This document discusses a Municipal Solar Buyers Group (MSBG) created in Westchester County, New York to facilitate municipal solar projects through innovative public-private partnerships. The MSBG allows municipalities to jointly issue requests for proposals and negotiate power purchase agreements with private developers. This approach leverages private sector financing while lowering long-term electricity costs for participating municipalities. To date, the MSBG has identified over 40 potential solar sites across 18 municipalities that could generate 15-20 megawatts of solar power worth $20-36 million over 20 years.
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1. Municipal Solar?
Getting it done with innovative partnerships
Leo Wiegman, Exec. Dir., Sustainable Westchester
New York State Bar Association
Environmental Law Section
Annual Meeting
Friday, January 29, 2016
2. Solar
≒ Target private sector
≒ Cover over half the cost
≒ e.g. Federal Investment
Tax Credit = 30% of
≒ Depreciation = +20% of
3. Commercial Solar Economics
Solar Economics of Commercial Installa2ons Dollar value %
Gross Price: $ 1,000.00 100%
Incen3ves to be received by Contractor in 1st Year: NY-
Sun PV Incen3ve (PON 2112): Commercial (Block 3: $0.80
- $ 0.50/WaN 50kW - 200kW): $ (215.31) -22%
Contract Amount: $ 784.69 78%
Incen3ves available to Customer in 1st Year: Federal Tax
Credit (30% of Net Cost at Installa3on): $ (235.41) -30%
Net Cost at Install (aFer incen2ves): $ 549.28 55%
Present Value of Deprecia3on (in today`s dollars): $ (134.75) -25%
Net-Present Cost: $ 414.53 41%
4. Federal Solar Incentives
1. Federal Tax Credit (30% of Cost at Installation):
≒ (Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC)) 26 USC 則 48,
≒ Municipalities do not pay federal taxes, so this DNA.
2. Federal Depreciation: Regular MACRS Schedule (6 yrs; ~23%).
≒ Municipalities dont depreciate investments, so this DNA.
3. USDA - Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Grants (25%,
$500k max): Gross Cost
≒ Municipalities are not Agricultural producers with at least
50% of gross income coming from agricultural
operations , so this DNA.
5. New York Solar Incentives
1.NY State Tax Credit: Residential: 25% of Net Cost ($5,000 max. System size limits may apply): DNA
2.NY-Sun PV Incentive for NYPA Customers: (Good news; these may apply to Municipal solar!)
Commercial (Block 7: $0.40 - $ 0.30/Watt 50kW - 200kW): Watt DC
Commercial & Industrial Large PV (> 200 kW): Block 1: $0.40 per Watt DC (paid over 4 years): Watt DC
Residential (Block 4: $0.70 per Watt DC): Watt DC
Residential (Block 5: $0.60 per Watt DC): Watt DC
Residential (Block 6: $0.50 per Watt DC): Watt DC
Residential Affordable Solar Additional Incentive (Block 6: $0.50 per Watt DC. $3k max): Watt DC
3.NY-Sun PV Incentive (PON 2112): (Good news; these may apply to Municipal solar!)
Commercial (Block 3: $0.80 - $ 0.50/Watt 50kW - 200kW): Watt DC
Commercial & Industrial Large PV (> 200 kW): Block 1: $0.63 per Watt DC (paid over 4 years): Watt DC
Nonprofit (Block 3: $0.80 - $ 0.50/Watt 50kW - 200kW): Watt DC
Residential (Block 4: $0.70 per Watt DC): Watt DC
Residential (Block 5: $0.60 per Watt DC): Watt DC
Residential Affordable Solar Additional Incentive (Block 5: $0.60 per Watt DC. $3,600 max): Watt DC
Source: and
7. Why not use private sector $?
≒ Can we match private sector investors
who have the tax appetite
≒ with local public sector sites that would
be willing to commit to long term energy
purchase agreements,
≒ where those contracts lower future costs
of electricity?
10. Theory into practice in NYS: MSBG
≒ In Westchester County, we created a
Municipal Solar Buyers Group (MSBG) in
≒ Goal: To solicit a Solar Developer to
design, build, & finance solar PV on
municipally owned facilities.
≒ Process: Create a municipal cooperative
for procurement of services.
11. Muni Solar Buyers Group: How?
≒ Article 5-G of New York GML authorizes
municipal corporations to enter into
agreements for services on a
cooperative or contract basis.
≒ We drafted a Municipal Cooperative
Agreement that 3 munis adopted: Towns
of Bedford & Mamaroneck and Village
of Croton.
