never settle for average-- it's just as close to the bottom as it is to the top it's [ better ] to cross a line &+ suffer the consequences than to just stare at the line for the rest of your
l i f e //
.v o m i t i n g s u n s h i n e.
I'm 40% Friendly,
30% Geek
20% Crazy
10% Emo
4 short--->100% HUMAN+ALIE... :p
? I’m a liar because I wont tell you everything
I’m stupid because sometimes im wrong
I’m ugly because my face isn’t perfect
I’m a pushover because I like making people happy
I’m a loser because I’m a not friend with your group
I’m fake because I’m too nice
I’m weird because I’m not like you
I’m fat because I eat when I’m