Kenalkan nama aku Luthfi Karim
I'm currently 17 years old
Aku sekolah di SMAN 8 Bandung
tepatnya dikelas XII A 6
I want to have a lot of friends
Don't care about gender, age, and education status
I love simple things
Hate the complicated
Online is my passion, without it I'm nothing
My current hobby is playing arcade games
Especially dancing games such as DanceDanceRevolution and Pump It Up
But I'm also love grinding notes at Technika
I'm a technology fanatics
I'm literally in love with all the technologies, gadgets, and so much more
Once stayed at South Borneo
dan sekolah di SMAN 1 Banjarmasin
previously, aku sekolah di SMPN 2 Banjarmasin
tepatnya dikelas 8.F dan 9.B
I've also staye