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Social Media For the  pragmatic
http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915512820/in/set-72157622354789320/ Social media 庄壊
All about the relationship.
And the conversation. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915516040/in/set-72157622354789320/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/eelssej_/524781662/ Its organic and emergent. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915513242/in/set-72157622354789320/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/kalmirage/1904699001/ It includes viral elements.
Communication Reviews and Opinions
The old way is static.
The old way is static.
The new way is dynamic.
The new way is dynamic.
The new way is dynamic.
The new way is dynamic.
Why should you care about social media? http://www.flickr.com/photos/maclover/4319538262/
Because, contrary to what your mother told you to avoid  Everyones doing it!
Radio  -  First  a bit of history:  Number of years to reach 50 million users: Sources:  United Nations Cyberschoolbus Document  and  Mashable 38 years   TV  -  13 years   Internet  -  4 years   Facebook  -  Added 100 million users in less than 9 months
Ninety percent of people trust recommendations by people they know.  (Nielsen report,  Global Advertising: Consumers  Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most , 2009 http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915515338/in/set-72157622354789320/
(Nielsen report,  Global Advertising: Consumers  Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most , 2009 Seventy percent of consumers trust recommendations of  consumers  they dont know.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915515338/in/set-72157622354789320/
Time spent on social networks and blogging sites is growing at over  3 times  the rate of overall Internet.  growth (Nielsen Report,  Global Faces and Networked Places , 2009) (Nielsen Report,  Global Faces and Networked Places , 2009)
Twitter 55 percent female tweeters, 45 percent male (Quantcast) As of January 2010, nearly 75,000,000 users (ComScore) Some 50 million tweets a day (Twitter) About 20 percent of users are active 347 percent jump since a year ago in people accessing the site via mobile browser = 4.7 million (social networking watch)
Facebook More than 400 million active users 50 percent of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day More than 35 million users update their status each day Average user has 130 friends on the site Average user sends 8 friend requests per month Average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than nonmobile users.
Myspace 125 million users, still one of the largest social networks Daily traffic is down from 61 million to 52 million since Oct. 2009. (Quantcast) Male/female ratio is 50 percent Largest age group is 18-34 11.4 million people access the site via mobile browser (Social Networking Watch)
YouTube Second largest search engine, after Google Surpased Yahoo in August 2008 U.S. Internet users watched 32.4 billion videos in January 2010 - YouTube.com accounted for nearly 99 percent of all videos viewed (ComScore).
LinkedIn The sites traffic is up in the recession. It has over 60 million members as of February 2010 (TechCrunch). Adding new members at a rate of about one member per second Its gone from about 3.6 million unique monthly visitors a year ago to 7.7 million today (ComScore). When launched in 2003, it took 477 days to reach first million members;  the last million only took 12 days. (Oct. 2009)
Two-thirds of the GLOBAL population visits social networks. http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/social_networks_growing_while_other_social_media_sites_stagnate_and_decline.php (Nielsen Report,  Global Faces and Networked Places , 2009)
Estimated worldwide audience: 625 million http://www.flickr.com/photos/lumaxart/2364696515/in/set-72157603545124242/
Thats 1 in 13! Estimated worldwide audience: 625 million http://www.flickr.com/photos/lumaxart/2364696515/in/set-72157603545124242/
Social networking continues to lead http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915516172/in/set-72157622354789320/  while other activities are stagnating
Social media adoption (Nielsen Report ,  Led by Facebook, Twitter, Global Time Spent on Social Media Sites up 82% Year over Year , 2010)
Social networking demographics http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007484
Social networking demographics http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007484
Old news: If Facebook were a country, it would be the eighth most populated in the world. - Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, Jan 7, 2009.
New news: Its No. 4  3. X X 400,000 X 3.
http://blogs.forrester.com/groundswell/2008/10/new-2008-social.html Social technographics ladder of engagement
*  Ninety-three percent  of Americans believe that a company should have a presence on social media sites.  Source:  Cone Business in Social Media Study, 2008 *  Eighty-five percent  believe that these companies should use these services to interact with consumers.
Where is social media heading? http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915514588/in/set-72157622354789320/
Understand the power of universal search.
So what should you do? http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915514014/in/set-72157622354789320/
Listen. And talk. And listen. And talk. And listen.
Immerse. http://www.flickr.com/photos/silvertje/3582297307/
Be strategic. Engage.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3914731337/in/set-72157622354789320/ Research Action Communication Evaluation
Listen, and contribute to the conversations. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915515846/in/set-72157622354789320/ Twitter Twitter search - advanced Blogs Technorati Google blog search - SEO Forums RSS Google alerts Social mentions
Social media case studies Conclusion : It doesnt have to cost a lot of money.  Conclusion :  Social media isnt all about ROI, but financial profit can happen. Conclusion :  Be friendly, real and honest.  A great personality helps. Conclusion :  Know when to use humor. Conclusion :  Know when to speak. Know  what to speak. Include crisis communications in your social media plan.
