Sony and Ericsson formed a joint venture to combine Sony's market knowledge and management team with Ericsson's mobile technology and handset experience. However, cultural and resource integration challenges had to be overcome, including different in-house languages and time pressures. Problem solving approaches were used to find an optimal solution and create a successful partnership through open discussion of problems and compromise.
3. Sony
-no handset industry
-Great management
-market knowledge
-fire of Philips
-weak management
-handset technology
Joint venture make
-Ericsson bear cost
-in-house language
-time consuming
-resource distribution
1st October 2011
5. Contending
- highly concern about own outcomes & little
concern about others outcomes
- totally win in all cost & ignore relationship with
- highly concern about others outcomes & little
concern about own outcome.
- Win a relationship with others.
6. Inaction
- little concern about others outcomes & own
- withdraw from a negotiation.
- moderate concern about others outcomes & own
- In time pressure, need to have a solution as soon as
- Give and take, mutual acceptance solution.
7. Problem Solving
- highly concern about others outcomes & own
- collaborate with others to find a best solution
( integrative solution).
- Sony & Ericson using this approach.
- Both parties spend time & effort by figuring their
problems and conflicts.
- Find the best solution, lead to win-win situation.
- compromise and contribute to the corporation and
form the joint venture.
8. - yes.
1) Sony refused to contribute any cash-->
50/50 joint venture.
2) mutual agreement made, Ericsson still
requested money--> EMP excluded
3) corporate cultures of Sony and Ericsson.
9. - making concessions is a change in positions
in order to move the negotiation forward.
1) each party presents its own position.
2) analyze and evaluate each other's
3) adjusting own positions
4) repeat the steps above until there is an
agreement between 2 parties
10. improve its technology concentration from
hardware to software to catch up the trends.
negotiate for a better solution, to solve the
dropping sales trends in the market shares
grab the opportunities to replace the market
leader in the industry.
11. giving their fully trust and confidence between
both parties.
to create positive emotional responses
Important in building image on what others think
of us, and their judgment