-Lizzy iss whatt they call me♥ -Old enouqhh .; -Textiinq iss a habiit soo hitt me upp?(: -Lifee iss a tripp for mee., -Familyy iss crazy thass wheree i qett,ehht fromm :P Sinq To Me On January 26:p
-Whenn the worrldd showwss yew hatee yew showw themm lovee'!<333'(: , Ihtt doesnt Hurt To Try.! Standinqq' ouht Is Nott Badd Bee Yewrself Bee The Yeww In Whatt Yeww Love too bee.! Dontt reqrett yewr mistakes Learn frm; themm. Whenn peoplee turns theirrr bakk @/l yewww knoww thatt theres someunee theirr foever && alwayss hereee foee youhh., Dont wastte yoee tearss
onn someethinqq' thatt aint' worthh itt&& memberr' yeww shinee briterr thann thee moon & stars, yewr unique.!