Holman United Methodist Church since 2014.
Richmond Briscoe
Richmond Briscoe is a youth advocate and perpetual mentor to young men of color. He is the
current Executive Director of the Crenshaw Family YMCA. Richmond also volunteers as a pro-
gram director for the Los Angeles Kappa Instruction Leadership League which is hosted by the
LA Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated. The program aims to help
young men and women develop leadership skills and matriculate to college.
Richmond is also a member of the United Way Emerging Leaders Cabinet which organizes
young professionals to permanently break the cycle of poverty for our most vulnerable
neighbors: families, students, veterans and the homeless. Richmond is also a member of the
100 Black Men through which he mentors 5 young men from single parent homes.
A Richmond Chicago, IL native, he graduated from the University of Illinois with a Bachelor of
Science in business and holds a Masters of Human Resources and Industrial Labor Relations
from the same school. Richmond provides career coaching and Human Resources advisory
services though his company Konvergence Human Capital Consulting.
Dr. Rick Williamson
Rick Williamson is a clinical psychologist with Emmada Psychology Center, a psychology prac-
tice dedicated to promoting the emotional and relational health of people, families and commu-
nities of color. He also works both internationally addressing the difficulties people experience
in challenging communities around the world. Dr. Williamsons passion is to help people culti-
vate the resilience it takes not just to survive, but to flourish in life.
Dr. Williamsons background includes a psychology degree from Princeton University, two
Masters degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary, a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology
from Fullers School of Psychology. He completed his clinical internship at Howard University
and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Cross-Cultural Research at UCLA. He is a board
member of the Education Division of the California Psychological Association. He has directed
and coordinated clinical training at various mental health agencies to include, the Headington
Institute in Pasadena, CA, Fuller Psychological & Family Services in Pasadena, CA, and Augus-
tus F. Hawkins Family Mental Health Center in Watts, CA.
Our Sincere Thanks and Appreciation to Our Wonderful Sponsors.
We Salute Your For Your Commitment to Community, Family & Youth!
Tony Porter
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Daisy Newsom
Black Peace Officers Association
Hope In Christ Community Church
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank
Southern California Gas Company
100 Black Men of Los Angeles
Bernard and Shirley Kinsey
Holman United Methodist Church
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Tau Tau Chapter
West Basin Water Authority
Jami Heideggar & Sacha Broaster
10. 15.
Delta Sigma Theta
Powermoves Training Service
(323) 483-1426
Sanctuary of Hope
Social Justice Learning Institute
Honey Bee Safe
Graphic Design & Programs
Mack Enterprises Unlimited
Give Aways
L.A. Care Family Resource Center, Inglewood, CA
South Bay Pavilion
Divine Deliverance Ministry
Dr. Melvin H. King
Cornell Ward
Donna Dymally - Photography
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Store #313
Manhattan Marketplace
SPMG Media
Musical Sponsor
Mad Mac
Venue Sponsor
Patina Catering
Patina Restaurant Group I Los Angeles
Music Center & Walt Disney Concert Hall
Video Sponsor
Dream Team Directors
8:00  9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00  9:08 Kandee Lewis Welcome and Introduction
9:08  9:12 Program Moderators
Cornell Ward and James Dunn
9:12 - 9:13 Sponsor Welcome
9:15 - 10:15 Tony Porter  A CALL TO MEN
Host, Keynote and Interactive Conversation
10:15  10:30 A Son Truth  Ed Robinson
10:30  10:45 Break
10:45  11:30 Mentoring Panel - Keith Parker Facilitator,
Richmond Brisco, Joe Luckett & Kevin Kim
11:30  11:45 A Fathers Truth - Cornel Ward
11:45- 12:15 Round Table Discussion with Questions &
Group Share - James Dunn Facilitator
12:15  1:20 Lunch
Lunchtime Speakers
Health & Wellness - Girard Smith
Presentation by Assemblymember
Mike Gatto, District 43
1:20 - 2:05 Healthy Relationships
Dr. Chris Hickey Facilitator
Rev. Oliver Buie, Tony Porter,
Dr. Rick Williamson
2:05- 2:20 A Call To Action  Tony Porter
2:20  2:30 Kandee Lewis,
