This document provides a 50 question multiple choice quiz on regional development and planning with answers. The questions cover topics such as theorists who developed concepts of growth poles, circular and cumulative causation, stages of growth, regional imbalance, and classification of regions. The key identifies the correct answer for each multiple choice question.
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Regional Development and Planning
1. Regional Development and Planning
Multiple Choice Questions with Answer Key
Kuldip Singh Kait, Ph. D. (J.N.U., New Delhi)
Associate Professor in Geography,
Govt. College for Girls, Sector-14, Gurugram, Haryana-India
Ms. Sarita Devi, M. A., (Geography), B. Ed.
Assistant Professor (Extension) in Geography
Govt. College for Girls, Sector-14, Gurugram, Haryana-India
2. Q. 1. Who bring spatial dimension to the concept of growth?
A. Myrdal
B. Loch
C. Bouldville
D. Perroux
Q. 2 The entire planning technique in India had been based on the model prepared by
A. Domar
B. P. C. Mahalanobis
C. V. M. Dandekar
D. Fieldman
Q. 3 Who has defined that there is only one region the surface of the earth on which mankind finds its home?
A. Minshull
B. Herbertson
C. Fenneman
D. Vidal de la Blache
Q. 4. Preparation of Sub-plan on regional basis was taken up in
A. Fifth Five Year Plan
B. Sixth Five Year Plan
C. Seventh Five Year Plan
D. Fourth Five Year Plan
Q . 5. The Concept of Stages of Growth was given by:
A. Hannes
B. J. H. Pratt
C. L. Febure
D. W. W. Rostow
3. Q . 6. Who among the following attempted divisions of India into planning regions?
A. O. H. K. Spate
B. L. D. Stamp
C. R. L. Singh
D. R. P. Mishra
Q . 7. The member of agro-climatic regions in India as per Planning Commission is:
A. Fifteen (15)
B. Twelve (12)
C. Fourteen (14)
D. Thirteen (13)
Q. 8. Arrange the following Rostows Stages in order to their economic development
1. Take off stage
2. Pre conditions for take off
3. Traditional society
4. Age of high mass consumption
Which is correct
A. 3, 4, 1, 2 B. 3, 2, 4, 1 C. 4, 2, 1, 3 D. 3, 2, 1, 4
Q. 9. Whose theory did propagate that an area is poor because it is poor?
A. Berry
B. Myrdal
C. Hirchman
D. Huntington
Q . 10. Who among of the followings is associated with the concept of Mental Map?
A. Lynch
B. Friedman
C. P. Geddes
D. F. Perroux
4. Q. 11 Which one of the following processes is not associated with planning:
A. Perception
B. Revelation
C. Preparation
D. Evolution
Q. 12 Which one of the following Five Year Plans of India adopted the Harrod-Domar growth model?
A. Third Five Year Plan
B. First Five Year Plan
C. Fourth Year Plan
D. Second Year Plan
Q. 13 Which one of the following is located in Bastar Region?
A. Bandhavgarh National Park
B. Indravati National Park
C. Rajaji National Park
D. Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary
Q. 14 In which of the Five Year Plans Regional Imbalance was given prominence for the first time?
A. First Five Year Plan
B. Second Five Year Plan
C. Third Five Year Plan
D. Fourth Five Year Plan
Q. 15 The main thrust of the regional planning is:
A. To remove areal disparity
B. To initiate economic growth
C. To have industrial expansion
D. To increase per capita income
5. Q. 16 Regional Development is a?
A. Single Functional Approach
B. Multi-Functional Approach
C. Place prosperity
D. Rationalisation of population distribution
Q. 17 Which one of the following authors presented model that formed that basis of the planning strategy in the Second Five
Year Plan of India?