Social media case studies
Seven habits of a ninja social media pro 1. Incorporate business analytics: FREE http://www.sas.com/news/preleases/ondemandforacademics-nocostSGF10.html 2. Use Internet resources: FREE 3. Learn SEO: FREE 4. Educate yourself on social media basics: FREE 5. Get in on social media metrics: FREE http://kdpaine.blogs.com/themeasurementstandard/ 6. Read these books: Not quite so free.or is it?  Groundswell (Li and Bernoff), Putting the Public Back in Public Relations (Solis), The New Rules of Marketing & PR (Scott) 7.  Commit to your social media goal: FREE http://designdamage.com/blog/index.php/201004/how-to-use-google-and-twitter-to-find-your-customers/ http://www.shiftcomm.com/downloads/SEO_for_PressReleases_SHIFT_tipsheet.pdf http://www.shiftcomm.com/downloads/pr2essentials.pdf
Thank You! [email_address] www.twitter.com/LindaJacobson http://www.thesaltlick.blogspot.com/

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Social media for the pragmatic student

  • 1. Social Media For the pragmatic
  • 3. All about the relationship.
  • 4. And the conversation. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915516040/in/set-72157622354789320/
  • 5. http://www.flickr.com/photos/eelssej_/524781662/ Its organic and emergent. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915513242/in/set-72157622354789320/
  • 8. The old way is static.
  • 9. The old way is static.
  • 10. The new way is dynamic.
  • 11. The new way is dynamic.
  • 12. The new way is dynamic.
  • 13. The new way is dynamic.
  • 14. Why should you care about social media? http://www.flickr.com/photos/maclover/4319538262/
  • 15. Because, contrary to what your mother told you to avoid Everyones doing it!
  • 16. Radio - First a bit of history: Number of years to reach 50 million users: Sources: United Nations Cyberschoolbus Document and Mashable 38 years TV - 13 years Internet - 4 years Facebook - Added 100 million users in less than 9 months
  • 17. Ninety percent of people trust recommendations by people they know. (Nielsen report, Global Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most , 2009 http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915515338/in/set-72157622354789320/
  • 18. (Nielsen report, Global Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most , 2009 Seventy percent of consumers trust recommendations of consumers they dont know. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915515338/in/set-72157622354789320/
  • 19. Time spent on social networks and blogging sites is growing at over 3 times the rate of overall Internet. growth (Nielsen Report, Global Faces and Networked Places , 2009) (Nielsen Report, Global Faces and Networked Places , 2009)
  • 20. Twitter 55 percent female tweeters, 45 percent male (Quantcast) As of January 2010, nearly 75,000,000 users (ComScore) Some 50 million tweets a day (Twitter) About 20 percent of users are active 347 percent jump since a year ago in people accessing the site via mobile browser = 4.7 million (social networking watch)
  • 21. Facebook More than 400 million active users 50 percent of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day More than 35 million users update their status each day Average user has 130 friends on the site Average user sends 8 friend requests per month Average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than nonmobile users.
  • 22. Myspace 125 million users, still one of the largest social networks Daily traffic is down from 61 million to 52 million since Oct. 2009. (Quantcast) Male/female ratio is 50 percent Largest age group is 18-34 11.4 million people access the site via mobile browser (Social Networking Watch)
  • 23. YouTube Second largest search engine, after Google Surpased Yahoo in August 2008 U.S. Internet users watched 32.4 billion videos in January 2010 - YouTube.com accounted for nearly 99 percent of all videos viewed (ComScore).
  • 24. LinkedIn The sites traffic is up in the recession. It has over 60 million members as of February 2010 (TechCrunch). Adding new members at a rate of about one member per second Its gone from about 3.6 million unique monthly visitors a year ago to 7.7 million today (ComScore). When launched in 2003, it took 477 days to reach first million members; the last million only took 12 days. (Oct. 2009)
  • 25. Two-thirds of the GLOBAL population visits social networks. http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/social_networks_growing_while_other_social_media_sites_stagnate_and_decline.php (Nielsen Report, Global Faces and Networked Places , 2009)
  • 26. Estimated worldwide audience: 625 million http://www.flickr.com/photos/lumaxart/2364696515/in/set-72157603545124242/
  • 27. Thats 1 in 13! Estimated worldwide audience: 625 million http://www.flickr.com/photos/lumaxart/2364696515/in/set-72157603545124242/
  • 28. Social networking continues to lead http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915516172/in/set-72157622354789320/ while other activities are stagnating
  • 29. Social media adoption (Nielsen Report , Led by Facebook, Twitter, Global Time Spent on Social Media Sites up 82% Year over Year , 2010)
  • 30. Social networking demographics http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007484
  • 31. Social networking demographics http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007484
  • 32. Old news: If Facebook were a country, it would be the eighth most populated in the world. - Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, Jan 7, 2009.