Closing Remarks, Love and Respect
All Day Networking and Resource Tables
Our Menu selection
is provided by
Patina Restaurant Group I Los Angeles Music Center &
Walt Disney Concert Hall
Continental Breakfast
Featuring: Seasonal Fresh Sliced Fruit, Muffins, Crois-
sants, and Miniature Danishes, Vanilla scented whipped
cream, sweet butter, preserves and honey,
Coffee, Water and Orange juice
Lunch (sandwiches/wraps)
Tuna salad, brioche, red onions, olives,
tomatoes, capers, romaine
Kendalls brasserie chicken club sandwich, brioche,
mustard brined chicken breast,
lettuce, tomato, bacon, avocado, chive, egg
Vegan wrap, spinach tortilla, creamy hummus, roasted
vegetables, grilled red, onions, saba
Served with:
House Potato Chips
Assorted Mini Cookies
Water & Lemonade

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PRC MEN Program Book 2016

  • 1. Thank you from the LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT BLACK PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION for bringing awareness to Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence issues. 油 ENGAGING MEN & BOYS TO PREVENT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT WHILE PROMOTING HEALTHY MANHOOD Saturday, April 23, 2016 8:00am-3:00pm Dorothy Chandler Pavilion 135 N. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012 in Collaboration with Tony Porter, and A CALL TO MEN Presents an Awareness Conference 油 April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • 3. Notes 22. 油 WELCOME! April 23, 2016 Dear Gentlemen, Parents and Community Partners, Welcome to the 1st Annual Engaging Men and Boys Conference to Prevent Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, While Promoting Healthy Manhood! April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month! The Positive Results Corporation is honored to collaborate with Tony Porter, co-founder of A CALL TO MEN, and several community partners to conduct this awareness conference today, Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the beautiful and historic Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles, California. Our goal is simply to engage boys and men to increase awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault, and to be proactive in ways to prevent it. We encourage you to actively and honestly dialogue on awareness and prevention strategies, ask questions and share your truth and concerns. The Positive Results Corporation and A CALL TO MEN believe that men play a major role in preventing and ending abuse. We need your voice and commitment to make a difference. Knowledge is power! We sincerely hope that having this knowledge gives you the confidence and tools to Make a Difference to Prevent and End Violence, Trauma and Abuse! A Special Thanks to our Sponsors, Speakers and Planning Team! I am humbled by your love, respect, support, trust and partnership. Thank You for being a Change Agent! Kandee Lewis Executive Director Blessed to be a Blessing 3.
  • 4. 油 MISSION STATEMENT We address Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault in Youth and Communities of Color. We do so by conducting workshops on awareness and prevention strategies, healthy relationships and leadership development VISION STATEMENT To reduce violence in our homes and communities, and teach people to make positive decisions about their lives and future direction, in order to reduce dropout rates, unhealthy behavior and develop em- ployable young adult who create Positive Results communities to encourage a legacy of anti-violence.. We Believe Violence & Abuse Begins in the Womb! ADVOCATES FOR CHANGE We successfully advocate on behalf of youth in Los Angeles, Ingle- wood, Santa Monica, Carson, Hawthorne and Long Beach to imple- ment Resolutions on Teen Dating Violence Prevention. HISTORY The Positive Results Corporation was started by LAPD Officer Tony Newsom in 1991. He worked with at risk youth, providing them with mentoring and literacy lessons. In 2008, Kandee Lewis, became the Executive Director. The PRC is a team of Certified Domestic Violence Prevention & Awareness Advocates, Trauma Advocated who special- izing in Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention. Our program and workshops include Bully Awareness, Healthy Relation- ships and Leadership Development! The Positive Results Corporation (323) 787-9252 info@prc123.org www.prc123.org www.facebook.com/PRC123 油 4. Notes 21.