≒ Source:
12. Muni Solar Buyers Group: Purpose
The Agreement authorized Administrative
Agent (Sustainable Westchester):
≒ to issue the RFP for Solar Developer;
≒ to negotiate the terms of Power
Purchase Agreements (PPA) for the
delivery of solar power;
≒ to procure the services of professionals
(consultants, attorneys, independent
auditors); etc
13. Muni Solar Buyers Group: RFP
Key provision in the adopting municipal resolution:
≒ WHEREAS, it has been determined by this Board that
contracts for the supply of solar power are energy
performance contracts that require the exercise of
specialized or technical skills, expertise and knowledge and,
therefore, are not subject to the sealed, competitive bidding
requirements under General Municipal Law 則 103 and may
instead be awarded using the Request for Proposals (RFP)
process set forth inGeneral Municipal Law and/or Energy
Law 則 9-103(6).
14. Muni Solar Buyers Group: Piggybacking
Expanding the Group:
≒ All other NYS municipalities may join the awarded
terms and conditions via the states procurement
piggybacking provision in GML 則 103.16 .
≒ Beyond 3 munis in initial Group, we have 15 other
munis in Westchester who have submitted sites to
examine for solar PV.
≒ Once a Solar Developer is selected, we expect
additional municipalities beyond the 18 munis above
to submit sites as well.
15. MSBG Advisors: Who?
Our advisors to date include:
≒ PNC Structured Finance (Ted Jenkins, Joe
≒ GP Renewables & Trading (Alex
≒ Sive, Paget & Riesel (Dan Chorost, John-
Paul Curran, Devin McDougall)
≒ Weston & Sampson Engineers
16. MSBG Advisors: Paid how?
Advisors and Admin Agent are paid at the time of closing of the
PPA by the System Owner (third party):
The System Owner will be required to fund certain transactions
costs (legal, financial advisory, engineering, and process oversight
by Sustainable Westchester) of the Municipality for each PV
17. MSBG RFP: Review Criteria
Respondents RFP proposals will be evaluated for the best value to participating Municipalities based
upon the following criteria:
≒ Capacity to develop and install a large number of small to mid-sized PV Systems across the mix of
technologies (roof-mounted, solar parking canopies and ground-mounted);
≒ Experience with NY-Sun incentives and/or relationships with Eligible Installers under the NY-Sun
incentive program;
≒ Ability to meet applicable local labor and content requirements including use of only high quality
components for each type of PV System;
≒ Ability and expertise to install the PV Systems on a timely basis;
≒ Substantiation of financial, manpower and other necessary resources to finance the contemplated PV
Systems and operate them on a long term basis; and,
≒ Ability to provide low-cost Solar PV electricity rates, together with the ability to install the best possible
PV Systems, both at the Identified Sites and at future Municipal Sites as they are identified.
18. MSBG: Municipal Commitment
Municipalities will be asked to make a formal commitment to install a PV
System on each Municipal Site only after:
≒ The Developer has provided the Municipality with a detailed PV System
proposal (each, a Site Proposal) for an Identified Site or a Municipal
Site subsequently identified by the Municipality;
≒ The Municipality has received a binding commitment from the Developer
(the Developers Commitment) with respect to such Site Proposal; and
≒ The Municipality has had ample time to review and approve the Site
Proposal and the terms of the Developers Commitment.
19. MSBG: Solar Developer Commitment
Contractual arrangements for these PV Systems will include all or some of the following:
≒ A site lease (Site Lease) between the Developer and the Municipality for the use of
the Municipal Site.
≒ A power purchase agreement (PPA) between the owner of the PV System (the PV
System Owner) and the Municipality,
≒ An engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract between the Developer
and an EPC contractor for the installation of the PV System if EPC contractor is different
from Developer.
≒ An operation and maintenance (O&M) contract between the System Owner and an
O&M operator for the operation and maintenance of the PV System.
≒ Insurance policies with minimum limits of $3,000,000.
20. MSBG: White Plains Gedney
Compost Facility has Capped Landfill
(Before: 3.5 acres empty)
22. MSBG: Potential is big: 15-20 MW+
To date, ~40 sites identified and owned by 18
municipalities with good solar potential :
≒ Half are roof-mounts with shorter design and installation
time lines:
端 Likely completion by late 2016)
端 Value: $1 million in electric/yr * 20 years=$20MM
≒ Half are ground-mounts (land fills) or carports (parking):
端 Likely completion by spring 2017)
端 Value: $1.8 million in electric/yr * 20 years=$36MM!
23. MSBG: What is next?
SW will recommend a Solar Developer from RFP responses
by March 2016 to Muni Solar Buyers Group.
≒ Launch in March-April 2016 with site visits and
onboarding sessions with sites already identified.
≒ Group will be open to ALL NYS municipalities to join (via
piggybacking provision) to take advantage of the same
terms and conditions.
≒ Goal: Double Westchester Countys installed PV
capacity in 18-24 months to benefit local governments!
24. MSBG: contact info
Leo Wiegman, Executive Director
Sustainable Westchester Inc,