Just updated my pr0file 0nly t0 find t0 that the inf0s are way t00 0bs0lete...
S0, s0 it's me...Kelvin ...
M0st 0f the time m1sunderst00d...my pers0nality, character, and the way i perceive life..
i'm a happy pers0n...S0metimes stubb0rn, naughty, yet super fun t0 be with...
m0st 0f the time mingle with the cl0sest friends 0f my high sch00l and c0llege life...
i c0ld hardly be penetrated...because i ch00se friends ( the number 0f my friends justifies this).. but i tell y0u, 0nce we'r frnds, we'l always be frnds...
1 check my fb if i 0nly have t1me (th0ugh i'm n0t a busy pers0n, bsi bsihan lang)...
i'm 0pen t0 liberal and n0t s0 liberal 0nes..(n0 need t0 specify) im 0ut