  • 5. Special Thanks and Appreciation to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles For waiving the parking fees for 80 vehicles entering the Music Center Garage PLANNING COMMITTEE Alfreda Lanoix Asher Newsom Brent Burton Carl Lewis Jr. Cornell Ward Daisy Newsom James Dunn Keith Parker Lena Cole Dennis Malinda Lewis Mike Harriel Pastor Kelvin Sauls Sandra Munoz Tenisha Webb Vincent Samuels 20. 油 5.
  • 6. TONY PORTER Author, Educator, Activist Tony Por- ter is an author, educator and activist working to advance social justice issues. As the cofounder of A CALL TO MEN, Tony is internationally recognized for his efforts to pre- vent violence against women while promoting a healthy, respectful manhood. He is a leading voice on male sociali- zation, the intersection of masculinity and violence against women, and healthy, respectful manhood. Tonys 2010 TED Talk has been named by GQ Magazine as one of the Top 10 TED Talks Every Man Should See. Tony is an adviser to the National Football League, National Bas- ketball Association, National Hockey League and Major League Baseball, providing policy consultation, working extensively with player engagement, and facilitating vio- lence prevention and healthy manhood training. He is an international lecturer for the U.S. State Department, hav- ing extensive global experience to include Brazil, the UK, India and Africa, and has been a guest presenter to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Tony has worked with the United States Military Academy at West Point and the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. He is sought after for his in-depth understanding of the collective socialization of men, and has served as a script con- sultant for the Emmy Award- winning television series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Tony is the author of Breaking Out of the Man Box and the visionary for NFL Dads: Dedicated to Daughters. 6. 油 RESOURCE TABLE PARTNERS AIDS Healthcare Foundation www.aidshealth.org Reginald Grant, MSEd Author "Success Stories Insights by African American Men" www.afamilyofauthors.com 100 Black Men of Los Angeles www.100bmla.net CALCASA (California Coalition Against Sexual Assault) www.calcasa.org County of Los Angeles, Toy Loan & Volunteer Service toyloan@dpss.lacounty.gov Delta Sigma Theta www.lasouthbaydst.org DPSS - Department of Public Social Services, Bureau of Workforce Services/Division II Medi-Cal Outreach District 16, Departmental Outreach/Health & Nutrition IMESC - Institute of Multicultural Counseling & Educational Services, Inc. www.imces.org Jovenes, Inc. (Helping Homeless Youth) www.jovenesinc.com Kids First Conflict Resolution & Training Services Www.WeDontTolerateBullying.com Omega Psi Phi www.ques-tatutau.org Sanctuary of Hope www.thesoh.org West Basin Water Authority www.westbasin.org 19.
  • 7. 18. CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Dr. Chris Hickey Dr. Chris L. Hickey, Sr. is the Founder and Executive Director of Each One - Teach One Alli- ance for Academic Access, Achievement and Success, an organization that focuses on efforts to heighten community awareness of the overwhelming importance of reforming educational practices targeting at-risk youth. He is also the CEO/President of the Admired Man Leadership Institute, where he lectures and facilitates workshops based on his four year national re- search, and resulting book, Admired Man Why: The Making of an Admired Man. His lec- tures, workshops & book represent not only an easy to understand commentary of a number of profoundly provocative findings; in addition, they outline age specific; evidenced based skills and strategies that are aligned with the Quality/Behavior/Characteristics (QBCs) for the making of An Admired Man. Cornel Ward I've never forgotten my roots and know that I'm truly a product of the community. I've over- come adversities that would defeat the average person because of my belief in God, and count even my challenges as joy. Cornell spent most of his youth involved in activities which led to the demise of his commu- nity. Because of his dedication to righting his wrongs, his athletic talents, ease for sports and coaching, it has given him a vehicle to send over 3,000 youth to Division I, Division I AA, Divi- sion II, Division III, and NAIA schools around the country. Coach, as he is affectionately known, is a well-respected leader in the field of community In- tervention and Prevention, and a Keynote Speaker who travels across the county, working with youth to inspire and mentor, while giving them hard core truth in a loving manner. Cornell Ward has been married for 30+ years to Unise Ward, & has 6 daughters La Neisha, Witney, Shay, Sharonn, Cordijah, Shaquel, and Imani. Ed Robinson Ed is the Senior Pastor at Hope In Christ Community Church in Compton, CA. He was with SCE for over 31 years, retiring as Principal Manager of Strategic Engagement in the Local Public Affairs department at Southern California Edison (SCE). In this role, he and his team were responsible for developing, maintaining, and enhancing strategic partnerships in the African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Latino, Native American, and underserved com- munities, including the faith-based. Also, he