  • 33. New news: Its No. 4 3. X X 400,000 X 3.
  • 36. * Ninety-three percent of Americans believe that a company should have a presence on social media sites. Source: Cone Business in Social Media Study, 2008 * Eighty-five percent believe that these companies should use these services to interact with consumers.
  • 37. Where is social media heading? http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915514588/in/set-72157622354789320/
  • 38.
  • 39. Understand the power of universal search.
  • 40. So what should you do? http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915514014/in/set-72157622354789320/
  • 41. Listen. And talk. And listen. And talk. And listen.
  • 43. Be strategic. Engage. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3914731337/in/set-72157622354789320/ Research Action Communication Evaluation
  • 44. Listen, and contribute to the conversations. http://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915515846/in/set-72157622354789320/ Twitter Twitter search - advanced Blogs Technorati Google blog search - SEO Forums RSS Google alerts Social mentions
  • 45. Social media case studies Conclusion : It doesnt have to cost a lot of money. Conclusion : Social media isnt all about ROI, but financial profit can happen. Conclusion : Be friendly, real and honest. A great personality helps. Conclusion : Know when to use humor. Conclusion : Know when to speak. Know what to speak. Include crisis communications in your social media plan.
  • 46. Social media case studies
  • 47. Seven habits of a ninja social media pro 1. Incorporate business analytics: FREE http://www.sas.com/news/preleases/ondemandforacademics-nocostSGF10.html 2. Use Internet resources: FREE 3. Learn SEO: FREE 4. Educate yourself on social media basics: FREE 5. Get in on social media metrics: FREE http://kdpaine.blogs.com/themeasurementstandard/ 6. Read these books: Not quite so free.or is it? Groundswell (Li and Bernoff), Putting the Public Back in Public Relations (Solis), The New Rules of Marketing & PR (Scott) 7. Commit to your social media goal: FREE http://designdamage.com/blog/index.php/201004/how-to-use-google-and-twitter-to-find-your-customers/ http://www.shiftcomm.com/downloads/SEO_for_PressReleases_SHIFT_tipsheet.pdf http://www.shiftcomm.com/downloads/pr2essentials.pdf
  • 48. Thank You! [email_address] www.twitter.com/LindaJacobson http://www.thesaltlick.blogspot.com/

Editor's Notes

  • #8: Collaboration: Wikipedia, wikis, social bookmarking Multimedia: photo sharing, video sharing, art sharing, livecasting, podcasting Entertainment: virtual worlds, online gaming Reviews and opinions: product reviews, service or entertainment reviews (amazon, yelp epinions, eluna) and Q&A (yahoo answers, linkedin answers)
  • #27: Wave4 Universal McCann study
  • #29: US - 60 percent of active Internet users have an online profile was 43 percent last year. While photo sharing and video sharing has stagnated, it has increased in popularity on social networking sites. Example: 76 percent of social network users upload photos, and 33 percent upload videos, up from 45 percent and 16.9 percent.
  • #36: 2009: In the US, social technology Creators and Collectors grew slowly, and Critics didn't grow at all. In US, Joiner activity exploded and Spectators became nearly universal Europeans continue to adopt these technologies more slowly than in the US, with about 40% Inactives in the countries where we do surveys. The Netherlands and Sweden have the most participation, Italy has the most Creators, and social networks are most popular in the UK. Asian social participation is typically as high as or higher than in the US.
  • #39: Foursqure, GoWalla, Yelp all geo based Apps, mobile web, mobile geo location Linkedin now can Tweet, TweetDeck integrates WP, LI, FB
  • #46: Dell: Cross platform multiple twitter handles, a network of blogs, and active on Facebook. ROI: Over $1 million through sale alerts. People who sign up to follow Dell on Twitter receive messages when discounted products are available the companys Home Outlet Store. They can click over to purchase the product or forward the information to others Zappos: The reason why Zappos stands out on Twitter is because of their ability to bring the company to life. The Zappos CEO has lent his personality to the company brand, a personality that is friendly, helpful, funny, and trustworthy. They use Twitter to highlight interesting facts, and to talk to their consumers. Talking to Zappos is like talking to a friend that happens to sell shoes.