Item analysis is a process used to evaluate the quality and performance of individual test items. It involves analyzing students' responses to separate test items and comparing performance on individual items to overall test scores. The main tasks of item analysis are assessing item discrimination and difficulty. Item discrimination examines how well an item distinguishes between students who know the material well versus those who do not. Item difficulty looks at the proportion of students who answered an item correctly. Electronic and manual methods are used to calculate discrimination and difficulty indices to evaluate item quality. Item response theory is an alternative statistical approach to item analysis.
2. What is item analysis?
Judging the quality of
test items by
examining the
students responses
Competent vs. less
competent students?
Difficulty of items?
3. How is item analysis done?
Administer the
Check the
responses to
separate items
Check the total
4. Tasks of item analysis
1st task: Item discrimination
Sort the students who
know the topic well from
those who do not
Correlate performance on
a single test item with
total test performance
(+) Correlation better
2nd task: Item difficulty
5. Electronic item analysis
Student Item 1
Score / 30
A 1 25
B 1 19
C 1 18
D 0 16
E 1 12
F 0 10
Average total score
(correct Item 1) = 18.5
Average total score
(incorrect Item 1) = 13
Computed correlation
coefficient = 0.53
Item is to some extent
related to the total score
Correct = 1
Incorrect = 0
6. Electronic item analysis
r = correlation of an option with the total score
p = percentage of students who chose that option (n = 65)
Correct options should show positive correlations; distractors
should show negative correlations
Item 1: r = 0.25 low correlation
Item 2: r = 0.49 fairly good correlation
Item 3: r = 0.34 modest correlation
r 0.15 course content is not being assessed well
eliminate the item (OR revise)
Item A B C
1 r = -0.27
p = 13.89
r = 0.25
p = 50.00
r = -0.06
p = 36.11
2 r = -0.46
p = 5.56
r = 0.49
p = 88.86
r = -0.22
p = 5.56
3 r = -0.30
p = 16.67
r = -0.13
p = 27.78
r = 0.34
p = 55.56
7. Electronic item analysis
r = correlation of an option with the total score
p = percentage of students who chose that option (n = 65)
Standard error (SE) = 1 / (number of students 1)
= 0.12
Any r > 2(SE) will be accepted as other than a chance
relationship between the item and the total score
Item 1: r = 0.25 > 0.24 [2(SE)] very marginal but acceptable
Item A B C
1 r = -0.27
p = 13.89
r = 0.25
p = 50.00
r = -0.06
p = 36.11
2 r = -0.46
p = 5.56
r = 0.49
p = 88.86
r = -0.22
p = 5.56
3 r = -0.30
p = 16.67
r = -0.13
p = 27.78
r = 0.34
p = 55.56
8. Item analysis by hand
Step 1: Arrange the students papers according to their
test scores (highest to lowest).
Step 2: Divide these into high scorers vs. low scorers.
Step 3: Tabulate the number of students who chose each
option in both groups.
Step 4: Compute for the discrimination index.
Item 1 A B C D Total
High scorers 2 4 0 16 22
Low scorers 12 7 0 4 23
9. Item analysis by hand
Step 4: Compute for the discrimination index (DI).
DI = (NumHigh NumLow)
Number of students in larger group
= (16 4) / 23 = 0.52
* Ranges from 0 1.00
* Can also be negative (for distractors)
Item 1 A B C D Total
High scorers 2 4 0 16 22
Low scorers 12 7 0 4 23
10. Item analysis by hand
Alternative: Straight difference method
Steps 1 3: Same
Step 4: Compute for NumHigh NumLow.
If 0.10(n) adequate (used across all items)
16 4 = 12
0.10(45) = 4.5
Item 1 A B C D Total
High scorers 2 4 0 16 22
Low scorers 12 7 0 4 23
11. Analysis of distractors
Distractor C was not chosen by any student 3-option
item (0.33 instead of 0.25 chance level of guessing the
item correctly)
Good item each distractor will be chosen more often
by the low scorers
Item 1 A B C D
High scorers 4 13 0 3
Low scorers 7 9 0 4
p 27.5 55.0 0.0 18.5
12. Tasks of item analysis
2nd task: Item difficulty
Difficulty index/facility
index = proportion of
students who get an item
Step 1: Award a score to
each student.
Step 2: Arrange the scored
tests from highest to lowest.
Step 3: Identify the upper
and lower 27%.
Step 4: Count the response
counts in each group.
Item 1 A B C D Total
2 4 0 16 22
11 7 0 4 22
13. Tasks of item analysis
2nd task: Item difficulty
Difficulty index/facility
index = proportion of
students who get an item
Step 5: Calculate the
difficulty index.
= H + L
H = no. of students in the high group with
a correct answer
L = no. of students in the low group with a
correct answer
N = total no. of students
Item 1 A B C D Total
2 4 0 16 22
11 7 0 4 22
14. Tasks of item analysis
2nd task: Item difficulty
Difficulty index/facility
index = proportion of
students who get an item
Ranges from 0 1.00
Best 0.50 (0.30 0.70)
Larger index easier
item; smaller index
more difficult item
DI = (16 + 4) / 80
= 0.25
0.35 = excellent question
0.25 0.34 = good question
0.15 0.24 = marginal
question revise
<0.15 = poor question
Item 1 A B C D Total
2 4 0 16 22
11 7 0 4 22
15. Item analysis for essay tests
Step 1: Identify the upper and lower 25% of the students.
Step 2: Compute for the following:
Disc. = (Sum of scores for highs sum of score for lows)
N x (max. possible score on item)
Diff. = (Sum of scores for highs + sum of score for lows)
2N x (max. possible score on item)
N = 25% of the number tested
Item Score
High Group Low Group
No. of Students No. of Students
x Score
No. of Students No. of Students
x Score
10 9 90 1 10
8 6 48 0 0
6 2 12 4 24
4 3 12 7 28
2 0 0 8 16
Total 20 162 20 78
16. Item analysis for essay tests
Step 2: Compute for the following:
Disc. = (Sum of scores for highs sum of score for lows)
N x (max. possible score on item)
= (162 78) / [(0.25 x 80) x 10] = 0.42
Satisfactory discrimination
Item Score
High Group Low Group
No. of Students No. of Students
x Score
No. of Students No. of Students
x Score
10 9 90 1 10
8 6 48 0 0
6 2 12 4 24
4 3 12 7 28
2 0 0 8 16
Total 20 162 20 78
17. Item analysis for essay tests
Step 2: Compute for the following:
Diff. = (Sum of scores for highs + sum of score for lows)
2N x (max. possible score on item)
= (162 + 78) / [(2 x 0.25 x 80) x 10] = 0.60
Satisfactory difficulty
Item Score
High Group Low Group
No. of Students No. of Students
x Score
No. of Students No. of Students
x Score
10 9 90 1 10
8 6 48 0 0
6 2 12 4 24
4 3 12 7 28
2 0 0 8 16
Total 20 162 20 78
18. Item response theory and item analysis
Calculates the odds of getting an item right converts
this number to a natural logarithm
Allows faculty to equate the item difficulty scale on one
test to the scale of another test and across different
student groups
Useful system for building item banks