I work as a programmer analyst since 2005 and wish work with projects involving system analysis, data modeling and process improvement. Like as identifying opportunities and implementing strategies in order to add value to business and generate greater satisfaction for their customers.
- Software Development:
XP, Scrum, RUP, UML, BDD, TDD, SOA, Micro Services, ESB, BPM
- Software Languages and Plataforms:
Java (JSE 4,5,6 e 7, JEE), Python 2, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Shell(Bash), Groovy
- Frameworks, APIs, Tools:
PlayFramework, Django, Spring (Security, MVC, Data e Batch), JSF 2, PrimeFaces, WebServices (JaxWS, REST/Json, Jackson, Jersey, SOAP, CXF, Axis2), JMS, IBM Websphere MQ, Ac...