When you lose something, you can't replace.
When you love someone but it goes to waste.
Could it be worse?
I love Hop hop. kalo lagi senang, sedih, cape minum hop hop. choose strawberry and cappuchino taste.
I love coffee,apalgi hazelnut coffee di strawberry cafe.
suka main DDR (dance dance revolusion). hayo siapa yg punya hobi sama???
uda bisa expert lho!, yiihaaaay
Suka berkelana, searching an experience! ga jelas keliling2 komplek nyari pengalaman, hiburan. isengin ruma2 orang. naik sepesa malem2, iseng hehe
Pengen menjelajah Indonesia, hope will! pengen k belitung sama gunung rinjani. hayo siapa yang mau nemenin???? tapi pasti blm diizinin, mesti selesai kuliah dan dap