Rock Steady Boxing offers boxing-inspired fitness classes for people with Parkinson's disease. The classes are taught by certified personal trainers and focus on overall fitness, strength training, reaction time, and balance. Exercises include using bags, ropes, and practicing boxing moves. The classes have no contact and are open to all ages, with participants ranging from their 30s to 90s. Rock Steady Boxing provides an effective way for people with Parkinson's to improve their ability to live independently.
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1. Whats a class like?
For more information, please contact:
Rock Steady Boxing,Inc.
6847 Hillsdale Court
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Training classes, taught by Certified
Personal Trainers, include an exercise
program that attacks Parkinsons at its
vulnerable neurological points.While
focusing on overall fitness,strength training,
reaction time and balance, workouts
include: ring work, focus mitts, heavy bags,
speed bags, double-ended bags, jump rope,
core work, calisthenics and circuit weight
training. No boxing experience is necessary
and people of all ages are invited to
participate. Boxers, both male and female,
range in age from mid-30s to early 90s.
Photographs by Paul D. Best Photography
2. Who We Are What We Do
What We OfferRock Steady Boxing (RSB) is a first-
of-its-kind, Indianapolis-based nonprofit
gym founded in 2006 to provide an
effective form of physical exercise to
people who are living with Parkinsons.
Though it may seem surprising, this
non-contact boxing-inspired fitness routine
is dramatically improving the ability of
people with Parkinsons to live independent
lives. RSB was founded in 2006 by former
Marion County (Indiana) prosecutor
Scott C.Newman,who was diagnosed
with Parkinsons disease at age 40.
RSB enables people with Parkinsons disease
to fight their disease by providing non-contact
boxing-style fitness programs that improve their
quality-of-life and sense of efficacy and self-worth.
Recent studies also suggest that intense exercise
programs may be neuro-protective, actually
working to delay the progression of symptoms.
RSB provides encouragement through atough
love approach, inspiring maximum effort, speed,
strength, balance and flexibility. Boxing works
by moving your body in all planes of motion
while continuously changing the routine as you
progress through the workout. RSB classes have
proven that anyone, at any level of Parkinsons,
can actually lessen their symptoms and lead a
healthier/happier life.
1. Classes RSB offers four
different levels of classes to
accommodate varying degrees
of Parkinsons/fitness.
2. Support Personalized support
from a member of the Indiana
University Medical Center is
available on a monthly basis for
anyone who has questions or
just needs to talk.
3. Camaraderie Friends for
fighters and caregivers.