Российская металлоторговля: текущая ситуация и перспективы. Cтратегия развити...Metal Supply&Sales MagazineДиректор филиала Сталепромышленной компании в г.Омске сделал глобальный доклад, проанализировав мировой рынок металлов и его влияние на ситуацию в России. Затем он привел основные целеустановки СПК на ближайшие годы, в том числе в торговле и производстве собственной металлопродукции.
О проекте закона города Москвы «О бюджете города Москвы на 2016 год и плановы...The webportal of the Mayor and the Government of MoscowО проекте закона города Москвы «О бюджете города Москвы на 2016 год и плановый период 2017 и 2018 годов»
А.Г. Пылин - Влияние украинского кризиса на пространственное развитие РоссииMoscow School of Economics (MSE MSU)6 ноября 2014
Круглый стол на тему “Пространственное развитие России в условиях экономических санкций и других текущих ограничений”
Докладчик: с.н.с. ИЭ РАН, к.э.н. А.Г. Пылин
Тема: Влияние украинского кризиса на пространственное развитие России
Presentation for kazakhstan press club KazakhstanPressClubThis document summarizes Chartbeat, a tool that provides real-time analytics to publishers about what content readers are engaging with on their websites. It has four main features: the Big Board display, which shows popular articles in the newsroom; the Real-Time Dashboard, which shows current reader behavior; the Historical Dashboard, which allows analyzing past reader engagement; and the Heads Up Display browser overlay, which indicates reader attention on page content. Chartbeat works with leading publishers to help them understand and grow their audiences across devices and locations.
Стартап: Как работать с международными медиа KazakhstanPressClubThis document provides tips for startups working with international media. It recommends focusing on the product rather than the founder's country of origin. Companies should benchmark against top global players and proofread English materials while using voiceovers in videos. The document also suggests distributing press releases through platforms and piggybacking on other companies' efforts. While getting excited about video, sales may not be high generally from PR alone. International media outreach requires multiple strategies.
Presentation for kazakhstan press club KazakhstanPressClubThis document summarizes Chartbeat, a tool that provides real-time analytics to publishers about what content readers are engaging with on their websites. It has four main features: the Big Board display, which shows popular articles in the newsroom; the Real-Time Dashboard, which shows current reader behavior; the Historical Dashboard, which allows analyzing past reader engagement; and the Heads Up Display browser overlay, which indicates reader attention on page content. Chartbeat works with leading publishers to help them understand and grow their audiences across devices and locations.
Стартап: Как работать с международными медиа KazakhstanPressClubThis document provides tips for startups working with international media. It recommends focusing on the product rather than the founder's country of origin. Companies should benchmark against top global players and proofread English materials while using voiceovers in videos. The document also suggests distributing press releases through platforms and piggybacking on other companies' efforts. While getting excited about video, sales may not be high generally from PR alone. International media outreach requires multiple strategies.