This presentation, part of a workshop for science educators at National Science Teachers Association conferences in 2013, describes interdisciplinary classroom activities that get students thinking about how weather events are covered by news media.
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Weather Headlines
1. Weather Headlines:
A Tool for Science Learning
Becca Hatheway and Lisa Gardiner
Spark UCAR Science Education
2. National Center for Atmospheric Research
Researching the atmosphere, weather, climate
A non-profit research lab, funded primarily by NSF.
Spark - UCAR Science Education
Goal: to increase public understanding of
atmospheric science and engage communities
with research.
Sharing science content, activities, and teacher PD.
Providing education at NCAR in Boulder, CO.
Offering research internships for college students.
Working with communities that are partnering with
3. Weather is always making headlines.
Weather is
accessible science.
visible science.
happening now!
always changing.
in the headlines.
4. Weather affects everyone.
Weather impacts daily life.
Its also relevant to national
security and global politics.
Cross cutting between social
studies, science, and
5. About climate change & weather events:
When an extreme weather event
occurs, people ask whether it was due to
climate change.
No single weather event is due to climate
change. All weather events are affected by
climate change, some more than others.
6. The weather on steroids
An analogy
Climate warming is changing
the weather like steroids
change a baseball player.
7. Weather events are not equally affected by warming.
We are still learning how they are, or are not, affected.
8. Weather Headlines Workshop Outline
Activity #1: Weather in the News
Compare stories about weather events from different
media sources and different perspectives
Hurricane Sandy
Joplin Tornado
Activity #2: Tracking Hurricane News
Make a timeline based on news coverage of Hurricane
Irene as it moved up the East Coast in 2011
9. Activity #1:
Weather in the News
Snowmageddon , Washington, D.C., 2010
10. Weather isnt covered the same way in
different news sources
Whats the perspective?
Local news versus national news
Whats the point of view?
Reporting versus opinion/editorial
Whats the focus?
People focus versus science focus
13. Activity Instructions:
Weather in the News
Each small group reads the articles in their
case study (there will be three case studies in
the room)
To conserve workshop time, skim the first side
of the worksheet and focus on the four
questions on the reverse.
As a group, record your answers to those
questions on chart paper and post on the wall.
15. Tracking Hurricane News
1. Each student reads a news story
about Hurricane Irene.
2. Students present information from
their articles to the rest of the class.
3. Each student constructs a timeline
to describe the hurricanes story
over time and across geographic
area based on all the news stories.
16. Meet Hurricane Irene
On Aug 20, 2011 Irene
became a tropical
Strengthened to a
Category 3 storm
Made landfall many
times along its path
(Puerto Rico, Bahamas, North
Carolina, New York and New
18. Activity Instructions:
Tracking Hurricane News
Objective: Create a timeline of Hurricane Irene
through quotes from the news about how the
storm affected people and places.
(note: we are keeping it simple for the sake of time!)
1. Read an article and take notes on Worksheet 1.
Can you summarize it in one sentence?
2. Choose a quote from the article that interests
you. Add it to the timeline with the date and
location of your news story.
19. Other ideas for including weather
news in the classroom
Students investigate how news describes people during a
Who is involved when a storm hits? (forecasters, emergency
managers, government officials, community members)
Whats did they have to say?
Classroom debate: Should winter storms have names?
The National Weather Service doesnt name them. The Weather
Channel does.
Have students research why storms are named, and decide whether
its helpful for winter storms as it is for hurricanes.
20. Thanks!
Lisa Gardiner
Becca Hatheway
For workshop resources, visit Weather Headlines
Editor's Notes
#16: Encourage students to be creative with their timelines, using a format of their choice, while also including their research.
#19: Encourage students to be creative with their timelines, using a format of their choice, while also including their research.
#20: Encourage students to be creative with their timelines, using a format of their choice, while also including their research.
#21: Encourage students to be creative with their timelines, using a format of their choice, while also including their research.