is an avid runner and has completed four Los Angeles Marathons (2004, 2005, 2008, and 2009), four city of Long Beach Half-Marathons, and the 2009 city of Pasadena Inaugural Half-Marathon. A proud product of Compton, Robinson received a Bachelor of Science in public administra- tion from the University of La Verne and is an honors graduate of California State University at Dominguez Hills, where he earned a Master of Arts in behavioral science. He has also com- pleted executive-level courses at the Anderson School at UCLA, and the MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program. James Dunn James Dunn is the CEO of Each1 Reach1 Community Service Corp. and the Co-Founder Of Chapter TWO Inc., a Non-Profit Organization in Los Angeles, California. James has worked in the field of Gang Intervention/Community Intervention for over 20+ years, and is a trusted community partner. He is the former owner of Inner City Communications, Co., Neighborhood Beverage Department and Outside Sale Partnership for Nextel Cellular. He is an alumnae of Cecil Murray's USC Faith Leadership Community Engagement and Financial literacy Acad- emy. James went to Venture Jr. College 7.
  • 8. 8. Kevin Kim Kevin has touched the lives of countless youth throughout the Los Angeles County area by facilitating impact on what is generally considered to be the hard-to-serve population. Rather than viewing them this way, he sees each person as having the potential to do some good in the world. Instead of using a clinical approach, he reaches kids in a unique way by telling them stories to which they may readily relate, using their own terminology while keeping it real. That ability to reach his targeted audience has enabled him to be most effective where others have failed. Kevin enjoys a solid reputation among the education community as someone who gets right down to business to achieve measurable results but whose positive effects are beyond measure with each life turned in a better direction. Rev. Oliver Buie Rev. Buie is an ordained pastor in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. He earned a Mas- ter of Divinity Degree in 2011 from San Francisco Theological Seminary. He has 25 years of valuable experience in carrying out ministry responsibilities both as a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel. He has served in pastoral roles in Southern California with CME Church congregations since 2003, as the spiritual leader and chief administrator of the congregation, provided leadership for the congregation to fulfill its mission and purpose as the body of Christ. In addition to serv- ing as preacher and teacher, he has given primary leadership in the ministries of Worship, Ad- ministration, Stewardship, and Outreach, and supported evangelism, Rev. Buie has worked with leaders in the community (Law Enforcement, Educators and Busi- ness Leaders) to improve quality of life in the greater Los Angeles area, lending that connec- tion to increased awareness and congregational participation in the area of social justice. His mission is to provide compassionate, visionary spiritual leadership as our Minister of Com- munity Engagement. Girard Smith Girard Smith is founder and creator of art of BODIC, (Bodys Optimal Design through Isomet- rics and Calisthenics). He has been in the health and wellness industry for over twenty-five year helping to bring awareness and the importance of health and wellness through proper nutrition and exercise. he started his career back in 1991 as a health/ food inspector Manager with Wakefern food corporation in Elizabeth New Jersey. During his years at Wakefern he devel- oped an exercise area for all employees which was adopted by all Wakefern facilities along the entire east coast. He also took his expertise to A&P food corporation in N. Bergen N.J. in 2002 he moved to Los Angeles CA, working with people in the entertainment, LAUSD, churchs, Equinox, Golds Gym, major corporations and college universities. His philosophy is that posi- tive energy is generated by direct movement and foods filled with vitamins and minerals. His moto is what your mind can conceive your body will achieve and your soul shall reap the re- wards. Keith Parker Mr. Keith Parker has over 25 years of managerial experience in community-based programs for youth including outreach and program direction, and is founder of REAL Mentoring Academy, Inc., a nonprofit mentoring organization. Keith is certified as a Youth and Gang Violence Inter- vention Specialist, Imagine 21 Facilitator, a Breakthrough Parenting Instructor, and a Commu- nity Counselor. He has completed additional training in topics including mentor training facilita- tion, adolescent and adult anger management, conflict resolution, drug awareness, reproduc- tive health, child abuse mandated reporting, athletic coaching, and management and leader- ship skills. Keith is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Tau Tau Chapter and has served as Chapter Basileus (Chapter of the Year & Reclamation Chapter of the Year), Vice Basileus, Fundraiser Chairman, Social Action Chairman, District Talent Hunt Chairman and was the 63rd District Marshal for the largest attended District Meeting in the history of the 12th Dis- 17.
