Presents a reflection on the assessment of mobile Web content for people with disabilities. It proposes a rationale for an evaluation framework considering: (1) the coherent merge of state of the art guidelines on Web accessibility and mobile best practices; and (2) the usage of current and prospective practices particularly for people with visual impairments. It also presents the preliminary results of a questionnaire that validates that rationale laying the grounds for a coherent evaluation approach.
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Crosschecking the Mobile Web for People with Visual Impairments
1. Crosschecking the Mobile Web for People with VisualImpairmentsLu鱈s Carri巽o, Rui Lopes, Rog辿rio BandeiraUniversityofLisbonAbsInt AbsoluteInteractionGroupLaSIGEResearchUnit
2. MotivationIs it worth to visit this Web site? and using my mobile device?Atl: A beach in Goa at the sunset with coconut trees, listening to the birds and the wavesWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt2
3. Which GuidelinesWCAG , Answer: yesMWBP Answer: no! and with disability specifics?We argue: it depends!( and with mobile specifics?It also depends)WWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt3
4. WCAG & DisabilitiesBW, Yesilada et alACCESSIBLE, Chalkiaet alWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt4
5. WCAG & MWBPChuter and Yesiladafor WCAG/MWBPlevels of e鍖ort (nothing, some..But with specificsDropping guidelines is not straightforwardWCAG 2.1 is dropped for nonvisual impaired; USE_OF_COLOR should not!Should MWBP be always applied?WWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt5
6. MWBP & DisabilitiesA really smart phone recognizing a visually impaired userTowards Mobile Web Accessibility, Lopes et alWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt6
7. RationaleFor a specific disabilitySelect WGAG subsetSelect MWBP subsetAdopt them considering the levels of effortMobile Web Accessibly Evaluation Tool, BandeiraWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt7
8. Disabilities and ConfigurationReally drop visual related checks?!Visual impaired & browsers configurationWhat about mobile devices?WWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt8
9. QuestionnaireDesktopFrequency of useScreen readers or what elseBrowser configurationWhy or why notMobileBasically the same+ use it for web browsingWhy or why notUser profileWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt9
10. Sample18 responses; 9 blind; 9 partially sightedAll web desktop usersHalf use mobile devices5 blind; 4 partially sightedThus preliminaryWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt10
11. ResultsBlind usersPattern confirmed on both settingsMob: 4/5 disable picture; 5th browse specific sitesBoth: 6/9 disable picture; 2 disable CSS&JSPartially sightedGenerally, no configuration doneWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt11
12. DiscussionBlind usersChecks expectations Must be consolidated by numbersPartially sightedRejects expectationsMust be further studiedCould be generalizedEvaluate the content based on the user-agent settingsWWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt12
13. What nextExtend the studyFurther understand the scope of the patternFind other patterns Understand new guidelines for new mobile devicesDevices/configurations/disabilities!WWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt13
15. MotivationDo I want to visit this Web site using my mobile device?Alt: noneAtl: this is a HUGE picture of a beach in Goa at the sun set with a coconut tree in the first planeDo not load images!WWW, 03-2011lmc@di.fc.ul.pt15