Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia
Hamba ALLAH sepenuh masa
LeT bYgOnE....
bE,, bYgOnE
i'm JuZ a SiMpLe GurL,
wHo LeD a SiMpLe LifE,
wiTh SiMpLe FriEnDs,
aLwaYz HaV a SiMpLe SmiLe...
LiFe iS SoOoOo SiMpLe....
BuT,,, wE mAkE iT HaRd...
LiFe iS tOo sHoRT...
tO wAkE uP iN tHe MoRniNg wiTh rEgReTs,,,
LoVe tHe pEopLe wHo tReaT yOU RiGhT...
AbOuT tHe oNeS wHo dOn'T aNd BeLiEvE dAt EvErYtHiNg HappeN 4 a ReasOn...
iF YoU gOt A cHaNcEs,,, TakE iT...
iF iT cHaNgEs yOuR LiFe,, Let iT..
nObOdY sAiD tHaT iT'd Be EasY,,, tHeY jUz pRomiSeD iT wOuLd bE wOrTh iT...
iF yOu LoVe SoMeBoDy,,,
LeT ThEm gO,,,
iF ThEy ReTuRn,,,
ThEy WeRe aLwAyZ YoUrS...
iF thEy DoN'T,,,
ThEy NeVeR WeRe...
WheN yOu LoVe sOmEonE, iT's
Users following Lolly Pop