  • 9. 16. trict. Keith lives by Four Cardinal Principals, Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift and actively participates in mentoring programs at schools in South Los Angele. Joseph Luckett Joseph Luckett is a Los Angeles native, and Founder/CEO of Affluent Solution Group, a crea- tive marketing agency. With his B.S. in Sports Marketing from Prairie View A&M University, his passion for Sports Marketing he worked his way up to Marketing Director for Invictus91, a unique sports marketing agency based in Texas. Returning to Los Angeles, he launched Affluent Solution Group in 2012, and immediately dis- covered a client base within his current network. Joseph began providing services to LAUSD, professional athletes, and some of the top restaurants around Los Angeles. His fortunate suc- cess throughout the first few years have afforded him the opportunity to expand his staff be- yond the team of one that he began with, as well as expand his services to include more out-of- the-box gorilla marketing campaigns and strategies. In addition to being a young CEO on the rise, Joseph Luckett is deeply rooted in his community, and has served as the Co-Youth Direc- tor with long time friend Zaneta Smith at Holman United Methodist Church since 2014. Richmond Briscoe Richmond Briscoe is a youth advocate and perpetual mentor to young men of color. He is the current Executive Director of the Crenshaw Family YMCA. Richmond also volunteers as a pro- gram director for the Los Angeles Kappa Instruction Leadership League which is hosted by the LA Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated. The program aims to help young men and women develop leadership skills and matriculate to college. Richmond is also a member of the United Way Emerging Leaders Cabinet which organizes young professionals to permanently break the cycle of poverty for our most vulnerable neighbors: families, students, veterans and the homeless. Richmond is also a member of the 100 Black Men through which he mentors 5 young men from single parent homes. A Richmond Chicago, IL native, he graduated from the University of Illinois with a Bachelor of Science in business and holds a Masters of Human Resources and Industrial Labor Relations from the same school. Richmond provides career coaching and Human Resources advisory services though his company Konvergence Human Capital Consulting. Dr. Rick Williamson Rick Williamson is a clinical psychologist with Emmada Psychology Center, a psychology prac- tice dedicated to promoting the emotional and relational health of people, families and commu- nities of color. He also works both internationally addressing the difficulties people experience in challenging communities around the world. Dr. Williamsons passion is to help people culti- vate the resilience it takes not just to survive, but to flourish in life. Dr. Williamsons background includes a psychology degree from Princeton University, two Masters degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary, a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Fullers School of Psychology. He completed his clinical internship at Howard University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Cross-Cultural Research at UCLA. He is a board member of the Education Division of the California Psychological Association. He has directed and coordinated clinical training at various mental health agencies to include, the Headington Institute in Pasadena, CA, Fuller Psychological & Family Services in Pasadena, CA, and Augus- tus F. Hawkins Family Mental Health Center in Watts, CA. 9.
