Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental Philippines
I thank HIM for the way He made me, DISTINCT, SPECIAL and UNIQUE. I may not be PERFECT in a way but, i loved being ME. As, I care NOT so much what I am to OTHERS as what I am to MYSELF.I am what I am, so take me as I am :-O
"WhY shOuld I bE afRaId tO tell yOu wHo Am I?"
TheRe iS iN eAch of Us a dEep dRiVing deSireS to be UndeRstooD...."the WaNt to be LOvEd and UnDeRsTood. It iS a laW, as cErtaIn aS tHe laW of gRaviTy, thaT he wHo is UndErsTood and loVed wiLl gRow as A perSon; he who esTrangeD wIll dIe in His Cell of sOliTaRy coNfiNemEnt aLone. All of Us haVe oUr oWn seCret PaSt, oUr secRet SHamE and bRokeN dReaMs, oUr secret hOpes."
Whoa! The BeSt & WoRst aBout me.Grrr!
I am Sanguine
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![Department of Education Division of Misamis Oriental Profile](
Department of Education Division of Misamis Oriental
Teacher - Social Studies at Department of Educa...