MCSE, RHCT, EMCIEe, VCP3/4/5, Symantec.
Storage: Hitachi,EMC, EQL, Compellent) ,
SAN :Brocade, Cisco MD9xxx, MaCdata.
Fiber Channel and iSCSI,NAS (CIFS and NFS), Windows, Linux, Unix ( IBM-AIX, HP-UX, Solaris).
Replication (HUR,TrueCopy, SANCopy, MirrorView) and Data Migration (Double-Take,FalconStor, Host -based Linux LVM, Solaris Z-pool, SVM, AIX LVM, Thin Import Compellent)
Virtualization (VMware, VSphere, XenServer, Hyper-V).
Complex systems implementation.
Backup Software (Symantec, Commvailt).
Specialties: Storage Administration,HDS VSP/HUSVM/USPVM/AMS/HUS.
Dell/EMC/Compellent/Hitachi SAN, EQL iSCSI,VMware-vSphere, networking.