This document outlines the steps to conducting role-playing as a teaching technique:
1) Identify the problem or situation to be addressed.
2) Design the role-playing situation to fit the learning objectives.
3) Sketch out the roles and select participants.
4) Present the role-playing activity and explain the skills and insights it aims to develop.
5) Conduct the role-play.
6) Analyze and evaluate the role-play to understand what happened and how it could be improved.
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Role playing approach in teaching
2. Involves an activity which a student or a
group of students dramatizes his or their
real reactions to certain problematic
The purpose is to find out how students
will normally conduct themselves once
they are confronted with a particular kind
of conflict or difficulty.
3. Drama: a type play to be performed by
actors on stage, radio, or television; a
play that is highly emotional, tragic, or
Role Play: the act of imitating the
character and behaviour of someone who
is different from yourself, for example, as
a training exercise, or in language
4. 1. Identiying the Problem
- decide exactly what you want the group to
learn from the episode.
2. Establishing the Situation for Role Playing
- design the situation to fit the objectives they
want to achieve.
3. Establishing Roles and Selecting Participants
- sketch out clearly the type of people involved.
5. 4. Presenting the Act
- Talk about the objective of the role playing
during the presentation and explain the skills
and insights the activity hopes to acquire.
5. Playing the Situation
- the playthrough and is supposed to be the
most difficult step.
6. 6. Analyzing and Evaluating the Presentation
Requirements in the Analysis:
a. What happened?
b. Why did it happen that way?
c. What were the feelings and motives
d. What variations would have produced
other results?
7. College romance has
become a common
phenomenon on campus.
Different people have
different opinions
about it. Some take it
for granted. They think
it is quite natural for
students at this age.
Others take a negative
view about it.
8. Objective: To educate students of the
negative effects of College Romance.
Place: Campus.
Preparation time: 5 mins
Role-play time: 10 mins
Each of you should play one of the roles as:
Candidate A: Female student in love with B.
Candidate B: Male student in love with A.
Candidate C: You are a professor who hates
romance inside the classroom.
Candidate D: You are the parent of A.
9. Apparently the role-playing technique
of instruction appears deceptively simple
and seems to impose minimal demands on
the teacher.
However, on closer inspection, it
requires extraordinary amount of skill,
finesse, and acuity of observation and