A. Domer
B. Mahalanobis
C. Dandekar
D. Harrod
Q. 18 Which one of the following regions has been classified as the Western Dry Region by the Planning Commission?
A. Rajasthan Dry Region
B. NEFA Region
C. West Bengal Duars
D. North Bihar Dry Region
Q. 19 Who wrote the book Elements of Regional Economics?
A. Jean Forbes
B. Antoni Kuklinski
C. Harry W. Richardson
D. Harvey S. Perloff
Q. 20 The Planning Commission of India was set up in which year?
A. 1960
B. 1965
C. 1950
D. 1952
6. Q. 21 Who wrote the book Growth Pole and Growth Centres for Regional Economic Development in India?
A. Sundaram and T. B. Lahiri
B. Mishra, Rao and Sundaram
C. Sodasyuk and Sengupta
D. Sen and Wanmali
Q. 22 Who laid the philosophical basis of regional planning?
A. Fredric le play
B. F. S. Chapin
C. Carol Aronovici
D. Benton Mackaya
Q. 23 Which one of the is not an indicator of development?
A. Total population
B. Female among literates
C. Infant Mortality Rate
D. Level of Urbanisation
Q. 24 Operation Flood programme was aimed at:
A. Increasing Milk Production
B. Increasing Food Production
C. Controlling Floods
D. Providing Flood Relief
Q. 25 A Functional Region is outlined based on:
A. Politico-administrative
B. Isolines
C. Fields of Interactions
D. Physical Divisions
7. Q. 26 Which one of the following statement is true about the concept of development?
A. Development stands for growth with a change
B. Meaning of development remains the same in time and space
C. Development is a discreet process
D. Development is unidimensional process
Q. 27 Which classification of regions does metropolitan regions belongs to?
A. Single purpose region
B. Functional Region
C. Formal Region
D. Natural Region
Q. 28 Who among the following applied the growth pole concept to geographic space, whereby growth pole came to be known
as growth centres?
A. Friedman
B. Frank
C. Perroux
D. Boudeville
Q. 29 The main attribute of the functional region is:
A. Functional Heterogeneity
B. Functional Superiority
C. Stakeholder participation
D. Functional Homogeneity
Q. 30 A region having similar characteristics in a physical and cultural aspects is known as:
A. Geographical Region
B. Functional Region
C. Natural Region
D. Generic Region
8. Q. 31 Growth Pole Theory is given by:
A. J. H. Pratt
B. Rostow
C. Perroux
D. Febvre
Q. 32 The concept of Spread and Backwash was given by:
A. A. O. Hirschman
B. Gunder Frank
C. Gunnar Myrdal
D. Sameer Amin
Q. 33 India has been divided in to13 macro planning regions. Which of the following authors have delineated planning regions
of India?
A. P. Sen Gupta
B. R. P. Mishra, K.V.Sundram & V. L. S. Prakasha Rao
C. O. H. K. Spate & Learmonth
D. L. S. Bhatt
Q. 34 Circular and Cumulative causation model is given by:
A. Myrdal
B. Stamp
C. R. P. Mishra
D. Rostow
Q. 35 Regional Imbalances of Economic Development largely affected by which of the following factors?
A. Lack of Education
B. Lesser demand of the people
C. Lesser resource utilisation
D. Regional disparity in resources
9. Q. 36 Polarisation and Trickle Down Effect Theory was given by:
A. Prakash Rao
B. Benton Mackaye
C. Pratt
D. Hirschman
Q. 37 Who is regarded as Father of Regional Sciences?
A. Chadwich
B. Louise Lefeber
C. Mackaye
D. Walter Isard
Q. 38 Core and Periphery model was given by:
A. Friedman
B. Geddes
C. Howard
D. Myrdal
Q. 39 The optimal development of local people by the local governments by developing the local resources is termed by
A. Eco-development
B. Regional development
C. Rural development
D. Remote area development
Q. 40 For future development, which of the following is of the greatest importance?
A. Potential resources of all kinds
B. Flow resources only
C. Mineral resources only
D. Develop resources of all kinds
10. Q. 41Regions delineated on the basis of transport network are:
A. Planning Regions
B. Nodal Regions
C. Resource Regions
D. Natural Regions
Q. 42 The activity that involves the acceptance of clearly defined system of objectives to frame the overall policies are called:
A. Planning
B. Development
C. Regionalization
D. Political Economy
Q. 43 ___________________ is the best region forming force.
A. Religion
B. Common Interest
C. Climate
D. Language
Q. 44 The idea of Nodality underlies:
A. Contiguity
B. Homogeneity
C. Uniformity
D. Interdependence
Q. 45 Functional region is the described as an area with:
A. Common Interest
B. Functional Interest
C. Functional Superiority
D. Functional uniformity
11. Q. No. Answer Q. No. Answer Q. No. Answer
1. D 16. C 31. C
2. D 17. B 32. C
3. A 18. A 33. B
4. B 19. C 34. A
5. D 20. C 35. D
6. D 21. B 36. D
7. A 22. D 37. D
8. D 23. C 38. A
9. A 24. A 39. B
10. A 25. D 40. D
11. A 26. A 41. B
12. B 27. B 42. A
13. B 28. C 43. C
14. C 29. D 44. B
15. A 30. A 45. D
Answer Key of Multiple Choice Questions of
Regional Development and Planning (16GEO22C2)