According to Greek mythology:
- In the beginning there was Chaos, from which emerged Gaia (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Sky). Gaia and Uranus had six children called the Titans.
- Gaia and Uranus also gave birth to monsters, which Uranus disliked and forced back into Gaia's womb, angering her. She sought the Titans' help.
- With Gaia's help, the youngest Titan Cronus defeated Uranus by castrating him. Cronus later married his sister Rhea and swallowed their children due to a prophecy, except for Zeus who was saved and would later defeat Cronus.
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greek mythology
1. Accordingto Greekmythology,inthe beginningthere wasnothing.Thiswascalled
Chaos.From thisnothingnesscame lightandformed MotherEarth(Gaia) andSky (Uranus) From Gaia
and Uranus came six twinsknownasthe Titans.The six twinTitanswere namedOceanusandTethys,
Gaia and Uranus alsogave birthto three Cyclopes,three giants,eachwithfiftyheads
and one-hundredarms.Uranusdislikedhisoffspring,sohe forcedthemtoreturnto theirmother¨s
womb.The painof carryingthe numerouschildrenangeredGaia,andshe made a planforrevenge
againstUranus. She calleduponthe Titansto helpher.The youngest,Cronos(masterof time),came to
heraid. Cronos,withhismother¨shelp,createdasickle andcut off hisfather¨sgenitalswhenhisfather
came to be withhismother.
Cronoscast the cut off genitalsintothe sea.Accordingtosome versionsof the myth,
the goddessAphrodite wascreatedfromthe bloodthatdroppedintothe sea.Inadditionsome of the
blooddroppedonto the earthcreatingall typesof scary offspring.
Afterdefeatinghisfather,CronosmarriedhissisterRhea.The twohad six children:
Hestia,Demeter,Hera,Hades,PoseidonandZeus.Cronos,aftereachbirth,swallowedthe firstfive
childrenbecause of aprophecythatclimedone of hischildrenwouldoverthrow him.Rheatricked
Cronoswiththe sixthchild.Zeus,insteadof handingCronosthe child,she gave himarock in a blanket.
Cronosswalloweditbelievingitwasthe baby.Rheathensmuggledthe babyZeustothe islandof Crete
to be raisedby nymphs.LaterZeuswouldreturnto defeathisfatherinthe battle betweenthe
Olympiansandthe Titans.