  • 10. Our Sincere Thanks and Appreciation to Our Wonderful Sponsors. We Salute Your For Your Commitment to Community, Family & Youth! PLATINUM CHAMPION A CALL TO MEN Tony Porter www.acalltomen.org GOLD ADVOCATE AIDS Healthcare Foundation www.aidshealth.org Kaiser Permanente www.kp.org/southbay Daisy Newsom SILVER CHANGE AGENT Black Peace Officers Association www.bpoala.org Hope In Christ Community Church www.hopeunity.org J.P. Morgan Chase Bank www.jpmorgan.com Southern California Gas Company www.semprautilities.com BRONZE MENTOR 100 Black Men of Los Angeles www.100bmla.net Bernard and Shirley Kinsey Holman United Methodist Church www.holmanumc.com Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Tau Tau Chapter www.ques-tatutau.org VEDC www.vedc.org West Basin Water Authority www.westbasin.org Jami Heideggar & Sacha Broaster 油 10. 15.
  • 11. 14. COPPER FRIEND Delta Sigma Theta www.lasouthbaydst.org Powermoves Training Service (323) 483-1426 Sanctuary of Hope www.thesoh.org Social Justice Learning Institute www.sjli.org IN-KIND SPONSORS Honey Bee Safe www.honeybeesafe.org Graphic Design & Programs Mack Enterprises Unlimited www.mackenterprises.net Give Aways L.A. Care Family Resource Center, Inglewood, CA www.Lacare.org South Bay Pavilion www.southbaypavilion.com Divine Deliverance Ministry Dr. Melvin H. King Cornell Ward Donna Dymally - Photography The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Store #313 Manhattan Marketplace Media SPMG Media www.spmgmedia.wix.com/spmg-media Musical Sponsor Mad Mac www.madmacfoundation.org Venue Sponsor Patina Catering Patina Restaurant Group I Los Angeles Music Center & Walt Disney Concert Hall Video Sponsor Dream Team Directors www.dreamteamdirectors.com 油 11.
  • 12. PROGRAM 8:00 9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 9:08 Kandee Lewis Welcome and Introduction 9:08 9:12 Program Moderators Cornell Ward and James Dunn 9:12 - 9:13 Sponsor Welcome 9:15 - 10:15 Tony Porter A CALL TO MEN Host, Keynote and Interactive Conversation 10:15 10:30 A Son Truth Ed Robinson 10:30 10:45 Break 10:45 11:30 Mentoring Panel - Keith Parker Facilitator, Richmond Brisco, Joe Luckett & Kevin Kim 11:30 11:45 A Fathers Truth - Cornel Ward 11:45- 12:15 Round Table Discussion with Questions & Group Share - James Dunn Facilitator 12:15 1:20 Lunch Lunchtime Speakers Health & Wellness - Girard Smith Presentation by Assemblymember Mike Gatto, District 43 1:20 - 2:05 Healthy Relationships Dr. Chris Hickey Facilitator Rev. Oliver Buie, Tony Porter, Dr. Rick Williamson 2:05- 2:20 A Call To Action Tony Porter 2:20 2:30 Kandee Lewis, Closing Remarks, Love and Respect All Day Networking and Resource Tables 油油 12. Our Menu selection is provided by Patina Restaurant Group I Los Angeles Music Center & Walt Disney Concert Hall Continental Breakfast Featuring: Seasonal Fresh Sliced Fruit, Muffins, Crois- sants, and Miniature Danishes, Vanilla scented whipped cream, sweet butter, preserves and honey, Coffee, Water and Orange juice Lunch (sandwiches/wraps) Tuna salad, brioche, red onions, olives, tomatoes, capers, romaine Kendalls brasserie chicken club sandwich, brioche, mustard brined chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, bacon, avocado, chive, egg Vegan wrap, spinach tortilla, creamy hummus, roasted vegetables, grilled red, onions, saba Served with: House Potato Chips Assorted Mini Cookies Brownies Water & Lemonade 13.